Legend about the Black Doctor and the Black Colonel
Veins in village(mudstream) of the She-goat in the Solar valley, in a southeast of Crimea, pupil Avitsenny - the doctor-healer known magic, medical grasses and laws of movement of heavenly bodies. For its(his) disinterested kindness, wise advice(councils) and talent for doctoring peasants have nicknamed its(his) Doctor. However the talent of this kind, clever and irrepressible person was not limited to one doctoring. On the lands he was engaged in wine growing and after long years of work has deduced(removed) two unusual cultivars of grapes from which berries the Doctor prepared for precious wine of color of dark magic rubies. By means of this wine he worked wonders, restoring to life fatal cases. The glory about the Doctor and a miracle-drink has soon stepped over borders Kimmerii. Once in this far, deaf(indistinct) and bewitching Crimean corner the destiny has resulted(brought) the Colonel, gonimogo intrigues of an imperial court yard. In the cosy house between mountains and forests, on a shore of Black sea he spent a life in hunting and long heart-to-heart talks with the clever Doctor.The passion of the Colonel to hunting has in the course of time amplified. He was by nature brave and desperate person, not time risked a life. Once during the next hunting the Colonel has been hardly wounded by the hit wild boar-секачом. Bleeding profusely, its(his) hunters to the house of the Doctor have brought, but there was no its(his) house. The appeared in time neighbours have advised hunters to pour to the Colonel of miracle wine. Sincerely wishing to help(assist), friends have allowed him to drink a full jug of a magic beverage. The miracle has occured(happened) and this time. Dying has opened eyes, has risen... But the jug has appeared is too great: instantly having cured a flesh and having restored forces, wine as has quickly obscured reason. Made dizzy(got drunk;intoxicated) by wine, that not wishing, the Colonel has thrown on a Doctor come back in twilight and has killed it(him), having accepted for the enemy on a battle-field. And when has come to the senses, the terrible message about mors of the friend instantly and has for ever made sober it(him). He has pledged to not drink henceforth drops of wine.
The peasants idolized(worshiped) the doctor-wizard, from its(his) vineyard have given rods names in memory of this history. One have named " Ekim the Penalty " - " the Black Doctor ", another - " Dzhevat the Penalty " - " the Black Colonel ".
And to this day fault(wine) with such names store(keep) in itself as if(as) the fantastic alive and dead water, confronting(contradictory) has begun two: curing and blasting, as if(as) honey and a poison(venom)...
These native cultivars grow and save the gustatory qualities and medical properts only in a unique edaphic-climatic zone of the Solar valley of Crimea, on a place of former vineyards of the Doctor. Transferred(carried) to other places and regions, cultivars can give higher crops, but lose thus unique advantages.
For the first time in skilled(experienced) winemaking a wine brand " the Black Doctor " has been tested per 1933-44 And in 1940 wine of a crop of 1939, prepared on vinopunkte in village(mudstream) of the She-goat, has received a high estimation on All-Union degustation in Moscow. As well as many red wines, " the Black Doctor " possesses radioprotektornym action, Ó-vitamin activity. Contains vitamins В1, В2, В6, В12, the rare organic acids and biologically active agents. The glucose and a laevulose are easily acquired by an organism of the person and are additional energopodderzhkoj for a cardiac musle, salutarily influences a state of blood vessels at an atherosclerosis.
According to(Agree) ancient poverju, wine should be used at loss by the person of a blood, an attrition and a breakdown. To the soldiers who are come back from a field of abuse, allowed to drink this wine and it(him) washed out wounds. High bactericidal properties of " the Black doctor " promoted fast zazhivaniju. Its(his) action is similar applied in medicine "zelenke".
The race of wine is original tones of a dried plum, chocolate and thin tints of vanilla. Taste full, velvety, with the expressed tones of a dried pear, milk(dairy) slivok, morocco and tsargradskoj mulberries. Piquant acerbity does not prevent fault to be soft, harmonious, coped(harmonious). In poslevkusii the pleasant tint of cocoa and slivok is felt. So it(him) not only to drink it is useful, but also it is pleasant and, that the main thing, - is tasty. Only " Ministry of Health warns " - drink moderately, do not assimilate to the Black Colonel.
Source: " the Russian Almanac of Faults(Wines) "