The Survey of tourist shops of Moscow

In what shop of Moscow the low prices for tourist equipment (tents, backpacks, sleeping bags and other)? I have selected a little bit potentially the most interesting shops and the wholesale-retail companies of Moscow trading tourist equipment: ß»«ÓÔ¼áßÔÑÓ-discount, TTS the Extreme, a net of shops of the company Turin, Старт-1, Простор-2000, wholesale-retail shop Turgalantereja, wholesale-retail company Oboronteh, a wholesale-retail warehouse the Biont-lux, a net of shops Alpindustrija. Estesstvenno, assortment of tourist equipment in all shops different and how normally to compare not so it is simple. Nevertheless, tried to find the similar goods and to compare the prices for them. The general(common) things shall tell at once some. First, in ß»«ÓÔ¼áßÔÑÓ-discount anything except for belongings is not present. Any pity tent, a sleeping bag and pair of kettles. Though, basically, it is expected. Probably the most known place for purchases of tourist equipment is a shopping center the Extreme. Big, 3 floor, in my opinion, shopping center in which it is possible to find probably everything that is necessary for different kinds of tourism, including water, mountain, etc. However, the prices there by definition cannot be unequivocally low, in fact the average and fine companies which simply rent the areas trade. Therefore I was guided by the wholesale-retail companies which can offer the prices below. Most of all I liked company Oboronteh. They specialize on the goods for hunters, fishers and tourists. Choice quite good and the prices excellent(different). The net of shops Turin is still interesting enough. It is already pure(clean) for tourists, some shops across Moscow, a quite good choice and the prices low enough. However, on that goods which I have compared, above than in Oboronteh. The known company-manufacturer of tourist equipment - NovaTur Still(even) has in sight got. However I have not found their own retail shop, on their site some tens shops of Moscow in which it is possible to find their goods are presented(introduced). So:

   1. Wholesale-retail company Oboronteh
      - M. Baumanskaja, Perevedenovsky per., 18, p. 3, ph. 518-3046, an operating time: pn-пт 9:00-18:00
           The average wholesale company in which there is a showroom of the goods and in the same place it is possible to get at retail. As I already spoke, here it is possible to buy(purchase) various tourist, piscatory and hunting accessories(belongings). A choice, in my opinion, quite good, can look(see) their price-list on a site. Unfortunately, he not so often is updated, but assortment to estimate it is possible. In-core(-basic;-basically), I was guided by the prices of the basic tourist goods - tents, sleeping bags and backpacks. However it was most easier to compare cost of tourist tents as it is the goods not the cheapest and standardized enough. As I already spoke, except for Oboronteha shops Turin have liked me. However, I have found out, that in Turin the prices all the same slightly above. For example, the tent Baikal-3 in Oborontehe cost 3827 roubles, and in Turin 4200 roubles. Tent Tunguska-3 in Oborontehe - 2280 roubles, and in Turin - 2550 roubles. Well and in the same spirit, as to sleeping bags and backpacks. Besides here it is possible to buy(purchase) special clothes, utensils and other tourist accessories(belongings).

   2. A net of shops Turin
      - Shop Turin, m. the October field, street of the National home guard, 38, к.1, ph. 943-6797, an operating time: pn-пт 10:00-20:00, sb-вс 10:00-18:00
      - Shop the World of tourism, m. VDNH, pr-Ô the World, 186, p. 2, ph. 181-4329, an operating time: pn-пт 10:00-20:00, sb-вс 10:00-18:00
      - Shop the Azimuth, m. Paveletskaja, street Dubininskaja, 11/17, ph. 235-7335, an operating time: pn-пт 10:00-20:00, sb-вс 10:00-18:00
      - Shop the Traveller, m. Kiev, street the Ukrainian parkway, d. 8, ph. 243-3813, an operating time: pn-пт 10:00-20:00, sb-вс 10:00-18:00
      - Shop the Tourist, m. Shchelkovo, street 9-th Park, 59а, ph. 164-8861, an operating time: pn-пт 10:00-20:00, sb-вс 10:00-18:00
      - Shop the Tourist on Smolnoj, m. River station, street Smolnaja, 63б, TTS the Extreme, peahens. Е18, ph. 780-3103, an operating time: 10:00-20:00 daily
      - Shop Turin in TTS Sports-hit, Skolkovskoe sh., 31, стр.1, TTS Sports-hit, 3 floor, peahens. 16, ph. 729-4513, an operating time: 11:00-21:00 daily
      - Shop Turin, m. Electrofactory, 1-st Brick per., 17, ph. 365-4563, an operating time: 10:00-20:00 daily
           The company Turin trades in tourist equipment wholesale and retail. As you can see, at them enough greater(big) net of shops across Moscow. I was not in all shops, but what has visited, not so big. However, the necessary choice the goods there is. Though tesnovato it turns out. The prices quite good, but as we have already found out, above, than in Oboronteh.

   3. Shopping center the Extreme
      - M. River station, street Smolnaja, 63бтел. 775-6020, an operating time: 10:00-20:00 daily
           Very known and large shopping center which specializes on trade in tourist equipment. Here and at the company Turin here is magazinchik. It seems to me, basic advantage TTS the Extreme is an oof of a choice. Especially low prices here to expect it is not necessary, though I think what to find the low prices it is possible, especially if to bypass is more than pavilions.

   4. Shop of tourist equipment Простор-2000
      - M. Aviamotor, street Aviamotor, 18, ph. 362-2345, an operating time: 10:00-21:00 daily
      - Shop the Fidget, m. Taganskaja, B.Kommunisticheskaja's street, 17, p. 10, ph. 790-8369, an operating time: pn-пт 10:00-19:30, sb 10:00-18:30
           As I have understood, this company is engaged both manufacture and sale. The shop on Aviamotor specializes on boating, but also other tourist accessories(belongings) here are presented(introduced) in good assortment. And the prices here quite good, but all the same above than in Oborontehe. In-general(-common;-in general), good shop.

   5. Shops Start-1
      - M. Kozhuhovskaja, street 6-th Kozhuhovskaja, 24/31, ph. 677-5080, an operating time: pn-сб 10:00-20:00, vs 10:00-19:00
      - M. the Area of Ilyich, street the Worker, 63, the Palace of Nursery sports, 1 floor, ph. 678-2330, an operating time: pn-сб 11:00-20:00, vs 11:00-19:00
      - M. Kuntsevskaja, Skolkovskoe sh., 31, TVK SportHit, 3 floor, peahens. 12, ph. 933-8607, an operating time: 11:00-21:00 daily
      - M. River station, street Smolnaja, 63б, TTS the Extreme, 2 floor, peahens Г22 or 3 floor, peahens. И27, ph. 780-3398, an operating time: 10:00-20:00 daily
           One more wholesale company with a net of retail shops. The company interesting, but as I understand, they specialize on the goods of known foreign firms. It, certainly, means high quality, but also higher prices. Can look(see) on their site.

   6. Ekipirovochnyj center Turgalantereja
      - M. Fili, street Novozavodskaja, 2, ph. 746-9591, an operating time: pn-сб 10:00-20:00, vs 10:00-17:00
           Good shop, choice of tourist equipment quite good though I can not tell, that the prices here low. But them and to compare to other shops it is problematic, as they trade in other goods.

   7. Спортмастер-discount
      - M. Lenin pr-Ô, street Ordzhonikidze, 11, ph. 785-1115, an operating time: 10:00-22:00
           About this institution I have already expressed quite definitely. In sense of tourist equipment here there is nothing.

   8. A net of shops AlpIndustrija
      - M. Izmajlovskaja, street May Day, 18, ph. 165-9192, an operating time: 10:00-21:00 daily
      - M. Kutuzovskaja, Kutuzovsky pr-Ô, 36, p. 3, ph. 980-7239, an operating time: pn-пт 15:00-21:00, sb-вс 10:00-21:00
      - M. the Preobrazhenskiy area, street Krasnobogatyrskaja, 79/3, ph. 963-8852, an operating time: 10:00-21:00 daily
      - M. River station, street Smolnaja, 63б, TTS the Extreme, ph. 780-3216, an operating time: 10:00-20:00
      - M. Kuntsevskaja, Skolkovskoe sh., 31, TVK SportHit, ph. 933-8663 dob. 3009 or 3010, an operating time: 10:00-21:00
           From the name specialization of these shops at once is clear, but here too there is a tourist equipment of a general purpose. However the prices for tents, sleeping bags, backpacks and other not so low. But partly it is possible to explain it assortment of the goods of large foreign firms.

   9. Distributor Normal
      - M. Textile workers, street Artjuhinoj, 6, ph. 179-3941, an operating time: pn-пт 9:00-18:00, sb 11:00-15:00
           Wholesale firm-manufacturer in which it is possible to buy(purchase) tourist equipment at retail. The assortment turns out limited as the goods of own manufacture are presented(introduced). And the prices have not amazed(struck), though is clear, that it is complex(difficult) to me to estimate(appreciate) quality.

Anatoly Karpov
May 2006 g