How to choose a backpack
To classify backpacks it is possible on a design and to destination. To destination backpacks can be parted on some kinds: forwarding, trekingovye, ski-ÔÒÓ«óскиÑ, ski, snoubordistskie, assault, bicycle, rollernye and city. On a design backpacks happen stankovye and soft. Soft, in turn, can represent as simply bag with straps (type canvas <kolobka> which today can be met only at summer residents-reactionaries), and complex(difficult) enough design with pendant system of so-called anatomic type, sometimes even with the built in rigid metal elements However, small backpacks, for example city, can have the simplified design.
Forwarding backpacks
Forwarding backpacks serve for zabroski expeditions(dispatches) on the beginning of a route or for independent hikes of the big duration, therefore they should have great volume. Backpacks of this type can be stankovye or anatomic. An example of utilization of such backpack can be a water hike on non-disposable courts(vessels), zabroska base camp of climbers or cave explorers.
Trekingovye backpacks
For the majority of hikes backpacks of smaller volume are required. Their volume normally makes 60-80 litres. In the West, and now and at us, them name trekingovymi. Such backpacks have the widest application, they are intended for not so long hikes when the weight and volume of meal and equipment are not too great. That is for overwhelming majority of hikes: for the pedestrian, mountain, ski, and also it is simple for hikes of the day off with one - two spending the night. Trekingovye backpacks normally have an anatomic design. Feature trekingovogo a backpack is presence of external alcoholizations for cords, rocky and ice instruments, and also for an external suspension bracket of tent and a sleeping pad. It can be plastic plates with well boats or various loops from a brail.
ski-туровские, ski and snoubordistskie backpacks
ski-туровские backpacks have highly specialized character and are intended for odno-, two-day walks on skis, employment(occupations) by mountain skiing and a snowboard. According to purpose(appointment) they can have various kinds of alcoholizations for equipment on the external side of a backpack. These backpacks have small volume (20 - 40 litres), are equipped by pockets for ski palok, can have special unit for drinking system (plastic capacity with a tube and a mouthpiece), have a plenty of pockets for prophetic first necessity, keys, etc. As well as all backpacks with anatomic pendant system, backpacks of this kind are equipped by adjustable cingular and humeral belts, a grid or any other ventilating system of a back of the tourist. Often have the strong plate protecting a vertebrae from traumas at unsuccessful fall.
Assault backpacks
Assault backpacks possess similar on ski-ÔÒÓ«óскиÑ properts and the sizes. They are intended for immediate storm of tops and the most difficult sites of a route where there is no necessity and an opportunity to transfer(carry) all stock of equipment and products. Straps and a girdle can be more rigid and without ventilation - all the same the backpack is put on a sponge. The main thing, such backpack should weigh and have few external alcoholizations for rocky and ice equipment.
There are two types velorjukzakov. One of them are similar on ski-ÔÒÓ«óскиÑ or even city. These backpacks have small volume (20 - 40 litres), at them a plenty of pockets for prophetic first necessity, keys, documents, etc. Many models have unit for drinking system and special elastic alcoholization or a pocket for veloshlema. The pendant system has the features. Cingular and humeral belts can be rather simple, but the ventilating system of a back is obligatory. Other type velorjukzakov, so-called <trousers>, has highly specialized character and is fixed on a luggage carrier of a bicycle. As a rule, they have three sections, one fastens to the left of a wheel, another on the right, and the third from above. Sometimes section happen coming unfastened from each other, and sometimes represent one big bag of the specific form for which such backpack and name <trousers>. At all velorjukzakov presence of stripes from a tissue with svetootrazhajushchim a covering is obligatory, and sometimes even the opportunity of alcoholization of a red <dimensional> small lamp is stipulated.
City backpacks
Probably, the most widespread kind rjukzakoe To these backpacks other demands, than to hiking are made absolutely. On the first place there is an appearance of a backpack As the basic contents of a backpack, most likely, there will be books, magazines and documents fooma'a А4. That the size and the form are optimized for such load. The backpack turns out almost rectangular and flat. In a city backpack convenience is more important than reliability, therefore he zakryvas on long, up to half of height a lightning. The handle for a transferring, secret pockets for keys, money and documents is obligatory from above. Recently there were convenient pockets for a mobile phone and the same money and the keys, had in front on straps. Behind and sideways, on the contrary, there should not be nothing superfluous, that could cling to handles of doors and buttons of people. But presence of stripes from a tissue with svetootrazhajushchim on krytiem is desirable.
Rollernye backpacks
Are intended for fans(amateurs) of the roller skates. The main criterion - an opportunity to transfer(carry) the roller skates. It is desirable inside, but it is possible and on a special external suspension bracket. As rollers are a city entertainment, go rollernye backpacks should have the functions inherent city. At the same time driving on rollers assumes exercise stresses, from here similarity with velorjukzakami regarding pendant system.
Let's survey more in detail backpacks for hikes. That is forwarding and trekingovye. First of all, it is necessary to be defined(determined) with volume of the future backpack. Here two mistakes(errors) - too small and too big backpack are possible(probable). The big backpack provokes napihat in it(him) more. And if all the same it is not enough things, they will be leaky laid, and the backpack will dangle(hang about). Some <artful> beginners, especially sin with it(this) of the girl, meaningly take obviously small backpack in which own things do not climb even, not speaking about meal and public equipment. It comes to an end that volumetric things of type of a sleeping bag and a sponge are assorted by other participants, and mikrorjukzachok is filled with groats and jars tushenki. Normally if you do not carry with yourselves a heap of equipment, for example a kayak suffices 70 - 90 litres of the Woman normally carry less than public Equipment, they have enough 50 - 70 litres. But in any event it is better to have a small stock on volume, than each time of half an hour to stamp a backpack or to cling outside everything, that only it is possible. As to a design in a hike it is possible to take stankovyj or an anatomic backpack.
Stankovye backpacks
The machine tool is the greater(big) frame executed, as a rule, from aluminium, thin-walled pipes from stainless steel or composit materials (for example ugleplastika) to which belts are attached humeral and cingular. On the machine tool it can be hung one or several bags for a load or any bulky goods. In some models the frame has horizontal polochku for additional bracing a load and for giving to a backpack of fastness at lowering on land. For maintenance of ventilation of a back on the machine tool the grid that the back did not adjoin to a surface of a backpack stretches. Stankovye backpacks are normally intended for expeditions(dispatches), there, where the rigid design is necessary for carry of greater(big) loads by Special popularity machine tools use at cave explorers.
But, unfortunately, good machine tools if are made in the West in our country are not delivered. Remarkable titanic machine tools did(made) <uncle Vasi> from a defensive factory, but this opportunity has died together with Soviet oboronkoj. Everything, that is on sale, only compromises idea of the machine tool. It or a shaky frame with fragile bonds mi which is fractured in a train, or the very heavy design causing associations with <by economic bags-carriages>. Therefore in our survey we shall not survey them.
Anatomic backpacks
Anatomic the soft backpack, which side adjoining to a back name, repeats the form of a body. That the backpack held this form, in it(him) inserts from penopoliuretana are sewed. On the advanced models inserts from hard plastic are applied and to transfer(carry) weight from humeral straps on a girdle, vertical referring amplify inserts from metal - an armour. Thickenings on a backrest of a backpack frame additional ventilation of a back. Thus, the anatomic backpack becomes gradually more and more similar on stankovyj. Unique difference there is that the pendant system is not separated from a bag, and the skeleton is rather flexible and compact. If the skeleton not so rigid, that the backpack held the form and did not dangle(did not hang about), he should be densely packed. Therefore the volume of a backpack is necessary for adjusting(regulating) by means of side couplers and the <floating> upper valve.
Pockets in anatomic backpacks also are a necessary detail they Are sewn, as a rule, or behind, or on each side a backpack. On the one hand, it is more convenient, as does not displace the centre of gravity. From the same reasons to fill them it is recommended in regular intervals. But, on the other hand, sticking out in the sides <slonovi ears> very much stir(prevent) at movement on a forest and at passage to narrow doors to transport. One time was fashionably side pockets to do(make) demountable, fastened special stropochkami. But if simply greater(big) <ears> are inconvenient only when cling, dangling(hanging about) <ears> stir(prevent) always. Better simply to take a backpack with a few great volume so will be both it is more convenient, and it is lighter. One more - two pockets, as a rule, range on the upper valve of a backpack In modern backpacks there can be a septum parting a backpack on two independent units with independent inputs(entrances) that facilitates access to the certain(specific) part of a backpack, not rummaging all backpack. Utility of this fitting in greater(big) hikes is ambiguous, as she weakens(easies), so, makes heavier a design of a backpack. It is supposed, that in the bottom unit the sleeping bag lays, and the sleeping pad is braided in a tubule and adhered outside. Then really the backpack can be not assorted. But many tourists prefer, that outside of anything superfluous did not hang, in that number-коврик. Though it is not always possible(probable). For example, a stick or ledorub in mountains wear on an external suspension bracket. Therefore practically all anatomic backpacks have agents for external alcoholization of a load.
Absolutely necessary detail of any modern hiking backpack is the girdle. He allows to transfer(carry) more than half of weight of a backpack on femurs, unloading a vertebrae and shoulders. And also to lower(omit) the upper point of alcoholization of a strap up to a level of the middle of a scapula, thus the widest part of a strap it will be more effective to distribute(allocate) a load on the back side of a brachium. Besides the girdle fixes a backpack on a back, not giving(allowing) him to dangle(hang about) here and there. The girdle should be wide enough (centimeters ten) and soft, but at the same time to hold the form and to not be rumpled. The clasped(buttoned) and adjusted girdle should form some pencil-point surface which at lowering leans(bases) on femurs and is got jammed.
The general(common) feature for modern hiking backpacks as stankovyh, and anatomic, presence of the adjustable pendant system is, allowing to adjust the same backpack on the people, much differing body height. For this purpose it is necessary not only to adjust(regulate) length of straps, but also to move the upper point of alcoholization of straps. The form of straps normally do(make) S-shaped. Such straps keep on brachiums is better and do not come off. If straps straight lines the coupler at a level of a chest is obligatory. But on a backpack with well picked up suspension bracket the thoracal coupler is not necessary.
Practically all backpacks at present are sewed from the synthetic tissues made of fibers of two types - Capronum (he nylon) and lavsan (he polyester). The most widespread from them Cordura and Oxford. Difference of these two materials consists that Oxford more softly and lighter, than Cordura, but last allows to save the form at incomplete filling or in general without filling, and also does not soak through more strongly and more longly. By the way, a waterproof - ambiguous enough propert. On a backpack there are seams, lightnings, pockets, and water, as is known, dyrochku will find. So experience has shown, that not soaking through backpack is not drying out backpack. The bottom(fundus) of a backpack should be strengthened. The bottom(fundus) from thick kordury is reliable enough and besides does not slip on a snow, but it(he) is difficult for clearing of a mud. The bottom(fundus) from tezy (thick kordovyj Capronum with bilateral PVC - a covering) is in this respect good.
Prjazhki and carbines can be as metal, maintaining greater(big) loads, but enlarging weight of a backpack, and plastic. Plastic products are better for using from known producers: there is a hope, that such accessories is more reliable.
Resetting of a suspension bracket is made from below upwards:
1) Load a backpack, tighten straps, having left some stock, and put on it(him).
2) Adjust a girdle. He should lean(base) on femurs so that the acting extremities(ends) of haunch bones have appeared approximately in the middle of wings of a girdle. To tighten(delay) a girdle it is necessary densely enough so that he held a load, but, whenever possible, did not prevent neither to breathe, nor to move.
3) Then tighten straps so that the weight of a load was distributed(allocated) between straps and a girdle more or less in regular intervals. The point of alcoholization of straps should appear thus approximately in the middle or hardly above the middle of a scapula. If this place of a backpack has appeared noticeably above or below, it is necessary to rearrange a floating suspension bracket (if those is available) or to pick up a backpack more corresponding(meeting) your body height.
4) 8 last turn tighten the upper humeral delays before position at which fluctuations of a backpack forward and are not felt back. It is very important to not overdo and to not draw delays, differently the load on straps will not be distributed(allocated) on all brachium, and it is necessary only on a forward part of a brachium, on a clavicle.
At purchase of a backpack it is necessary to check up, how he sits. To adjust(set up) a backpack it is necessary loaded, only so it is possible to estimate(appreciate) its(his) behaviour on a back. Also remember, if the backpack is inconvenient already now, in a hike will be even worse.
What is it such, and what for it is necessary? Everyone who loves active sports and to that should move on long distances, realize, that it is necessary to transport with itself water. Simply enough to understand, that the correct use of water is an element of the maximal productivity. The person on 70 % consists of water. At loss of only several percent(interests) of water working capacity falls in some times. Therefore at exercise stresses it is necessary to fill the charge of a moisture which at plentiful potovydelenii, especially in heat, can reach(achieve) one litre at an o'clock. However, in this case simply water to compensate loss it is impossible, there is a risk of desalting as with salts are then deduced(removed) many - is necessary mineral (or added some salt) water. Certainly, it is possible to stop and get a flask from a backpack, but nevsegda it is convenient. The decision firm CamelBak, having suggested to place in one of units of a backpack has found a special soft flask-wineskin with a long hose and a mouthpiece. Such system became quickly popular among маунтин-bikers and cross-country race-райдеров because allowed them to drink water without the help of the arms(hand) laying on a rudder. Since that moment fans(amateurs) of the most different kinds of active sports and rest(tour) use drinking systems, and now very much many producers of equipment adapt the backpacks under a compartment for drinking system.
The material is taken from magazine " Consumer "