Backpacking Equipment
Conditions and character of tourist travel show a lot of demands to equipment. It should be a lung, strong, reliable, differ simplicity in the use, small dimensions, an opportunity of utilization in conditions of a cold, heat and the raised(increased) humidity. It is desirable, that the winter clothes of the tourist were warm, protected from a wind, did not constrain movements, saved warmsaving properts in the wetted state. The tourist tent should be waterproof, quickly be established(installed) and understand, protect from mosquitoes and a midge, to provide a maximum of convenience at the minimal sizes. The tourist equipment is sectioned on personal and group, and also into equipment for foot, water, mountain and other travel. PERSONAL EQUIPMENTThe general(common) list
The name Quantity(Amount) - pieces (pairs) on travel
The pedestrian Mountain Water Ski
Backpack big with the waterproof loose leaf 1 1 1 1
Sleeping bag with the loose leaf 1 1 1 1
Mat penoplastovaja (porolonovyj a sleeping pad. An inflatable mattress) 1 1 1 1
Footwear the basic 1 1 1 1
Gym shoes, krossovki 1 1 1 -
Stockings fur (fur slippers, chuni and t. Item) - - - 1
Suit storm 1 1 1 1
Suit training 1 1 1 1
Jacket down, fur or wadded - - - 1
Raincoat-cape 1 1 1 -
Sweater woolen 1 2 1 2
Trousers 1 1 1 1
Shorts 1 1 1 -
Breeches woolen - - - 1
Kovbojka 1 1 1 1
Underwear 2 2 2 2
Toes(Socks) woolen 2-3 3-4 2-3 3-4
Toes(Socks) h and kapron 2-3 2-3 2-3 1-2
Headdress warm - 1 - 1
Headdress light(mild) 1 1 1 -
Swimming trunks 1 1 1 1
Mittens canvas 1* 1 1* 1
Varezhki fur, woolen - - - 1-2
Gloves - 1* 1* 1
Towel 1 1 1 1
Scarfs nasal 2 2 2 2
Bowl, mug, the spoon, a knife kompl. kompl. kompl. kompl.
Saccules (for utensils, linen, trifles) 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4
The field journal, pencil kompl. kompl. kompl. kompl.
Compass of system of Andrianov 1 1 1 1
Hours with a second hand 1 1 1 1
Glasses(Spots) protective in a rigid case 1* 1 1 1
Toilet accessories(belongings) kompl. kompl. kompl. kompl.
Individual medical package 1 1 1 1
Mask protective - 1* - 1
Matches in waterproof packing 1 1 1 1
Saccule from plastic for documents 1 1 1 1
Ledorub (alpenshtok) - 1 - -
Repshnur - 1 - 1
Hank of a twine 1 1 1 1
Carbine climbing - 1 - -
Skis tourist - - - 1
Alcoholizations ski - - - 1
Stick ski - - - 1
Saving a waistcoat, circles - - 1 -
Cord avalanche - 1* - -
Bahily - - - 1
Grid Pavlovsk, a mosquito net 1* - 1* -
Tube for a drinking of water - 1 - -
Insoles reserve 1 2 1 2
* Undertakes depending on concrete conditions of travel.
Personal equipment on the pedestrian travel
Clothes. On years(summer) travel if it passes(takes place) not on northern districts, from woolen things it is enough to have a long sweater (it is desirable with high, but a unbuttoned collar) and toes(socks) which should be soft and well fit a leg(foot), not forming cords(crimps) as cicatrixes, thickenings, negligent darning easily become the reason naminov and attritions. From above they are recommended to be put on also elastic, warning hit in a woolen toe of a road dust, fine kameshkov and other, that causes a boring of a skin of legs(foots).
Trousers should be from a dense matter. It is not desirable bajka or a tissue with nachesom: the clothes, sshitaja from such material, are serious, quickly become wet and longly dry up. For men jeans, for women - bridges (in a combination to gaiters) approach(suit) "tehasy". It is important, that trousers did not compress a leg(foot) in kolenjah and did not stir(prevent) to a wide step. Light(mild) training suits are especially convenient from this point of view. The shirt-ковбойка should be enough long to cover a loin, and to be unbuttoned from top to bottom. For hot time shorts, a bathing suit, from linen - pair of cowards and a steam maek with a short sleeve are desirable.
On an event of a bad weather the raincoat-cape which should cover completely from a rain of the tourist together with its(his) backpack is obligatory. - not so much the headdress is necessary for protection against a rain, how much from solar beams also. He is especially necessary in the beginning of a season when after winter solar "starvation" the organism of the person is rather sensitive to refrigerating loads. Lungs shapochki light tones with visors are most convenient. Hats with wide fields or, on the contrary, headdresses without fields (berety, tjubetejki, svanki) are less desirable.
Footwear. So-called tourist boots on profilirovannoj to a sole of type "vibram" are most convenient. Choosing footwear on yoga, it is necessary to try, that the skin of a boot did not press from above on fingers and they could move freely. Boots should be so spacious, that in them it was possible to enclose an additional insole, and to put on a leg(foot) a thick toe, and at tightened(delayed) shnurovke they densely fitted an ankle joint. As removable (reserve) footwear are recommended krossovki. Utilization of gym shoes is admissible, if they are taken on the size more than ordinary footwear, in them the double thick insole is enclosed and they are put on two (one - woolen) a toe, including in hot weather.
On simple routes it is possible to wear and another strong, but raznoshennuju footwear on a low heel and a corrugated sole. During a spring impassability of roads and autumn rains tourists take with themselves rubber boots.
Backpack. From numerous species of carryalls and the sports bags which are let out(are released) now by the industry, the preference should be given greater(big) backpacks which are made(produced) of a dense strong tissue, have vshitoe a bottom(fundus) of the rectangular or oval form, reliably attached wide zaplechnye belts, capacious pockets and rather small weight. Are very convenient for a transferring, but are not universal (do not suit water and some mountain hikes) stankovye backpacks.
Having bought(purchased) a backpack, check up, whether straps are enough wide at it(him) and whether belts are long, sew under straps an additional lining, lengthen belts (matches) and make the waterproof loose leaf - a bag of plastic of greater, than a backpack, volume. Last is necessary in case the backpack will get under a rain, in water or will be put on crude soil.
Sleeping accessories(belongings). On simple travel has well proved a sleeping bag-blanket. This is especially convenient light(mild), displayed, as a blanket, a sleeping bag, on a fastener "lightning" (with a lining from batting or ochesov artificial materials) in a combination to an inflatable mattress. The Sleeping bag can be made and it is independent from a wide woolen blanket (having combined it(him) half-and-half and having stitched on two edges), and instead of a mattress to use penoplastovuju a mat or porolonovyj a sleeping pad. Such drawsheet softens roughnesses of soil under bottom(fundus) of tent and relieves of a temptation to fracture needle-leaved lapnik.
Beginning(Starting) travellers, being afraid of a night cold, sometimes sleep in a sleeping bag dressed. It is unhygienic and besides does not bring desirable heat. In a bag it is necessary to sleep undressed, sshiv the loose leaf from a bedsheet. In cool nights itself put on a stripped vest, a training suit, and with other clothes cover a bag. At a transferring in a backpack the sleeping bag should be in a water-proof pack (for example, in a polyethylene sack).
"Trifles" of personal equipment. Are specified in the table on with. 23-24. We shall in addition note, that it is useful to include(switch on) a small scrubbing brush in toilet accessories(belongings) for arms(hand) and clothes. That fine things were not scattered in a backpack, sshejte in advance some saccules of the different sizes. The same covers will be useful for linen and utensils.
Taking with itself documents, money, kartoshemu, take care of their sealed package. For this purpose it is possible to use saccules from polyethylene or prorezinennogo Capronum.
On travel never will prevent thrifty priberezhennaja dry rastopka, emergency matches in water-proof packing are necessary. Such packing the sleeve(cage) closed by a fuse from under the hunting cartridge, the aluminium cartridge from a film or the medicines, stuck as Emplastrum, izoljatsionnoj a tape, thin rubber, a layer of the fused paraffin wax can serve.
From matches are most convenient vetrostojkie, known on sale as "hunting". They burn even in a strong wind and a rain.
As shnurkov it is better to use a thin kapron cord: he is not torn, and zaplavlennye above a suppository the extremities(ends) perfectly enter into holes shnurovki on footwear.
Do not take with itself an aluminium bowl and a mug - it is difficult to eat from them in hiking conditions hot nutrition. It is better, if the utensils will be enameled or from polyethylene. Exception can be made for a bowl in which expect to roast meal on a fire(shive), and flat kettle with the cap(cover) supplied by the handle. From spoons are convenient wooden, but it is necessary to remember, that at the negligent attitude(relation) they is easily koljatsja.
Do not forget to take a penknife, having adhered it(him) for shnurok to a cingular belt. For travelling records it is recommended to have a notebook (field journal) in hard reliure and a simple pencil.
It is not necessary to take in simple travel a stick (alpenshtok, a staff). It is better, if arms(hand) of the traveller will be free. If the route passes(takes place) on sharp cross-country localities or your tent does not have non-disposable racks then it is necessary to take with itself a light(mild) stick in length of 140-150 centimeters.
At walking on a wet shrub layer sometimes useful there is a polyethylene skirt or an apron. It is even better to have wide, light(mild) (on elastic) trousers from boloni or Capronum.
Features of personal equipment on mountain and water travel
On mountain travel. In addition to a set of personal equipment for the pedestrian travel to a simple mountain hike normally take alpenshtok, the second sweater, ski shapochku, repshnur, a tube for a drinking of water, canvas mittens, the third-fourth pair of woolen toes(socks)...
If on travel overcoming снежно-ice passes instead of alpenshtoka it is necessary to take ledorub and besides a climbing carbine, a girdle, an avalanche cord, a gauze bandage for protection against an excessive insolation, woolen gloves is stipulated. A dark goggles are obligatory, and their filters be indispensable should glass as plastic practically - does not detain ultraviolet rays.
From drawsheets under a sleeping bag is better in mountains of have recommended penoplastovye mats in length up to 1 m made from plastinok of a plastic foam of average rigidity, 5х20 sm at thickness of 1,5-2 sm which are pasted on a chunk of a matter or are inserted by the size in materchatye cases.
Instead of ordinary storm trousers (especially if it is not necessary lasting many days transition on a snow) it is possible to use short, clasped(buttoned) under kolenjami trousers in a combination to thick woolen gaiters.
From footwear the high-mountainous boots fettered trikonjamn - steel gear stirrups are good. The hard toe and a heel of a boot help(assist) to beat out steps in firn, protect legs(foots) from bruises stones. Boots normally steal up on one number more that they could be put on on two gifts(for nothing) of woolen toes(socks). Weight a boot from 1,8 up to 2,3 kg.
Choosing ledorub, remember, that the length of its(his) handle should be such that the arm(hand) which has clasped a head ledoruba, put upright on land, has been a little incurvated in an elbow.
On water travel. The personal equipment of the tourist-water-transport worker does not differ almost from equipment of the pedestrian. As the basic footwear tourists-water-transport workers instead of a boot often use krossovki and gym shoes. With itself it is recommended to have also rubber boots. A successful variant facilitated a boot are it is independent sshitye from prorezinennoj tissues "trousers-boots" of type of stockings.
For the prevention(warning) of attritions of arms(hand) at work with paddles or on construction of a raft it is useful to have gloves and canvas mittens. Individual saving agents are obligatory:
Inflatable or pith waistcoat, saving girdle. To make(produce) independently life jacket simply of two medical podkladnyh the circles bridged by a wide canvas girdle.
Features of personal equipment on ski travel
Clothes and footwear. Feature of clothes for a ski route - a lot of woolen things: a training suit, ski trousers (dense, without nachesa), breeches, swimming trunks, toes(socks); one change of underwear also should be woolen (so it is named mine "egerskoe" linen). It is necessary to have woolen ski shapochku and podshlemnik, a wind-shelter mask from a flannel, facial vyrez shtormovki it is desirable to sheathe fur.
The size of a storm suit should be on one-two numbers more ordinary that it was possible to put on it(him) atop of a warm jacket. The jacket-анарака from boloni also should be spacious, with wide projmami sleeves.
For halts fur stockings (slippers) and warm (fur, down, wadded) a jacket are recommended. As a last resort under ordinary shtormovku it is possible to make a fastened lining of batting. For protection the boot from a snow and for conservation of heat of legs(foots) follows sshit special covers-бахилы. A material for bahil - a thin canvas, Capronum; a design - a bag in length about 40 sm (fig. 2). Good bahily can exclude necessity for drying footwear.
BahilyRis. 2. Bahily on ski boots.
Ski boots should have high top, a wide toe and to be the big completeness. Ski boots take on two numbers more than ordinary footwear and put on 2-3 woolen toes. In botanki put thick (it is possible fur) insoles. Mittens are recommended to be bound among themselves a band which is stretched through sleeves shtormovki.
Skis. Are most convenient wide tourist (7-9 sm). Select them by a rule: the toe of the ski put upright should get up to a wrist of the arm(hand) extended upwards. More precisely (considering a difference in komplektsii people) the length of skis can be certain(specific) by digit which receive if to body height of the person in centimeters to add half of its(his) weight in kgs.
In mountain districts or at movement on a strong ice-film the edged skis, with a wooden slipping surface are good. From alcoholizations are used semihard, it is desirable with a rope (so-called universal), a stick and rings to them are recommended metal.
The general(common) list
(At the rate of on group in 6-8 person)
The name Quantity(Amount) of pieces on travel
The pedestrian Mountain Water Ski
Tent dvuskatnaja 2 2 2 -
Tent warmed 1
Awning, polyethylene film 2 2 2 - 1
Kit from three buckets (casseroles) from 5 up to 8 l, in a cover 1 1 1 1
Axe average in a cover 1-2 1 2-3* 2
Axe small in a cover 1 1 1 " 1
Saw bimanual in a cover 1* - 1 1*
Metal rogulki, a rope, krjuchja for a suspension bracket of utensils and t. Item. kompl. kompl. kompl. kompl.
Mittens campfire 1 - 1 1
Girdle 1 - 1 -
Razlivatelnaja the spoon 1 1 1 1
Knife canning 1 1 1 1
Flask 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3
Thermos - - 1-2* 2-3
Oilcloth lunch (polyethylene) 1 - 1 -
Bast kapron 2 2 2 2
Steelyard 1* - 1* -
Container for products (to a saccule with tapes) kompl. kompl. kompl. kompl.
Soap economic 1 1 1 1
Matches in waterproof packing 3 3 3 3
Tablet (with a paper, a tracing-paper, a pencil) 1 1 1 1
Maps, kroki, vykopirovki (kit) 2 2 2 2
Whistle alarm 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3
Lantern pocket with batarejkami 3 3 3 3
Reserve kit batareek 3 3 3 3
Reserve bulb to lanterns 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5
Suppository stearin 3-4 3-4 5 5
Candlestick to suppositories 2 2 2 1
Shaving set with a kit of edges and a pocket mirror 1 1 1 1
Glasses(Spots) protective reserve - 2 - 1
The medical first-aid set Under the list (see about. 45)
Repair set Under the list (see with. 53)
Piscatory tackles (kit) 1 - 2-3 -
foto-and movie cameras, accessories(belongings) to them and materials Under the list (see 0.203)
The field-glass with a range finder - 1 1* -
Boat, kayak, raft (with spasatelnymisredstvami and spare parts) - - 2-4 -
Cord oсновная (30-40) 1* 1-2 1* -
Cord auxiliary (30-40) 1 1 1 1
Repshnur (girdle Abalakova) 2-3 2-3 2-3* -
Carbine climbing 2-3 2-3 2-3* 1
Cats with matches in a cover - 2-3* - -
Krjuchja - 4-8* - -
Hammer rocky - 1* - -
Kerosene stove tourist (a petrol tile) with and a kit of needles, keys, linings t. Item - 2-3* - -
Oven hiking with a cover - - - 1*
Capacity for fuel (the canister, a flask) - 1-3* - -
Fuel (gasoline, dry alcohol in kg) - 2-4* - 1-2*
Shovel avalanche (a leaf(sheet) djuralja) - 1 1
Shovel sapernaja 1 - - -
Ski reserve - - - 1-2
Alcoholizations ski reserve - - - 2-3
Valenoks (for persons on duty) - - - 2
Set of ski ointments - - - kompl.
Fuse for contusion of ointment - - - 2
Ointment for impregnation of footwear - 1 - 1
Syringe greater(big) (for a kayak) - - 3-4* -
Pesennik 1-2* 1-2* 1-2* 1-2*
Musical instrument 1* 1* 1* 1*
Volleyball ball 1* - 1* -
Badminton 1* - 1* -
Devices for observations (the thermometer, anemometr, the snow gage and t. Item) * * * *
Determinants (plants, minerals and t. Item) * * * *
Protractor 1 1 1 1
Kurvimetr 1 1 1 1
The passometer 1* 1* - -
Vizirnaja a ruler 1 1 1 1
Meter (compasses) 1* 1* 1* 1*
Undertakes depending on concrete conditions of travel under the discretion of group.
Fire between two derevjamiris. 3. A fire between two trees.
Features of group equipment on the pedestrian and mountain travel
On the pedestrian travel. The group equipment on simple travel normally includes the subjects necessary for cooking (campfire and kitchen accessories(belongings)), the organizations of a lodging for the night and a life of tourist group, and also for overcoming natural obstacles and movement on a route.
Depending on on what it is supposed to cook food, take with itself a kerosene stove, a petrol tile or, that happens most often, campfire fittings to which thin ropes for a suspension bracket of buckets between trees (fig. 3 concern), harmonious(collapsible) tagany, light(mild) tripods, the non-disposable centers from metal bars, arms (fig. 4-5). Apply also hooks and chains to a suspension bracket and adjustments of height of utensils above fire (fig. 6), wind-shelter and zharootrazhatelnye screens for kerosene stoves and spirituous kitchens(cuisines), metal grids (type of hammocks) for delution of a fire above land.
Tripod for kostraris. 4. A tripod for a fire.
The kind most convenient for a transferring group posudy-a kit from two-three cleaned(removed) one in another of "flat" buckets or casseroles with oval (by way of) bottom(fundus). Their general(common) capacity should be those, that on each tourist it was necessary on 1,5-2 l. To buckets, casseroles or kettles it is desirable to make in advance demountable wire handles for suspension of utensils above fire or metal chains which do not prevent to clean(remove) one utensils in another. For each cooking utensils (in order to prevent pollution of a backpack and things) it is necessary to make materchatyj a cover. The zinced or enameled buckets for cooking on a hiking fire are unusable.
To kitchen and campfire accessories(belongings) concern also razlivatelnaja the spoon, a stirrer with the long handle, a hook-чапельник, pair of canvas mittens, a chunk of an oilcloth. Some of these subjects can be made directly on travel (fig. 7).
From tents the preference is better for giving lungs dvuskatnym with a non-disposable skeleton. If the tent for some reason or other is not completed by non-disposable racks they should be made of 1-1,5 sm of pieces of duralumin tubes in diameter and in the length 40-45 see In order to prevent decay of trees complete with tent it is necessary to have also pegs (probes) from a thin metal rod or corners. That pegs were not lost and did not tear at transportation of a thing, them clean(remove) in a cover. The cover is desirable and for all tent: there it(her) clean(remove), if have taken out not dried after a rain or, on the contrary, if transport outside of a backpack in crude weather.
Arm for kostraris. 5. An arm for a fire.
In spite of the fact that the roof of tents is made of tissues with water-repellent impregnation, in a bad weather it is necessary to cover with a polyethylene film tent. It is desirable, that this cape was great enough and would cover not only tent, but also the backpacks put about it(her). For this purpose it is possible to bridge some chunks of polyethylene among themselves by means of an iron or a soldering iron. It is even better to have a light(mild) awning-roof from prorezinennogo Capronum.
On travel on districts with warm, malodozhdlivym a climate 3Х2,5 the m can replace an awning in the size for group of 6-8 person two tents. Loops for which adhere strong cords for the extension(spreading device) are fixed into angles and in the middle of the long sides of an awning. To stretch(drag out) an awning follows naklonno at height of the upper edge about 2 m. Meters in three before an awning the fire gets divorced.
Self-made campfire prisposoblenijaris. 6. Self-made campfire fittings: And - adjustable a chain and hooks; - rogulki from metal.
From axes it is most convenient plotnichy, grinded for felling trees. The major demand - good, is reliable rasklinennaja an attachment(a nozzle) of an axe on toporishche (length of 50-60 sm). Have well proved also tourist (hunting) all-metal toporiki with the rubber handle.
From the equipment necessary at overcoming of natural obstacles, it is necessary to have with itself an auxiliary cord (30-40), a little repshnurov and carbines. From other equipment it is useful to grasp also saccules with tapes for products, a household soap, suppositories, a kapron bast, covers to .posude, a saw and t. Item
Fittings for hiking kuhniris. 7. Fittings for a mobile kitchen: and - the handle for snimanija buckets; the-handle for a mug; in - the handle for a casserole; g - skovorodnik; d - the handle for a serving spoon
On mountain travel. Collective equipment for mountain travel add-гельно to a set for the pedestrian route includes a cord, krjuchja, cats climbing, a rocky hammer for passage of complex(difficult) sites, and at a long finding in lack of forests - a kerosene stove ("Tourist" or "Bumblebee") and capacities for liquid fuel. At rather short-term stay in a high-mountainous zone it is possible to be limited to a small stock of dry alcohol.
On travel it is desirable to have the field-glass, an avalanche shovel (on a snow it(her) use as a leg for a kerosene stove), a reserve pair of sunglasses. Instead of buckets it is better to take a kit from three casseroles.
For economy in weight and warmings of lodgings for the night it is recommended to use many-placed (on 2-4 persons) sleeping bags.