Clothes from tissue PolartecR: often asked questions

Than properts of material Polartec® speak? Whether there is a difference between Polartec® and flisom?
The answer:
Soft and warm Polartec® perfectly saves heat of a body. The principle of action Polartec® is based(founded;established) that between pile the interlayer of air which is the best termoizoljatorom is saved. Besides unlike natural tissues, Polartec® does not accumulate a moisture, and provides necessary ventilation at an overheat and deduces(removes) outside a condensate, - activly moving, you will feel comfortably. Tissues of family Polartecj of manufacture Malden Mills concern to materials flisovoj groups. It is done(made) flis so: the engine way on strong enough tkanuju a basis imposes nodules, then other machine(car) breaks off(lacerates) these nodules, - pile which is adhered to a basis turns out. Flis it is traditionally used as the second, warming layer in sportswear. However it is important to note, that only superfine(high-grade), top-quality firm flis from Malden Mills wears name Polartec®.
Polartec® - the recognized leader on quality in tissues of this group. Therefore there are many fakes. Basic difference Polartec® from cheap flisov that Polartec® does not lose the teploizolirujushchih properts during long term of utilization. Owing to antipillingovomu to a covering, its(his) pile does not roll down(does not slide) even after repeated washings.
It is quite often possible to hear from sellers in shops, that the jacket is made from "½áÓÔѬ ". How to distinguish present(true) Polartec® from counterfeit?
The answer:
Polartec® is the trade label registered by the American company Malden Mills Industries. If you are interested in genuine quality at which the declared opportunities of a material it is necessary for you to buy production only from the firms having license Malden Mills are used all. The full list of these firms is published on an official site of the company:
Production from Polartec® should be necessarily stocked with firm labels. Except for paper labels is still tkanye and plastic a special kind and the size, sewed in the certain(specific) places.
Whether there are differences between properts of underwear, which contents of a tissue - polyester, and linen from polypropylene?
The answer:
Polyester and polypropylene: both these(it) fibers in structure of synthetic tissues are applied to manufacture temobelja; both that and another is pleasant for a body and corresponds(meets) to all hygienic requirements shown to clothes for a base layer.
" … Following step became utilization for underwear of materials of type PolyPro. Polypropylene was used because he possesses good hydrophobic properts - in comparison with a wool he almost does not imbibe a moisture; thus, polypropylene remains warm and light(mild) in wet conditions. As weaving of a similar tissue rather leaky, its(her) surface is covered by a net of pores through which vaporizations of a body are freely allocated(removed). A disadvantage of polypropylene is that he imbibes smells of a body, rolls down(slides), forming small globules on a surface of a tissue, and oplavljaetsja at drying in sushilnoj to the machine(car) or near to a fire, causing a pungent smell(sharp aroma) zhzhenoj plastic. Therefore polyester which rolls down(slides) less and possesses the best resistance to a heat, has replaced polypropylene ".
Polyester makes a basis of tissue Polartec® Power Dry of manufacture Malden Mills chosen by company Zajo for manufacturing natelnogo termobelja.
Than from tissue Polartec® Power Stretch the linen differs from linen from Polartec®
Power Dry?
The answer:
Various properts of materials of family Polartecj define(determine) features and purpose(appointment) of products from them.
At material Polartec® Power Stretch a strong external surface and a soft fleecy inner layer. The tissue possesses "breathing" properts, is very elastic, lasts in all directions, is pleasant for a skin and does not cause an allergy. Therefore products from it(her) can be used as warm underwear at low temperatures, and also approach(suit) for trainings in a hall and on open air.
Tissue Polartec® Power Dry - lighter(more mild) clothes specially intended for a base layer, or termobelja. Its(her) basic function - to deduce(remove) outside an abudant moisture of a body at intense exercise stresses. Polartec® Power Dry - soft, elastic and simultaneously strong, longevous material, is supplied(stocked) by antibacterial impregnation, has the branchy outer surface of vaporization owing to what dries up in 2 times more quickly a clap(cotton).
How correctly to look after clothes from Polartec®?
To erase products from Polartec® it is possible ordinary soap, in warm water at temperature not above 40 *С, manually or in a washing machine at small occupancy, using a regimen " careful washing for synthetic tissues ". The clothes from Polartec® will serve more longly if to erase it(her) with application of special sparing washing agents (for example, Woly Sport Tex Wash&clean) and then to process a restoring water repellent (for example, Woly Sport Waterproof). Products from Polartec® cannot be ironed and it is not recommended to dry at heats.
I am going to buy(purchase) a suit from tissue Polartec®. Whether he will soak through from constant contact with a snow in conditions winter outdoor (sanki, skis, a paintball, etc.) whether I shall freeze on a frost up to - 25 *С? Whether it is obligatory to put on from above a suit from a membranous tissue?
The answer:
Properts Polartec® repeatedly proverenny in extreme conditions. He is light, prochen and is longevous, allocates(removes) vaporizations of a body outside, quickly dries up, is not rumpled and, unlike a wool, does not accumulate a moisture and is not afraid of moth. All these properts are simply necessary for winter and mountain kinds of sports and productive leisure(active rest). Skis, sanki, a paintball, etc. - just those employment(occupations) where it is possible to estimate(appreciate) advantages Polartec®.
However Polartec® is a name of the whole family of tissues (nearby 180), each of which possesses the certain(specific) properts and has the purpose(appointment), from outer clothing for underwear. Therefore fondly to believe, that one suit from Polartec®, at its(his) all universality, it is capable to replace to you the whole wardrobe.
All tissues of series Polartec® have water-repellent impregnation (drops of water roll down(slide) on a surface of a tissue), but "do not hold" a rain.
As outer clothing it is possible to choose Polartec® Windbloc®: he protects from a wind, a small rain and a snow. The temperature range of utilization of a jacket from Windbloc is very wide: from-10.. - 15 *С (at active physical work) up to +10* With (if to remain without movement).
It would be desirable to warn against excessive unjustified expectations of the buyers beginning(starting) for the first time to use clothes from hi-tech tissues. It is necessary to understand, that Polartec® just as down, the wool or a clap(cotton), possesses quite certain(specific) properts and advantages, sometimes irreplaceable and unique. But for a miracle do not wait!