How to choose tent

Tourist tents to destination can be classified on tents
For high mountains, for srednegorja, for plain.
In each of these three categories there is a conditional separation into the "upper", "average" and "low" tents. This gradation depends on applied materials of arches and an awning, technologies, impregnations and a design. High-mountainous tents share on forwarding and assault.
Tents for high mountains are specially developed for extreme conditions: the greater(big) height above sea level, a frost, a strong wind, etc.
Forwarding tents - for the "Himalaya" style of ascentions when on a course of an ascention base camps are framed some. The forwarding tent is calculated on that it is long prostojat on one place, therefore she should be wind resistant, its(her) design - enough rigid to maintain pressure of a wind and a snow.
Assault tents - for the "Alpine" style at which base camp are not put, and during all ascention carry tent with themselves; therefore the assault tent should be also as much as possible light(mild).
Tents for srednegorja combine qualities of forwarding and assault tents: they are more comfortable and consequently more hardly assault, but it is lighter forwarding.
Flat tents - for a bog, tundra, a taiga, for simple hikes, picnics, yields(exits) « on target ». Normally in catalogues of firm specify recommended reserving of tent (for example, for mountaineering, mountaneering, trailering).
Tents for srednegorja and flat tents share on:
Kempingovaja the tent is applied by fans(amateurs) of long outdoor recreation. She is very convenient at its(her) utilization for kempingovyh parking, nursery camps, picnics of the day off, base camps on the approach to ascentions.
Tents are equipped by comfortable and adjustable air holes, and also protivomoskitnymi grids on inputs(entrances).
Tents of this type differ the raised(increased) comfort. In them there can be some rooms, windows, corridors. In the majority of tents it is possible to go to full body height. In general, a small moved apartment. But, as is known, it is necessary to pay for comfort. And not only money. First of all, it is impossibility of utilization of such tents in other kinds of hikes because of their greater weight (more than 7 kg.).
Universal tents differ higher comfort, such rigid demands are not made to them on a windproof, however other, general(common) qualities for all kinds, such as water resistance, utilization of "breathing" tissues, etc. should be up to the mark.
Tents for the pedestrian and mountain hikes.
Specificity of these hikes - you have only that carry at itself behind a back. It is hard, therefore superfluous kgs in tent to you to what. Except for it(this) the wind "sometimes" blows, the rain drips and the snow falls. Because of this demand to tents rigid enough - the weight counting upon one person should not be more than 1.2-1.3 kg for 3 local and 1-1.1 kg. For 4 local tents. During too time the design should be enough rigid to sustain pressure of a wind and a snow. It is good, if the tent is supplied(stocked) by "skirt" for protection against a snow.
Tents for water hikes.
Hardly you will go to such hike in the winter so also protection against a snow, most likely, is not required to you. The weight of tent also will not play an essential role so also tent it is possible to choose more conveniently. The windproof too will not be critical parameter, therefore - "hemispheres" and "polubochki" - it is possible to choose last from two classical forms because of greater useful volume and the best obitaemosti.
Tents can be parted on constructional features on two basic groups:
One-layer tents make, basically, from waterproof synthetic materials. Their main advantages are ease and compactness, and the basic problem - a condensate accumulating on walls of tent. Therefore at a choice of one-layer tent it is necessary to be guided, first of all, by a kind and quality of a tissue. If a material waterproof, but "not breathing" the thought over ventilating system is necessary: mesh holes from different directions tents. Now the greatest diffusion numerous kinds of two-layer tents, as have received the most functional.
The two-layer tent consists of two tents: external - waterproof and inner - light(mild), breathing.
Two-layer tents under the form share on:
"Hemispheres" or dome tents
dvuskatnye or tent tents
"Hemispheres" or dome tents
"Hemispheres" and their every possible modifications perfectly resist to a wind (some firms-manufacturers "insufflate" pre-production models in a wind tunnel at rate of a wind up to 50-60 km/s!), But have smaller vital volume because of a spherical crest(fornix). Classical "hemisphere" is based upon two crossed arches of a skeleton. On the basis of classics the huge quantity(amount) of hybrid designs is framed: from the facilitated one-double tents of all on one arch up to professional "winter" models which skeleton consists from 6 and it is more complex(difficult) interwining arches. It is necessary for giving for tent of more streamline form and simultaneously - for decrease of the area "parusjashchego" an awning which is not leaning(basing) a skeleton. Without the instruction to understand with statement of such tent happens difficultly. It is possible to carry following characteristics to advantages of the given type: a good windproof; an opportunity of the equipment(installation) without any extensions (for achievement all the same windproof taki should stretch(drag out) it(her)), and also movings without dismantle of a design; an opportunity of the equipment(installation) by one person at the certain(specific) skills for 5-7 minutes. « The hemisphere » can be put almost on any surface. From disadvantages it is necessary to note presence of a skeleton is as in any way weight.
Tents « »«½Òí«þ¬¿ «
"polubochki" (still speak "hangar" or "cylinder") the best differ a little obitaemostju, the greater(big) useful volume. "polubochki" happen on two and on three arches of a skeleton (happens and more, but it is destiny of huge, many-placed tents); all depends on the sizes and parusnosti (the leeward area of a surface). Presence of the third intermediate arch utezheljaet a design, but raises(increases) durability and prevents sagging an awning. From the name it is obvious, that tents of this type represent the reduced by half cylinder which has been stretched(which has been dragged out) on 3-4 arches, established(installed) perpendicularly axes of the cylinder. In comparison with "hemispheres" this type provides more comfortable berths (greater specific volume, the greater(big) height of a lumen of tent). Often in polubochkah third of volume, and even a kind half borrows(occupies) capacious tambour that does(makes) them, in our opinion, especially attractive as base tent or at long stay on one place. « polubochka » practically it is not used in high-altitude ascentions. But, unfortunately, tents of this type concede to hemispheres on parameters of fastness and convenience of installation and the windproof suffers.
dvuskatnye or tent tents
Tents of the traditional form still find application in simple backpackings, and also as wardrooms in base camps of greater(big) expeditions(dispatches). And though on key parameters they concede to the above-stated two types, it is possible to carry simplicity of supporting structures to their advantages.
Important elements of the successful design decision are tambours, skirts, protivomoskitnye grids and other, at first sight, trifles.
Tambour of tent
The tambour serves as a storage place of all things which, as a rule, it is typed(collected) much, kitchen(cuisine) in conditions of a bad weather, and also a launching pad for a yield(an exit) in aggressively adjusted(aggressively set up) environment. It is unequivocally possible to tell, that for performance of all these functions the tambour should be whenever possible as much as possible. The ancient outdoor-proverb says: « One tambour well, and two - all taki is better ». As a rule, one tambour is used as a storage room, and the second - for all rest (see above).
For a volumetric gain of tambour it is used two receptions: application of a separate arch or a special unprofitable(superimposed) element. At utilization of a separate arch it is more preferable, that she fastened not to the extremities(ends) of the basic arches, and were crossed with them is enlarges total hardness of a design and protects from the "not authorized" folding.
The great value has a site of tambour (from an end face or sideways). The first variant is more attractive. As facilitates an input(entrance) and a yield(an exit) from tent (more rational utilization of the area is not necessary perelazit through peacefully sleeping comrades), that is critical on camps. On the other hand, the side design of tambour allows to do without an additional arch that reduces gross weight of tent, but does not improve its(his) characteristics as he turns out though also volumetric, but low and inconvenient.
Skirt (polog tents)
The skirt is a stria of a tissue on perimeter of the tent, adjoining immediately to land. Can be both sewn, and demountable. The opportunity skatyvanija by this(it) at least should be stipulated. Presence of a skirt is extremely necessary at utilization of tents in mountains, in the winter or is simple at low temperatures. This and additional warming, absence of an opposite draught sideways and from below; it and an opportunity in addition to strengthen tent, having fallen asleep "skirt" a snow or having put on it(her) the bricks cut from a dense snow.
Alcoholization of an awning and inner tent
Ways of alcoholization of an awning and inner tent to a skeleton. There are two variants. A variant the first: the skeleton can be outside of an awning and fasten to it(him;them) through pockets, the inner tent is suspended to an awning. A variant of the second: the skeleton is inserted into a pocket or hung up on hooks (that much more conveniently) inner tent, and the awning stretches from above. In the first event the tent gathers lighter and with smaller losses (it is convenient to put it(her) under a rain or at a strong wind: first the awning and consequently the inner tent does not become wet) is put.
Disadvantages of such design that it is impossible to put tent without an awning and at strong impulses of a wind without ceremony can tear off pockets for a skeleton of tent (was observed even at the superheaped up firms). In the second event the inner tent, and an awning by a plane all over again is put leans(bases) on a skeleton - such tent under a rain needs to be put more quickly. On some tents with such system of alcoholization of a skeleton it is possible(probable) small apgrejt which eliminates(erases;removes) this disadvantage. But at dry and warm weather it is possible to do without in general an awning Concerning to elements of alcoholization of tents to a skeleton. Here the full pluralism among producers is observed, nevertheless it is possible to allocate such basic currents:
Hooks - allow quickly and conveniently krepit tent to a skeleton, but are rather fragile;
Outsets - cheaply, reliably and angry, but it is long;
lipuchki - it is fast, but it is unreliable;
Pockets - zhelezobetonno, but it is not so convenient at installation;
shnurovka - did not check
protivomoskitnye grids.
Very actually at irruption buzzing krovososov. As a rule, grids should duplicate inputs(entrances).
Ventilation of tent.
Obligatory condition for reference of tent to the category "good" and especially "excellent"("different") - presence of the thought over ventilating system. On some foreign models the opportunity of access to external air holes from inner tent is stipulated. Through air holes in tent the snow or a rain should not get. It is better, if ventilation can be opened or closed, not getting out of tent.
The tent should be supplied(stocked) by additional wind delays, and their places prishiva to an awning should be strengthened by overlays.
Pleasant trifles.
Various pleasant trifles which considerably facilitate a life are necessary also: a plenty of pockets, alcoholizations for lamps and pendant torches, a grid under a ceiling for drying fine things.
Input(Entrance) of tent
The form of an input(entrance) can be the diversified is depends on purpose(appointment) of tent and preferences of the owner of tent. It is most simple in manufacturing and the radiographic cone ("sleeve") is longevous, but here to use it(him) inconveniently. Earlier the majority of self-made tents was supplied with such input(entrance), but now the radiographic cone has remained only with winter, "Arctic" models where there is a risk obmerzanija lightnings and it is required to provide the minimal backlash between the person getting into tent and a tissue of tent - that has inside flown less snows. The majority of tents is supplied with an input(entrance) on a lightning with plastic zubjami. For winter utilization with metal to buy it is impossible: metal will instantly become covered by hoarfrost and will freeze. An input(entrance) do(make) double - the tissue of inner tent is duplicated moskitnoj by a grid; at desire it is possible to close both of a layer or to use only any one. Many models of tents have two inputs(entrances); it is especially actual for 3-4 local tents.
The sizes.
First, it is necessary to estimate, how much the person will live in tent. Secondly, the sizes of inner tent too should be considered, in particular to persons of high body height. Can be extended in tent in full body height? In fact for high-grade rest(tour) it too is necessary. How much conveniently you can sit in the tent? To wait whims of the nature it is better all the same not in absolutely skrjuchennom position. Also it is necessary to pay attention to the sizes of tambour-haven of your footwear and backpacks. He should be capacious enough even for footwear and utensils of all living in tent.
From them ease first of all is required, durability and a skeleton of tent should not be deformed under influence of a load. These demands are answered well with racks from various alloys of aluminium. Often it is applied and fiberglass or plastic, but they are considered as less strong.
To manufacturing arches of skeletons apply following materials known to us:
Duralumin of brand Д16Т: it is light, cheap;
Duralumin alloy of brand В95: better Д16Т, but is more dear(expensive);
The anodized aluminium alloys of type Easton 7075 T6, 7001 T6 or;
Various types of fiber glass: the light(mild), strong material which is not having residual deformation, but on a frost becomes rather fragile(brittle);
The steel skeletons possessing high durability and elasticity, but thus and the greater(big) weight that narrows a spectrum of their application.
Now the majority of producers apply either plastic racks, or tubes from aluminium alloys. Plastic racks use in cheap "beach" models, they are less longevous and are maintainable. It is important to note, that in high mountains of plasties for 2-3 seasons molds under action of a rigid ultraviolet and becomes very fragile. Aluminium skeletons are much more longevous. The alloy steals up so that after putting off(taking out) of a load does not remain to deformation. Metal correctly picked up by the producer and in 5 years of a hard work does not take the form of an arch, tubes remain absolutely direct and resilient. There is such simple test: the collected empty tent should be lifted above land for one arch - and the form should be saved without any deformations. It is the important parameter of durability and elasticity of a skeleton (and ease of tent, certainly). For convenience of assemblage parts of one arch string all on elastic; Process of statement of tent so there are less than chances to lose any part of a skeleton is considerably simplified.
Skeletons happen inner and external, that is being under an awning or outside of it(him). In conditions of a strong wind it is more convenient to put tent with an external skeleton. It is arranged so: on sides of tent special elastics are sewn, they are thrown through an arch of a skeleton by one fast movement and fixed on a hook on the same side.
Tents for srednegorja - on metal or plastic(plasty), tents for plain - basically, on plastic skeletons.
Foreign firms use for metal skeletons or American Easton, or others djuraljuminivye alloys. The Russian producers, as a rule, use duralumin Д16Т. As Easton - lighter and is better, at absolutely identical design and a tissue the tent on Easton will cost in 1,5-2 times more dearly(expensively), than tent on Д16Т. Plastic skeletons happen stekloplastikovye (fiberglass), ugleplastikovye, kevlarovye, etc.
Good plastic skeletons are defined(determined) not only a used material (more often it ugleplastik or kevlar), but also high manufacturing techniques with spatial orientation and a strain of fibers. Fibreglass is distinguished with the low price, absence of residual deformation, but he is almost twice more serious than an aluminium alloy, is not cold-resistant, has low durability. It is quite enough these properts for simple hikes. Light(mild) plastic skeletons (ugleplastik or kevlar) differ high manufacturing techniques with spatial orientation and a strain of fibers, therefore cost of such skeletons above metal.
It is necessary at once will make a reservation, that framed tents share on two-layer (an awning + inner tent) and one-layer.
Following demands are made to a material of an awning of one-layer tent: water resistance together with air permeability (it is necessary for prevention of condensation of a moisture on an inner surface of tent). As a rule, such quality membranous tissues a la Gore-Tex possess. Similar designs win under weight characteristics, but high cost of membranous tissues raise(increase) cost of tents up to an indecent level.
For two-layer tents all is easier: the awning should not proceed, be strong and light(mild), and the space between it(him) and inner tent (at least two centimeters) serves for a condensate drain inevitably formed at respiration. To these demands to some extent satisfy such materials as POLYESTER RIPSTOP, NYLON TAFFETA, a silicon (a polymeric material with the put(rendered) layer of a silicon). As the awning represents not a full product, and sshitoe from separate details seams are necessary for glueing, differently on them water resistance and will end. At a choice of tent track(look after), that the awning did not adjoin to an inner tissue. Omission of this moment threatens with unpleasant consequences - in such place the moisture will get.
The basic category on which first of all judge quality of an awning the height of a water column which he garantirovanno maintains is. Parameters close to 10 meters are very good. Certainly, on such depth of tent try to not put, but the serious water drop which has arrived(flied) from heavens with huge rate is paddled on an awning and presses very strongly. For quality sealing seams of an awning are glued same tape Tape, and by every possible extensions who krepjat an awning to land, should not form at a strong tension all enlarged dyrochki.
Seams are that place, whence water starts to drip first of all. Seams on an awning either are glued, or boiled. proklejka it is used on cheaper materials ("serebrjanka"). Last time good firms apply technology «tape» - the special тэйп-machine welds on a seam a water-proof tape (from a material close on properts to a material of an awning). Procooking - more longevous variant, than proklejka.
In any event, it is desirable to get an agent for proklejki seams, and periodically in addition to process them. The tent with not glued seams automatically gets under a category of the lowest or, strangely enough, on the contrary, the most professional. For example, at any superheaped up tent seams can be not glued, is simple because the tent by definition will stand above a zone of rains - in proklejke simply there is no necessity. There is also other approach to processing seams which meets seldom enough: « the strengthened seams ». The strengthened seam is a seam with enclosed(laid) in it(him) stropoj. At a proper correlation of factor of a stretching brails and tissues the tent with the strengthened seams well stretches, and the seam is not stretched(not dragged out), in dyrochki water does not get.
That the inner tent did not creep away on seams (and nylon has such unpleasant propert), the line is specially processed, and as a result looks(appears) as a side seam on firm jeans Levi's. Durability is reached(achieved) because actually four layers of a material are bridged by a double line.
Inner tent.
The basic demands the following: the tissue should breathe (with a view of ventilation) to be light(mild) and strong. Basically use NYLON RIPSTOP (the reinforced nylon), NYLON TAFFETA (to not confuse with Nylon Taffeta Silver), POLYCOTTON, COTTON.
They are strong enough, very light(mild), well passes(misses) air and a water steam which is condensed on an inner surface of an external awning and flows down drops on land.
Bottom(Fundus) of tent.
It is a basis. It is in the most rigid regimen of exploitation, in fact tent to have to put and on acute stones, and on an ice, a snow, water, sand... If the bottom(fundus) has not got wet, both the sleeping bag and other things have remained dry, and it, in turn, comfort. Absolute water resistance tissues if they maintain without promokanija pressure of water of 3000 mm possess, that twice exceeds standard DIN for water-proof tissues that gives, besides heat fastness and fireproof properts, saving thus flexibility.
Aljuminizirovannyj Polyester Ripstop (without polyUrethanum) has parameters of water resistance essentially below (1500-2000 mm). Processed by polyUrethanum Nylon Taffeta maintains pressure from 1000 up to 1500 mm. Also use the waterproof reinforced polyethylene, however he has a greater specific gravity(relative density) and consequently it is applied in kempingovyh models. Share and angle seams necessarily germetizirujut by means of special tape Tape. Water in tent with such bottom(fundus) gets only in case its(her) level rises above a level of a bottom trough. The bottom(fundus) of cheaper variants of tents is done(made) of the reinforced polyethylene, which in itself does not soak through. If well and regulary to glue seams also such tent it will be quite good to hold water. Service life of a polyethylene bottom(fundus) all the same will be much less.
It is necessary to pay attention to lightnings. Some of them do not maintain extreme overloads of type of a gale-force wind and a snowfall. Lightnings 5 - width of working bond 5мм have well proved to be. On good tents on sobachkah lightnings it is written mysterious YKK. Lightnings with such die did not cause censures.
Inside of tubes elastic under which action the skeleton which has been hung out in a free state, gathers independently should be passed(missed), that, you see, it is convenient enough on any polochke - to not care of that any detail has not departed irrevocably to a deep precipice.
With system stropochek and hooks in difference from other systems of a suspension bracket of inner tent it is possible to work in down mittens. By the way, than one more test: ask down mittens in shop (or put on two pairs ordinary project, or at the worst simply wind arms(hand) with a chunk of a rag) and try to put tent which you are going to buy(purchase) …
Smooth seam (Smooth Seam) - the idea in itself is simple and arises by itself. Remember a nursery joke - « Why so smoothly and so is not present? », when one child spends on the face of another all over again from top to down, and then snize upwards, touching thus a chin, a nose, brows and t.d … And here, at keeping this rule all seams are smoothed down in a direction of a runoff of water and a drop of a rain, turning in trickles and streams, not meeting on the way of any obstacle roll down(slide) up to the land that allows to receive a decent waterproof even without proklejki seams.
So simple in pronimanii the idea appears difficultly enough vypolnimoj in practice because of technological difficulties. Also it is realized far not by any producer. So it is necessary to look(see) - whether sobljudeno it corrected on that tent which you use or which be going to buy(purchase)
The apron or skirt in width 15 up to 25 sm lays down on land or a snow and allocates(removes) water from a bottom(fundus). Plus bars the way to cold air in inner tent. Can be strengthened lentochkoj with eyelets on angles for kolyshko
The waterproof bottom(fundus) is a waterproof bottom(fundus). At once solve some problems with a choice of a place. It is possible to put tent even in a pool. Especially at night and if you are strongly tired. A waterproof awning-it(-this;-thus) a waterproof awning. He will not leak both during a light(mild) rain and in strong sekushchy a downpour. It is necessary to tell, that a waterproof of tissues of an awning and a bottom(fundus) not abstract concept, and has units of measurement-mm of a water column \square meter of a tissue. That is what height in mm the water column will maintain square meter of a tissue not soaking through. For example, leaning(basing) a knee on sleet, you frame pressure upon a material of trousers about 10000 mm ó.ßÔ. \¬ó.¼. The awning of tent should maintain not less than 3000 ¼¼.ó.ßÔ. \¬ó.¼, and the bottom(fundus) in 2 times is more. Firms respecting producers give similar characteristics.
The weight of tent of similar type should not exceed 1.1 kg on the person. The more capacity, the is less weight on the person.