Ultra light travel

Hiking - long pedestrian travel (normally made for the sake of own pleasure, instead of in the sports purposes). From Russian words is better the word "hike" approaches(suits).
Hiker - the pedestrian traveller, the tourist.
Backpack - naspinnyj a bag on straps, that is, a backpack our way.
Backpacking - (long) pedestrian travel c a backpack, a hike with a backpack.
Ultralight - superlight(supermild).
Lightweight - light(mild) (in sense, weight).
(Ultra) light Backpacking, (Ultra) light Hiking - long pedestrian travel c in the minimal gross weight, all taken in this travel.
(Ultra) light Gear - (over) light(mild) equipment.
Base pack weight - weight of everything, that you carry, except for water, meal and fuel (i.e. account materials).
Silnylon - a tissue of weaving rip-stop, impregnated a silicon, in density 28 ú/m. kv. Soda/Pepsi Can Stove - a self-made torch (stove), made of an aluminum can (can) from under »Ñ»ß¿/soda (soda/pepsi).
Pound - pound = 0,454 kg. (abbr. - lb.)
Ounce - ounce = 28,35 gr. (abbr. - oz.)
Philosophy, principles
The given concept is not new, to her already many people for a long time used. And who did not think of how to take in a hike less than things and equipment - in fact all it Emma Gejtvud by a nickname "Babulja", which in 67 years has passed(has taken place) Appalachian Trail (it is necessary to drag on the brachiums. A legend among American hajkerov was the pedestrian route on the east of the USA in length of 3500 km http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appalachian_Trail).
And then has passed(has taken place) it(him) again, again and again. Thus she always travelled one, without awnings, sleeping bags, backpacks, maps and tourist a boot. She preferred tennis shoes and wore out them on five pairs. In the self-made bag she took: a sweater, a jacket, a scarf, a light(mild) woolen jacket for a dream, plastic shtorku for bathing as an awning, two plastic bottles for water, a cap from a rain, a raincoat that of a rain, a small lamp, the Swiss knife, a teaspoon, a small mug, matches, Emplastrum, antiseptic, pins, hairpins, a thread, a needle, soap, a towel.
In modern comprehension (Ultra) light Hiking/Backpacking I would reduce the concept to one principle: “ the Minimum of weight without damage to safety and a minimum level of convenience ”. Plus two basic ways as it(this) to achieve.
The first - to minimize the list of things (clothes, equipment, meal, medicines, shelters, etc.) which you take with yourselves in travel.
To not take that CAN be necessary - only necessary. To clean(remove) (to unfasten) all parts of equipment and clothes which will not be used.
The second - to use all only most light(mild), small, packed, reliable and multipurpose.
This item(point) concerns and to your body - you will drag pair of superfluous kgs of Adeps. Thus, decrease of weight of one element of equipment, can influence a choice of other equipment as follows:
For example, the we shall put smaller weight in a backpack, the less bulky and serious backpack to us it is required, and it will lead to that, as footwear, raschitannuju on the big weight, it is possible to replace with lighter(more mild). All ingenious is simple.
Naturally, at all inquiries to comfort various, and demands to safety depend first of all (as I think) on complexity of a route and experience. Therefore, I think, here it is not necessary to follow blindly to the digits resulted(brought) on many resources. So, about what digits there is a speech? Certainly about weight.
Depending on so-called base weight (Base pack weight) the hike (on weight) can be classified as follows:
Less than 12 pounds (5,5 kg) - extralight (ultralight),
12 - 20 pounds (5,5 - 9 kg) kkk - light(mild) (lightweight),
20 - 30 pounds (9 - 14 kg) - ordinary
More than 30 pounds (14 kg) - “ you are really strong, or silly, or both that and another ”.
For the beginning it is possible to be guided by following digit - weight of everything, that you carry on yourselves, should not exceed 20 - 25 % from your weight, including water, meal, fuel.
For example, for the woman in weight of 55 kg, 25 % will make about 14 kg on all. If into it enters 2 l. Waters (2 kg) and meal for 4 days (2,8 kg) remains about 9-10 kg on all rest (i.e. we get in lightweight). Though such principle is not universal: 20 % for 100 kg. Men give 20 kg, and for 55 kg of the woman - 11 kg. As always the most difficult - to save balance meanwhile, “ that it would be desirable ” and that “ that it is necessary ” to take with itself.
Advantages (Ultra) light Hiking/Backpacking
Using the given concept it is possible:
- It is more to enjoy travel - in fact you for this purpose in it(him) and send;
- To travel further - to pass(take place) in day greater distance;
- To move more quickly;
- It is less to get tired;
- To protect knees and a back, from the illnesses(diseases) bound to their overload;
- To facilitate legs(foots) - to use lighter(more mild) boots and to be more maneuverable.
Except for that you spare money as the most part of superlight(supermild) equipment and clothes is cheaper classical. The most important exception - sleeping bags, they is more dear(expensive) ordinary.
The psychological equipment(installation)
Idea in that we do not want anything too big. We want only that is necessary and no more. "Less" - does not mean a disadvantage something, and only self-restriction. I.e. to proceed it is necessary from a principle of self-sufficiency. The traveller constantly borrowing(lending) equipment, meal, water, fuel, not the traveller, and the parasite on a body of tourist community. Certainly there are situations when it is necessary to share, but the basic purpose of such traveller - to have all that is necessary for him at itself as in some districts it is possible to not meet anybody in current of several days or weeks. It does(makes) self-sufficiency obligatory.
Your body - not exception in business of depression of gross weight. You as should be adjusted(set up) on lowering the weight - to clean(remove) all superfluous - more muscles which will work, and it is less than Adeps which to you should be carried.
And not in which event it is not necessary to type(collect) weight before a hike, raschityvaja to use these "stocks" in a way.
Reality and experience
In a life all to provide it is impossible. Bad weather or a climate, necessity for a special diet can enlarge weight of a backpack. Is better to test preliminary principles (Ultra) light Hiking/Backpacking on a short route with several spending the night before to send to travel on a long route. Some thinnesses and problems become visible only in some days after a yield(an exit). And travel to good weather - not the most reliable way to check up your approach. Your preparation should be checked in the inferior conditions which can meet on a real route. Establish(install) an awning, check up capes and shelters up to a yield(an exit) on a route.
Be cautious, taking with itself of children, animal and not skilled(experienced) and older persons. Let nobody speaks you, that it is necessary to you, and that is not present. Solve. And more. All comes with experience. With each hike you will understand all is better, that it is necessary to you and not necessary to take with yourself how to use this or that thing. Anybody to you to tell that cannot is necessary for you.
It is constant process of search of an optimum minimum!
Preferences in equipment
Decreases of weight of modern equipment and clothes, has occured(happened) owing to new tissues and design. To think non-standardly - here of a way of generation of thousand new ideas.
Utilization silnajlona for shelters, awnings, holdalls, capes on a backpack and raincoats can lower weight in half, in comparison with ordinary things. The truth with it(him) it is necessary to be especially close(attentive) at cooking and work with a needle, but the result impresses.
mikroflis, silk, polyester and najlon have replaced a clap(cotton) and thick artificial fibers. As result - more universal, light(mild) and quick-drying clothes.
The multi-purpose equipment excludes duplication. But here it is necessary to think before to place under a threat health or safety. It is not necessary to trust poncho which serves both a raincoat and a cape on a backpack, and the basic shelter. As the free cape from a rain she is not better than a light(mild) jacket. Water can drip and flow down on arms(hand) at utilization poncho with trekking palkami.
To take out from itself and to use a raincoat as shelter in cold and rainy weather - bad idea. In such weather it is very important to remain dry and warm and the clothes protecting from a rain, can serve as very effective agent from a wind, saving nagretyj a body a layer of air. And putting off(taking out) from of this important layer in the extremity(end) of day that from it(him) to organize shelter for the night, demands special treating and check.
However very skilled(experienced) hajkery use such system. In the summer, in desert or on short routes it is possible to use such approach with success.
The vital equipment should not be used doubly. If you have put on(allocate) poncho from a rain and have simultaneously closed it(him) a backpack you cannot take out a backpack any more and cover it(him) with it(this) poncho - to you something it is necessary to be closed from a rain. The same and with shelter - if the temperature has fallen, and poncho it is necessary to be warmed, you it(him) cannot take out it(him) from yourselves any more and make of it(him) shelter. If you have solved a serious backpack, a jacket with gorteks and 3 seasonal tent to replace with one universal thing - “ a пончо-awning-cape on a backpack ” notwithstanding what you will save about 2 kg. It is necessary to survey closely(attentively) such approach from the various points of view. In this case your backpack should be always with you. If during a rain you have established(installed) shelter from such universal thing, you have already nothing to be covered to descend(go) “ on big ” or “ on small ”.
On what it is possible to save, if you travel not one. But it is necessary to not forget about the following.
If your partner will decide to curtail(turn) halfway home, whether you can continue travel? Especially it concerns(touches) shelters and sleeping systems. Unimportantly, how much(as far as) you trust the partner - can happen so, that you will be parted couple of days. So you should have something under what you can be covered. During travel, it can be found out, that it is required to your partner of more place under shelter, it should be considered. It is possible to solve this question by means of poncho, having attached its(his) awning as a lobby. However in case of a rain, in the morning when you should get ready for a trip, it can lead to inconveniences, in fact you poncho is a part of your shelter.
Some steams(pairs) sleep together in one sleeping bag. However if you all the night long turn and turn, and and strive vytolkat the partner from a sleeping bag it is better to take to everyone on a sleeping bag.
In occasion of meal. One make a breakfast every morning without problems. For others to wash up a bowl - a greater(big) problem - they will better have a sleep superfluous polchasika and will eat a snickers before a yield(an exit) on a route. The some people stop and prepare on a route in current of day. If at you different preferences in that as when is it is better to everyone to take the meal and a tile for cooking.
Well and now we shall start actually treating equipment for these purposes.
Backpacks, bags (Rucksacks/Backpacks/Packs)
Begin with cutting superfluous straps and you will see as inches of a tissue turn to the saved grams of weight. Then think of total amount of a backpack, a bag, especially if they are made of a dense and serious tissue. Having picked up the size under the needs(requirements), you will save gram 50 - 100.
Backpacks made completely from a tissue rip-stop can essentially help(assist) with depression of gross weight. For external pockets under water, a raincoat, a cape it is possible to use a grid. It is better to use backpacks with a cargo girdle as meal for a week plus water can easily finish weight of load up to 16 kg.
As will not prevent polyethylene capes and garbage bags - for protection of meal and sleeping bags against water.
Breeze - a classical extralight backpack in weight 400 gr. And mesh pockets. In these pockets it is convenient to put(fold) any wet things and bottles with water. One of tricks - braid a sleeping sleeping pad in the cylinder and insert it(him) upright into a backpack. And then, put(fold) all rest inside of the formed cylinder.
There are two basic ways for protection of a contained backpack against deposits. The first - a waterproof cape on a backpack, the second - to enclose inside of a backpack a garbage bag. The dry kit of clothes and a sleeping bag should have own waterproof bags/packages. Here still pair of examples:
http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~e_lehman/Ultralight/p1.jpg - nearby 700 gr.,
http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~e_lehman/Ultralight/g4.jpg - 450 gr.
To choose an extralight backpack simply - only take the checked up models, and not just that entered into a market. What to carry greater weight, the backpack with a skeleton and a cargo girdle is necessary to you. These(it) 3 models
raschitany on a load about 14 kg 2-2,5 kg also weigh.
And any extralight backpack lighter classical on the whole of 2,5 kg and noticeably is cheaper.
Shelters (Shelters)
Shelters should protect you during rest(tour) from the deposits creeping and flying insects, wet and cold land, a condensate.
Awnings from not soaking through panel without a bottom(fundus) (Tarps)
It(He) does not have floor. Its(his) advantages: an any inclination, a greater(big) area of a covering on a unit of weight. As the floor is not present, animals inside will have nothing to tear claws, fuel from a tile will not burn it(him), it(he) can be established(installed) on a rough surface. But it is necessary to be close(attentive) at a choice of a place that water did not flow down on a place where you sleep - it is possible to establish(install) an awning on a place with a bias. Such awning normally by means of trekking palok and delays is established(installed).
http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~e_lehman/Ultralight/tarptent.jpg - 650 gr.
They have a roof from a rain, a fine grid from insects and sufficient ventilation. The floor is a separate element and isolates from wet land and the insects which are being a grass.
Awnings and tents (Tents and Shelters)
These are self-made tents
http://www.trailquest.net/dlgctactent2.html - double
http://www.trailquest.net/dlgctactentsolo.html - single, weight 560 gr.
The some people consider(count), that it is better to spend money for more serious tent, than to spend for manufacturing self-made. If long travel it is better taki to spend their all for such superlight(supermild) tent weight and the money spent during the hike is necessary to you is will save.
ultra light(mild) awnings and tents win in weight against two-layer tents from 2 kg and more.
Wigwams (Teepees)
http://www.trailquest.net/BRteepee.html - from silnajlona, weight about 1,2 kg.
Hammocks (Hammocks)
They raschitany on one traveller and not so approach(suit) for cold weather http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~e_lehman/Ultralight/hammock.jpg
. In district on which passes(takes place) a route, there should be enough trees that was to what to adhere a hammock. The hammock can be used and on time(temporary) parking as bivuachnogo a bag. If you have only a hammock, and there is no awning in bad can be weather difficultly enough cook food. On the other hand in a hammock sleeping sleeping pads, and stones and water flowing down by the ground are not necessary to you, to you will not stir(prevent). Normally weight from 0,7 up to 1,1 kg. Most widely used gamachnaja system - “ Hennessy Hammock ”.
Bivuachnye bags (Bivy)
Bivuachnyj the bag can be used as additional protection for a sleeping bag from a rain or a cold. Them seldom use as independent shelter.
Ground coverings (Ground cloths)
Such coverings are occasionally necessary for awnings (without a bottom(fundus)).
At their choice, look, that they were hardly less areas of a floor of an awning that water, flowing down on a panel, did not get on them.
Those who uses hammocks, normally too need something, on what it is possible to put things under a hammock. It can be a plastic bag. Normally for a covering use tissue Tyvek.
Pegs (Stakes)
For sandy or petrous soil such pegs will approach(suit) here.
Sleeping systems (Sleep System)
The sleeping system carries out three functions: warms you during a dream, supports(maintains) a head and softens a rough and rigid floor, isolates you from land.
It is not necessary to take specially with itself a pillow - quality of a pillow it is possible to use a bag stuffed by soft things.
For a softening and isolation from cold land inflatable mattresses or the made foam sleeping pads serve. As a whole inflatable mattresses more hardly, more dearly(expensively), borrow(occupy) less places and it is more convenient. For warm weather it is possible to choose a sleeping pad more shortly, but in cold conditions the sleeping pad should be long enough that legs(foots) completely were located on him.
Pick up a sleeping bag or a blanket corresponding(meeting) the lowest expected temperatures. Unlike the majority of extralight equipment, extralight sleeping bags are more dear(expensive) ordinary. The best excipient is the down - from 700 up to 900 FP. Such sleeping bag heats better any synthetics that about her did not speak, lighter(more mild), perfectly presses close and more longly serves. To take sleeping bags with lower FP it is not recommended - they serve not for long.
In winter conditions, in a down sleeping bag probably otsyrevanie down because of vaporizations from your body. For prevention of it(this) it is possible to use steamproof loose leaves. Often speak, that wet synthetics continues to heat, and the wet down - is not present. But in a reality it is not of great importance, as down in a sleeping bag hardly enough to wet because of the waterproof upper tissue used in modern models. However be ready for economy of weight and warm(warmly) to pay pair of hundreds superfluous dollars.
If you have decided to stop on synthetics (that is meaningful in very wet conditions) - take sleeping bags with Thinsulate LiteLoft - he lighter(more mild) and compact or with Polarguard 3D. The sleeping bag, with temperature up to-7С, will satisfy practically any to that 3 seasonal sleeping bag is necessary. However to the temperatures specified by the producer, concern from shares of scepticism - these digits are subjective enough. Do not take too spacious or long sleeping bag - it will be difficult to body to heat up additional volume of air. An awning or bivuachnyj a bag will add about 6 degrees of isolation, in comparison with a dream on open air. The lining from silk or flisa enlarges thermal insulation of a sleeping bag. If it is very cold, it is possible to insert inside of a sleeping bag into area of legs(foots) silnajlonovyj a bag. As, in cold conditions it is possible to use steamproof bags and clothes.
Clothes (Clothing)
The major principle - any clap(cotton), he is serious, imbibes a lot of water, thus ceases to heat and dries the whole eternity. The classical trizonal system Here approaches(suits).
The base layer - a T-short, for example orange - that you was hit by hunters and if now not the hunting season - that was hit by poachers:o)
And shorts, it is desirable with deep (from fine all will drop out) pockets - for maps and sandwiches. In some conditions it is more convenient to go in long trousers and a jacket with long sleeves - for protection against the sun, the insects, stinging plants. The duplicating set - for a dream or for the period of washing the core Is recommended.
The some people prefer skirts and Scottish kilt - they are comfortable and do not rub. That you would not choose - search for something comfortable and from 100 % of nylon or polyester. Silk is very convenient, but is quickly blasted under the sun.
It is recommended to wear the second layer, even in warm weather. The pullover from flisa, with the latch on a neck is preferable, a hood, or at least a high collar - he light(mild) and quickly dries. Flisovoe body stockings - a fine sublayer for legs(foots). The they fit more densely, the better. Nylon body stockings 30 gram weighs only, and together with storm trousers frames light(mild) and warm universal system.
Except for very hot weather are recommended flisovaja shapochka and gloves or mittens. Do not fold the awning in such gloves in the morning - they will become wet from a morning condensate - and arms(hand) at you longly will cold.
As the waterproof jacket with a hood and probably waterproof trousers is required to you. Do not limit itself only “ breathing water-proof ” to materials of type Gore-Tex. Other variants, something like it(this) are possible(probable).
The some people love jackets and trousers from silnajlona. This kit weighs only 170 grams and is steamproof protection against a wind and a rain. For colder conditions the warmed down or synthetic jackets or softshell approach(suit).
In rather thin to a forest or on the open district, application of a light(mild) umbrella(parasol) is possible(probable). It(he) can be used for protection of and a backpack from deposits or the scorching sun during movement or a short halt. The umbrella(parasol) allows to replace clothes from Gore-Tex on what that more simple and light(mild).
Sets of utensils, torch (Cookwear, Stoves)
Preparation of meal inevitably in a hike - you cannot eat all time vsuhomjatku. The price of hot meal in translation(transfer) into weight (except for fuel) is not too high - nearby 250 gr. Except for, that, it allows to carry light(mild) sublimirovannuju nutrition, type of fig. the Typical kitchen system consists of the spoon, a bowl and a torch. The bowl or kastrjulka on one should have volume nearby 1 l. For example here such. It is possible to take aluminium utensils, but in view of problems with cleaning, dents, and pollution of meal by aluminium are better for taking titanic.
The torch should have power, sufficient for fast boiling treatment 0,5 l. The typical extralight torch consists of three parts: rings, supports for utensils, the wind-shelter screen. In ordinary conditions self-made torches outdo commercial variants. Such torch is done(made) of ordinary aluminum cans from under pepsi or soda. The typical variant of such torch possesses following characteristics: power - 1400 W, on 30 ml fuel it is possible to boil 0,5 l waters for 5 minutes, on 45 ml fuel it is possible to boil 1 l waters for 12 minutes. At great volumes of water self-made torches on alcohol lose commercial variants on gas because of greater(big) losses of heat. Details here.
As commercial variants of type MSR Pocket Rocket (weight 86 gr are popular., 1 l waters begins to boil for 3,5 minutes) or Primus Alpine Titanium (97 gr., 3000 W, 1 l for 3 minutes), working on gas, admixtures of gases (a propane, butane, izopropan) or on liquid fuel (kerosene, legroin, car gasoline). It is possible to use tablets of hard fuel Esbit in such here to a torch-support. Under the application(statement) of the producer of a tablet in weight 14 gr it is enough to boil 400 ml waters for 9 minutes.
The wind-shelter screen can be made of two-three layers of the thick foil curtailed(turned) into the cylinder. Below it is necessary to do holes for an air flow and to clamp a foil a paper clip. The support should maintain weight of a bowl with meal and to be enough stable. Here 230 gramme system for preparation of meal is presented(introduced). As a source of heat the self-made torch from the aluminum cans, working on denaturirovannom alcohol is used. This torch weighs only 30 gram. Also do not forget about matches - put some kits in different places, that all of them simultaneously could not get wet.
Capacities for water, processing of water (Water Capacity/Treatment)
On the average, 4-8 litres of water day are necessary to the traveller. As capacities for water plastic bottles in volume 1.5-2 l often are used. Or here such http://shambala.com.ua/catalog/index.php?versionID=1&page=catalog&categoryID=291 winebags from silnajlona. Winebags are convenient on parking and in camp, to carry in them water on a route inconveniently. Sometimes it is necessary to type(collect) water on a shoal or in darkness. In this case it is useful small kruzhechka and bottles with a wide neck. Never send to a way with one only a water filter. They often are fractured. Necessarily take with itself chemical reagents for a decontamination of water. Though boiling treatment is effective enough, but can happen so, that you will not have a fuel to boil water.
Filters (Filters)
From 69 interrogated hajkerov, used filters, 53 % marked(celebrated) frustration of health in some days after the beginning of travel. Remember, that some ingredients of filters are fractured or flow, and filtering elements periodically clog.
The most popular filter is “ Katadyn Hiker ” - you simply lower(omit) a hose with a black handpiece in water, pump for the handle and the filtered off water leaves through this(thus) grey shtukovinu. In general that you can clean(remove) this(thus) greater(big) grey shtukovinu, having saved gram 30-50. Approximately in a month the filter starts to be hammered and it(he) should be changed. The most effective way to enlarge service life of the filter - to watch(keep up) that in an entrance branch pipe any turbidity and a mud was not sucked in. The big disadvantage of filters - weight and the price. “ Katadyn Hiker ” weighs 312 gr.
Iodine (Iodine)
It is used by many. He light(mild) and inexpensive. However, pay attention to the instruction - some producers demand, that water had temperature a minimum +10С that the iodine operated(worked). As, he can change taste of the meal prepared on such water. The powder of vitamin C can decolour water, but simultaneously and to deprive with activity an iodine so add it(him) after a full decontamination.
Chlorine (Chlorine)
In due course he is blasted in warm water and on the sun, and he is noneffective in cold water. Nevertheless it(him) easily to get, some drops on litre are required all, is quickly dissolved in water.
Correct hygiene will help(assist) to exclude the majority of gastric diseases.
Trekking a stick (Trekking poles)
They are useful in many situations. They reduce a load on knees, reduce risk of a stretching of malleoluses, help(assist) to hold equilibrium in nonresistant situations, them it is possible to shelter from dogs and snakes, they can be used for the equipment(installation) of shelters. Do not buy the lungs - they easily bend. Also do not think that their utilization - a whim and peacockery - they are very useful, especially on stepped slopes.
Toes(Socks) (Socks)
The choice of toes(socks) depends on several factors. If you already wore what that and they have liked you - buy some pairs. Be convinced, that they do not slip and well keep on a leg(foot) during walking. In a hike take some pairs. The some people hajkery prefer to dress under the "basic" woolen or mixed toes(socks) thin nylon. At a choice the weight, a weather environment and how much free footwear at you is important. If you merznete at night, take pair only for parking. Hold their dry together with a sleeping bag and clothes in which you sleep. Flisovye toes(socks) are ideal for a dream, prickly woolen - never will damage(injure;hurt). Three pairs - just right - in one sleep, others wear, the third - reserve. It is recommended to dry every night toes(socks) on open air even if you did not erase them.
Footwear (Footwear)
Racing krossovki - stronger racing footwear, have replaced serious tourist boots. If they of high quality will serve from 930 up to 1800 km. Ways. They quickly dry, do not demand raznoski, and "are more favourable" to ligaments(cords) and kolenjam. Check up a protector of a sole - the drawing should be dense and deep. During purchase do not forget that your foot in the evening hardly more, than in the morning. Enough empty seat in district of a toe and densely fitting calcaneal part (back) is necessary. The excessive length shnurkov is better for cleaning(removing), that they had the smaller tendency to be untied. During a long hike regulary check a sole and an insole for aging aggression and damages. However it is probably not enough sole of light(mild) sport shoes for petrous district. Sandals, also the important element of equipment. In stronger sandals it is possible to cross fords and to move on a route. For example, in such http://shambala.com.ua/catalog/index.php?page=catalog_card&categoryID=205&versionID=1&itemID=23. They also are good for wearing in camp.
Intuitively it would be desirable to dress serious, waterproof boots with a rigid sole. At this variant is as pluss and minuses. Numerous researches have shown, that 450 gram of weight on a leg(foot) are equivalent to 2700 grams on a back - to disperse and brake additional weight on a leg(foot) at each step - a hard problem(task) for legs(foots). If such boots will become wet from within - from sweat or at transition of ford - they will dry longly. If you often podvorachivaete malleoluses such boots can help(assist) you.
Hygiene (Hygiene)
During travel you cannot remain same pure(clean), as well as in city, but the minimum level of hygiene is important for your health, health of associates and comfort. Very much an important point is washing arms(hand) after a toilet and before cooking/use - differently you are waited with intestinal frustration. There are two basic ways: to use special spirituous liquids/napkins or to wash arms(hand) with water with soap. Thus at all do not wash an arm(a hand) in sources of water - type(collect) water in a bottle and water arms(hand) from it(her). Entirely, most easier to be washed, having swum for a while in lake. To wash try in the distance/downwards on current from places of water diversion.
Typical set for personal hygiene:
Tooth-paste, brush, dental thread;
h globules, izopropilovyj alcohol - for processing various parts of a body for prevention of duplication of germs and a smell;
Shampoo, soap;
Scapula, toilet paper;
Small comb;
Bandana - it(she) can be wetted in cold water for cooling, her(it) it is possible to erase sweat and to use as a bast in the evening.
Medicine, first aid, reconditioning (Medical/Emergency/Repair)
Super-fining agent,
h globules and izopropilovyj alcohol,
Forceps, sewing needles with ushkom in which it is possible to pass a dental thread,
Tweezers for fingernails(nails),
Small pocket mirror,
Insulating tape,
Small nozhichek,
Pair of lanterns on light-emitting diodes.
Last years lanterns on very bright light-emitting diodes became accessible - they give a lot of light, are economic and weigh a little. For example here such
Princeton Tec Impact II LED (80 gr. With four batarejkami AAA) which works about 75 hours.
Luxury goods
Comb, radio and a handheld computer become all more habitual in hikes. But do not forget that are necessary to them of a battery, and it is additional weight and charges.
Phone, at the best, approaches(suits) for emergency bells and only in a cover zone. Many take chambers for filming. Lungs digital are recommended or. Expendable chambers.
Animals in a hike - luxury and a headache. It is necessary to them a lot of meal and waters. Dogs can escape behind any wild animals, and cats should be carried in a bag or they will run away somewhere. In some places, such as national parks, movement with pets it is forbidden. Besides your favourite can irritate your satellites.
Example N1: the list of superlight(supermild) equipment and equipment
Greater(Big) Three:
Sleeping bag - 680 gr.
Sleeping sleeping pad - 230 gr.
Shelter with racks, delays and a cover - 520 gr.
Floor-stand covering at desire.
Backpack, lining or garbage bag as a lining - 255 gr.
Cape on a backpack - 43 gr.
Clothes the Jacket and trousers from a rain - 170 gr.
Warm clothes (flisovaja a jacket - 340 gr., trousers - 200 gr., a cap, gloves, toes(socks))
Average layer (body stockings - 85 gr., a silk jacket - 113 gr., toes(socks) - 28 gr.)
The basic clothes (shorty-113 gr., a jacket - 85 gr., toes(socks) - 28 gr.)
Sandals (28 gr.)
Holdall for clothes (14 gr.)
Kit for a dream (silk shorts - 57 gr., a silk jacket - 85 gr.)
City clothes
Medicine, first aid, reconditioning (nearby 230 gr.)
Dental brush, Pasta, thread.
Light(Mild) mirror
Expendable shaving machine tools
Denaturirovannyj alcohol, h globules
Toilet paper
Antiseptic for arms(hand) or alcohol
Loson for a body
Towel, bandana
Imodium - protivodiarejnyj a preparation
Sun-protection cream
Insectifuge from insects
Insulating tape
Thread, needles
Liquid super-fining agent
The attributed medicines
Glasses(Spots) and sunglasses
Two - three packages for all it(this)
Kitchen system (nearby 200 gr.)
Fuel (geksamin or alcohol)
Matches, a lighter
The wind-shelter screen and supports
Cup, the spoon
Cleanser for utensils
Polyethylene sacks for meal
Closed packages for dust
Bag-cover for a torch and supports
Bag for meal
Preparation of water and capacities
Chemicals for processing water
Probably, the filter
Bottles under water (56 gr.)
Winebag for water (28 gr.)
Suspension bracket or pockets for bottles
Paper and pencil/handle
Trekking a stick
Driving licence (in Russia - the passport)
Plastic card with money for the bill
Numbers of emergency phones
Small lamps on bulbs/light-emitting diodes
Knife (5 gr.)
Can opener (4 gr.)
Hours naruchnye (16 gr)
Routing guidebooks of a map
Handbag under documents and money
Luxury goods Comb
Radio with batarejkami
CD a player, disks
Pepper spray
Capacity for meal
Example N2: the list of superlight(supermild) equipment and equipment for 3 day time routes in mountains
Backpack - GVP Gear G5 Gossamer - 198 gr.
Cape on a backpack - self-made from silnajlona - 71 gr.
Sleeping bag - Rab Quantum top bag - 482 gr.
Mattress - inflatable Bozeman Mt. Works ComfortLite Torso-Sized Inflatable Pad - 284 gr.
Backpack - GVP Gear G5 Gossamer - 198 gr.
The floor-stand covering - is dense from Tyvek - 99 gr.
Shelter - Tarptent Virga 2 with extended sewn-in floor - 822 gr.
Preparation of meal - the container for meal, the spoon, without a torch - 20 gr.
Water treating - iodic tablets - 6 gr.
Flask for water - Platypus Canteen, 2 Liter - 34 gr.
Miscellaneous - lantern Photon II, a brush, tablets, first aid, a visor from the sun, an insectifuge, a cord, maps - 142 gr.
Clothes from a rain/wind - jacket RainShield O2 Rain, trousers GoLite Reed, expendable plastic gloves - 145 gr.
Clothes on itself
- Jacket Western Mountaineering Flight Jacket - 298 gr.
- Trousers from mikroflisa - 173 gr.
- A jacket from mikroflisa - 204 gr.
- Gloves - 31 gr.
- Cap TNF WindStopper Fleece Hat - 37 gr.
Total - 3350 gr.
Meal - 680 úÓ./day h 2 days plus third of day - 1590 gr.
Water - 0,5 l in bottle Gatoraid Bottle - 500 gr.
Fuel - is not present - 0 gr.
In total - 5440 gr.
The self-made equipment has many advantages. You receive a thing of that size which is necessary to you. The clothes approach(suit) you is better and are better packed. Awnings can measure and the form necessary to you. Backpacks will have the size suitable for you, straps and a girdle. Capes on a backpack will be had with the necessary size, a torch, vetrozashchita and supports will find room in your kettle. Besides it is possible to add features necessary for you. Bags for things can serve as hinged pockets or steamproof protection in a sleeping bag. The backpack will have so much pockets, how much it is necessary to you. You will have an opportunity to simplify a design, avoiding superfluous latches, staves, seams and other holes in a tissue.
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