Useful work on travel, the organization of observations
During travel many tourist groups accept active participation in socially useful work, carry out tasks of the various organizations, spend observations above the nature. It does(makes) a hike more interesting and fascinating.The decision to perform this or that public work on a route is voluntary business of tourists. For one it is interesting to carry out tourist research of new district of travel, others are ready to act with lecture, a concert of amateur performances or to help(assist) with forest plantations, the third any concrete side of the nature - minerals, flowers, insects interests. In section some help data on the organization of useful work and observation of the separate natural phenomena in hiking conditions are cited. FORMS OF SOCIALLY USEFUL WORK
From many kinds and forms of socially useful activity of tourists the following are most widespread:
The labour help to local population;
Agitation-and-propaganda and cultural-mass work;
Nature preservation, accomplishment of a visual environment;
Study of local lore researches;
Performance of target tasks of scientific, economic and other establishments and the organizations;
Performance .zadany туристско-excursion establishments, the organizations and public organs;
Passing, incidental socially useful activity without concrete tasks.
In the certain(specific) conformity with this division there are also basic methods which are recommended to be used to tourists during work: physical work, propagation, education, education, inspection, search, observation, inventory control, research, collective activity and t. Item
The help to local population
The help to local population - one of the main forms of tourist socially useful work. A hike with the propaganda purposes on sponsored district, delivery during election campaign of the literature in the remote village, the help in release of wall newspapers and photomontages, concerts of amateur performances, lecture and conversation, a sports occurring with local youth, the help to collective farm in weeding shoots, sweeping of hay, the collecting of vegetables or fruit and many other things under, force to all travellers. This work does not demand complex(difficult) preparation and special equipment.
All-Union hike
The basic purpose of the All-Union income komsomoltsev, youth and tourists in places of revolutionary, fighting and labour glory of Soviet people is patriotic education of youth. Participants of the All-Union hike, passing(taking place) on guerrilla tracks, visiting(attending) the places bound to revolutionary events, with fighting and labour feats, collect data on heroes, recreate little-known pages of history, establish(install) obelisks and memorial boards, will organize exhibitions and museums. Supervises over this movement of Central Committee VLKSM together with the Central advice(council) on tourism and excursions of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and Central committee DOSAAF.
Wishing to take part(participate) in the All-Union hike it is necessary to address immediately in the staffs of a hike organized at district committees and city town committees VLKSM. Here to them will prompt interesting routes, will advise how to lead searches, will tell, where it is possible to restore a guerrilla dugout, to collect materials for a museum of fighting glory or to execute other assignment(order).
Performance of tasks of the organizations
Many interesting impressions can give the traveller performance of tasks of the various organizations and establishments - scientific, design, prospecting, economic.
Filming and searches of medicinal wild plants concern to them, observations over regimens of the small rivers and investigation of new deposits of minerals, the collecting of ethnographic materials snegomernaja.
Are especially close to heart of the traveller of the assignment(order) of establishments and the organizations, engaged nature preservation.
Target tasks can give tourists: study of local lore and others, museums; units, section and the commission of the All-Union geographical society; units of societies of nature preservation; units of societies of monument protection of history and culture; geological managements, expeditions(dispatches) and lots; managements gidrometsluzhby; managements of a forest husbandry and a forest area; managements of a game husbandry and reserves, the hunting inspections; is natural-biological both historical faculties and faculties of higher educational institutions; scientific research institutes (for example. All-Union research geological institute, Institute of geography of the Academy of sciences of the USSR, the All-Union scientific research institute of drug plants and t. Item).
To juvenile tourists besides it is recommended behind tasks to address in departments of study of local lore and tourism of Palaces and Houses of pioneers and schoolboys, at station, juvenile tourists.
Performance of tourist tasks
Work in a hike on tourist subjects includes observations over conditions of passage of this or that district at various technics(technical equipment) and tactics of movement, definition of the most rational sets of food stuffs and opportunities of their updating in ways, test of new specimens of equipment, investigation of passes, valleys, the rivers, development and the description of new routes.
The subjects of tourist tasks includes also hikes with the purpose of marks and sweeping of tourist lines, revealing, restoration and protection of excursion objects, a construction of tourist shelters, an accomplishment of ferries, tracks, scenic view points, the equipment of wood ranges for employment(occupations) on technics(technical equipment) of tourism, naveska safety cables and chains on passes and t. The item Here concern the works bound to gardening of routes, carrying out of tourist day of a forest, with participation of tourists in patrol spot-checks on forest areas, stewing of the centers of wilderness fires, clearing of the cluttered up wood lots, investigation, clearing and the equipment of sources of water, etc.
Concrete tasks can be received in local advice(councils) on tourism and excursions, in clubs of tourists, on tourist centers, in the маршрутно-qualifying commissions.
Study of local lore activity
Socially useful feedback from study of local lore work is bound by that tourist study of local lore assumes applied studying the nature, a labour life, a life and culture of the population in their interaction and concentrates attention to studying of those features which are caused by a site of objects or the phenomena in borders of the small district certain(specific), as a rule, along a tourist route.
Study of local lore activity provides studying by tourists of bases of such knowledge as geomorphology, botany, meteorology, she inoculates skills of carrying out of the elementary observations (see with. 189). At the same time the collecting of a material and observation of any objects become study of local lore only at their comprehension, generalization, reception of useful result and finishing up to the general(common) data of "microopening". Therefore, for example, at studying national creativity of local population it is necessary to write down closely(attentively) the most typical proverbs, sayings, chastooshkas, songs; to photograph and sketch woodcarving (pediments, platbands), laces, embroideries; to write down surnames and addresses of masters-singles with the indicating of a kind of products (a toy, ceramics, stamping, weaving and t. Item),
Conditions of successful exercise of socially useful work
Productivity of socially useful work on travel depends, besides other, from keeping following general(common) rules;
Performance of tasks should not go to the detriment of cognitive value of travel, stir(prevent) to productive leisure(active rest) or place under a threat safety of tourist group;
The preliminary arrangement, the coordination of the useful initiative of tourists with the corresponding(meeting) local organizations is necessary;
It is necessary preliminary (educational, labour) preparation of tourists, maintenance with their necessary working instrument, devices of observations and t. Item;
Before tourists clear, concrete, accessible statement is necessary for performance by their forces of tasks;
Creation of an interesting, celebratory situation for socially useful work, injection in it(her) of competitive elements is desirable;
Finishing work of tourists before logic end, encouragement of its(her) most active participants, maintenance of presentation of results is very desirable.
Meteorological observations
Meteorological observations over tourist travel allow to be guided in character of weather and to expect its(her) change in the nearest hours. Besides they can give an interesting material for the characteristic of a microclimate of various districts.
Observations are spent during precisely established(installed) time: at 1, 7, 13 and 19 hours on local time during from October till March and at 2, 8, 14 and 20 hours per other period of year. Beginners can be limited to three closing dates and the most part of observations to spend without devices, visually.
Observations above overcast. Overcast define(determine) from the open place approximately on ten-mark system. Cloudless nebo-0. At the overcast peer to 10 points, the palate is completely closed by clouds. If by clouds it is covered 1/10, 2/10, 3/10, etc. parts of a heavenly crest(fornix) overcast is accordingly peer 1, 2, 3, etc. to points.
On height on which clouds range, them divide into the upper, average and bottom circles. Clouds of a top plate - thin, white, do not give a shadow and deposits and normally foretell change of weather. Clouds of an average circle - light, livid, in the form of a continuous veil or waves, larger and massive in comparison with clouds of a top plate, through them the sun almost does not appear through. Clouds of a bottom plate - low, grey, consist of large serious ridges, the shaft closing a palate by a continuous integument.
Observations above a wind. Consist in definition of its(his) direction and rate. At absence of devices rate of a wind is defined(determined) to attributes of scale Boforta.
Attributes The Point The Name of a wind Rate of a wind, km/s
Ground subjects A water table
The smoke rises upwards. The flag hangs easy The Water table zerkalna 0 The Calm 0-0,5
The smoke weakly deviates, leaves rustle. A flame of a match weakly oklonjaetsja Appear small cheshueobraznye waves without "dinmonts" 1 Silent 0,6-1,7
Thin branches move, the flag weakly flutters. The flame quickly dies away The Short, well expressed waves, crests them start to overturn. But foam not white, but vitreous(glassy). Rjabit a surface of water 2 Light(Mild) 1.8-3,3
Small branches are shaken, the flag flutters » 3 Weak 3,4-5,2
Greater(Big) branches are shaken, the flag is extended, the dust Waves rises become longer, places form foaming "dinmonts" 4 Moderated(Moderate) 6,3-7,4
Small trunks are shaken. All whistles in ears Is covered by "dinmonts" 5 Fresh 7,5-9,8
Trees are shaken. Strongly tears tents Crests of the big height Start to be formed. "Dinmonts" on crests of waves 6 Strong 9,9-12,4
Breaks tents. Small trees Waves bend are piled up and make destructions. The wind breaks from crests white foam 7 Strong 12,5-15,2
Zatrudnjaeteja movement. Fractures thin branches. Greater(big) trees Height and length of waves bend are noticeably enlarged 8 Very strong 15,3-18,2
Fractures greater(big) trees. Roofs High, goropodobnye waves with long overturning crests 9 The Storm 18.3-21,5 are damaged(injured)
Breaks roofs. All water table eradicates trees Becomes white from foam 10 The Whole gale 21,6-25,1
The Height of waves makes greater(big) destructions Is so great, that hides ships being in sight 11 Storm 25,2-29
Makes a devastation The Water dust broken from crests, considerably reduces visibility 12 Hurricane More than 29
Snegomernye observations. In a winter hike it is recommended to supplement meteorological observations by observations above a snow mantle: character of its(his) surface, thickness, homogeneity zaleganija and t. The item of Observation are spent visually and by means of the scribed ski stick with easily taken out ring - the elementary snegomernoj rejki. Using this stick, it is possible to measure thickness of a snow mantle and depth of a ski track, and knowing the basic area of a ski and weight of the tourist with a backpack to define(determine) (though and very approximately) stocks of a moisture in a snow.
It is necessary to mark(celebrate) the so-called special meteorological phenomena: abaissement of various deposits, the phenomena storm, optical and similar to them; dew, a hailstones, hoarfrost, hoarfrost, distant lightings, a rainbow, a fibrillation of stars, a blizzard and so forth
The elementary devices. To them concern the thermometer (it is desirable the thermometer-пращ, and also the minimal and maximal thermometers), a barometer-анероид (or aneroid-высотомер), hygrodeic Asmana, manual anemometr.
It is convenient "not fragile" bezzhidkostnyj the thermometer tsiferblatnogo type. It(he) can be made(produced) independently at presence of a small bimetallic spiral. A spiral mount in the plastic case from under a compass, on a needle strengthen a finger-index, graduate a scale, and the thermometer is ready. In a hike it(he) can be worn, as a compass, on an arm(a hand) (having provided isolation from a body).
All should be written down meteorological observations in a diary of weather. In him the place, date, terms of observations, and also results of observations (pressure, humidity and temperature of air, a direction and rate of a wind, the form of clouds, overcast) and the separate atmospheric phenomena are marked(celebrated). It is necessary to write down the meteorological forecast to local attributes and then to mark(celebrate) conformity of the forecast of the validity.
Weather forecasting
The meteorological forecast to local meteorological attributes can be spent by tourists in view of the following phenomena:
Attributes of weather slightly overcast, without deposits (in the summer warm, in the winter frosty).
1. At call and sunrise a dawn yellow, yellow-green, pink. Greenish color specifies it(her) long conservation of character of weather.
2. After a bad weather gradual decrease of wind, the termination(discontinuance) of deposits, decrease of overcast, in the summer at night a cold snap.
3. With sunrise appear .kuchevye clouds. To poludnju their sizes are enlarged. To evening of a cloud spread and after a sunset absolutely disappear.
4. After a sunset on a grass there is a dew which amplifies before sunrise, and with its(his) rising disappears. In the spring and in the autumn instead of dew on land and roofs hoarfrost is formed.
5. In the summer at night above low places (bogs, hollows, small rivers) the fog accumulates.
6. By the evening and by the night in lowlands(nisins) and valleys becomes colder, than on heights, in a forest - is warmer, than on the open places.
7. In mountains of a smoke covers tops.
8. In the summer at night absolutely there is no wind. To poludnju he amplifies, and by the evening again remits.
9. In the afternoon the wind blows from the sea, at night - from a land.
10. Pressure of air is enlarged.
Attributes of inclement weather (cloudy, with a continuous rain or a snow and a wind).
1. On horizon there are the thin plumose clouds extended in the form of threads with the bent extremities(ends). Such clouds show, that inclement weather is from us on distance of 900-1 000 km and can approximately come(step) in 20 hours.
2. Thin plumose clouds gradually tighten(delay) all palate and pass in peristo the wafer clouds, ranging a dense layer. If these clouds close the sun or the moon around of them there are white circles. Further the continuous cloudy veil already approaches. The sun and the moon become invisible. The rain or a snow after a while begins.
3. The evening or morning dawn gets red, sometimes even purple-red painting. The sun sits down in a cloud.
4. The wind sharply changes directions and by the evening amplifies.
5. In mountains at night the wind blows from valleys in mountains, in the afternoon - on the contrary.
6. Pressure of air falls.
7. Dew or hoarfrost do not appear.
8. Is warmer in the evening, than in the afternoon.
9. In lowlands(nisins) and on heights, in a forest, I on the open places - identical temperature of air.
10. In mountains dropping of temperature in the morning.
11. The fog which has formed by evening "melts" up to тюё§6ф& the sun, not steletsja on water, and rises upwards.
Attributes of variable weather (with short-term deposits, in the summer thunder-storms and with the subsequent cold snap).
1. On horizon cirrocumulus clouds in the form of a fine ruffle are visible.
2. There are the extended clouds similar to huge grains of lentil.
3. In summertime in the evening or in the morning clouds in the form of waves or turrets are formed.
4. Some circles of clouds are simultaneously observed.
5. The sensation of closeness in the summer is framed - stews.
6. Pressure of air all over again changes a little, then suddenly starts to go down.
The meteorological forecast on national signs allows to expect weather for rather small district and Pa term normally no more than day. That the forecast was real, it is necessary to do(make) it(him) on many natural phenomena, on their complexes, instead of on separate two-rub(-three) signs.
To good weather.
1. The moon (at rising) is bordered by red, quickly disappearing circle.
2. Stars weakly flicker greenish color.
3. Horns of month are acute.
4. Strizhi fly highly.
5. Ants show high activity.
6. Mosquitoes and midges fly a plenty ("column").
7. Manure beetles fly low above land.
8. Lapwings, sonorously in the evening shout and often sings zjablik.
9. Bees early depart to a field.
10. On a grass, bushes, trees a plentiful web.
11. All dandelions are opened.
12. On ponds and the rivers the opened white lilies and yellow kuvshinki are appreciable.
13. The smoke (at absence of a wind) rises upright upwards.
14. Coals in a fire(shive) quickly become covered by ash, decay dimly.
To bad weather.
1. Stars reddish or is bright-dark blue light) strongly flicker,
2. Stars after clear day are visible badly.
3. Strizhi fly low.
4. Zjabliki "creak", and owls-сплюшки shout in the afternoon.
5. Hens and sparrows bathe in a dust, sparrows loudly chirp.
6. Ducks, the seagull, swans often dive, shout loudly, clap wings and pleshchutsja.
7. The fish jumps out, from water, midges suffice.
8. Lizards disappear in minks.
9. Frogs creep out of a bog and rhonchially croak.
10. Bees legajut late, are very active in the evening.
11. Ants are hidden in ant hills, close in them courses.
12. On land it is not visible insects, and earthen worms creep out on a surface.
13. Dogs eat a little, sleep much. Go for a drive by the ground.
14. Cats "wash" - a tinder paws a muzzle and ears.
15. The cattle greedy eats a grass.
16. Horses snore and sniff.
17. Briskly peresvistyvajutsja burunduki.
18. Flowers of dandelions, white lilies, yellow kuvshinok are closed.
19. Audibility of sounds amplifies, smells amplify.
20. Wires hoot.
21. The smoke curls and steletsja by the ground.
22. Coals of a fire brightly decay.
Topographical observations
Most a simple kind of topographical observations - routing filming on a course of movement of tourist group. For filming the day time route is broken into series of pieces which length define(determine) on time of movement or number of steps, and with directions - on a compass. All on a route should be adhered observations to the certain(specific) points which put(render) on the plan of district. Routing filming includes also opredelejaie the most important reference points (a method of notches), a sketch and photographing.
Distance up to object of the description and the reference points laying away from a route, determine by sight. It is recommended to do(make) drawing of the plan on a millimetric paper by means of a ruler and a protractor.
On separate objects of a tourist route, for example, a site of archeological excavations, a mineral source, volok between two river systems and t. Item, it is necessary to make more detailed plans. Them measurements of distances by a measured tape do(make) by means of proveshivanija direct lines marks, constructions ekkerom (the light(mild) simple device for definition of mutually perpendicular lines) on district of right angles. At filming it is led abris - glazomernyj the drawing on which show taken out subjects and write down numerical results of measurements. Then on these sketches and records in scale make the plan of the taken out site.
At tourist topographical observations often there is a need in definition of relative heights of points of district and drawing up of a profile in the certain(specific) direction. On small sites the profile can be made by means of vaterpasa (so-called horizontal vising) or eklimetra - the device for measurement of angles of an inclination of district. Definition of heights by means of a barometer-высотомера is more convenient.
Topographical observations assume good acquaintance to bases of topography and skill to be guided on district.
Geological observations
Geological observations in conditions of travel have, as a rule, character of routing geological filming. During their tourists get acquainted with the breeds composing an earth's crust, minerals and the hardened remnants of the remote past, with work of water, an ice and a wind. Geological observations are recommended to be led behind denudations, yields(exits) of rocks (rocks), stones, vysypkami from holes of animals, fragments in rhizomes vyvorochennyh trees and t. Item the Tourist can collect minerals in a hike, make sketches of layers and veins, to photograph the most interesting geological objects.
At the description of a denudation it is necessary to specify precisely it(him) ' a place, to note its(his) length, height, to make a schematic sketch, to note color, structure(frame) of a denudation, to list, what minerals meets more, to take specimens of breed of each kind.
Specimens should be taken from radical breeds from abrupt slopes, crests and tops, breaking away from a yield(an exit) of these breeds (instead of from taluses). Places of finds and denudations should be described in a diary and to plot. The label should be enclosed to each specimen with the indicating of item(point) where he is taken.
For carrying out of geological observations it is necessary; following equipment: a geological hammer, a chisel, a measured tape (twine), a mountain compass (with eklimetrom), a vial(flask) with 10 %-s' hydrochloric acid (for definition of rocks on boiling up), materchatye saccules.
Studying of a land forms
Geomorphological observations during travel allow to receive the description of separate sites of a land forms on a route - valleys, hills, watersheds. To tourists most easier to spend similar observations under the programs containing about following questions.
1. The name of object.
2. Its(his) predominating direction.
3. Length and height above sea level.
4. The characteristic cross-section(transversal) a profile (width, the form of section, quantity(amount) of river terraces, character of a bottomland of the river, presence of moraines and t. Item).
5. The characteristic longitudinal a profile.
6. Types of covering greenery on separate sites.
7. Economic utilization of territory.
So, at the description of slopes it is necessary to mark(celebrate) their position (a slope of the right or left riverbank), an exposition, toughness, a geological structure, the form of cross-section(transversal) section, and also a degree izrezannosti.
Making the description of a water-separate crest or a water-separate plateau, it is necessary to mark(celebrate) a direction of a crest (plateau) concerning cardinal points, character of its(his) disarticulating, presence of passes, a geological structure of a crest (plateau), presence of the remnants of ancient surfaces. Planning observations above a land forms, tourists should make in advance representation about its(his) features in district of travel, make whenever possible large-scale vykopirovku of maps and schemes(plans) and to be reserved by the same equipment, as for topographical observations.
Hydrological observations
The purpose of hydrological researches on tourist travel normally is the collecting of data about small and maloizuchennyh the rivers and lakes for drawing up of their characteristics.
Hydrological inspection includes the description of the river and adjoining district, a river bed with measurements of its(his) width and depth, character of shores and bottoms(funduses), measurement of rate of current and intensity of flow, and also the collecting of data at local residents about a river regime and its(her) utilization.
At inspection of lakes it is necessary to make glazomernuju filming of a sealine of lake for drawing up of its(his) plan, to make lotom measurements of depths (from a boat), to take temperature of water, to collect data on a regimen of lake at local residents.
From the elementary devices for hydrological observations tourists should have the cord (20-30) scribed on meters, a tablet with a compass and vizirnoj a ruler, light(mild) shest, hours with a second hand.
Botanical observations
Observations above greenery on travel consist in the description of its(her) various types, revealing useful wild-growing and ornamental plants.
At the description of greenery fix a geographical location of a site, a lay of land, humidification, character of soil, jarusnost the greenery, most often meeting plants in each circle, their height, a phase of development, an abundance, a state (normal or ugnetennoe), economic utilization.
Before beginning searches of useful plants, it is recommended to talk to local population, to learn(find out) appearance of plants, experience of their utilization, time and ways of the collecting, drying, storage.
To collect plants for drawing up of a herbarium follows at reception of the permission or the special task of the nature protection organization, a forest area, a study of local lore museum.
Specimens for a herbarium should be taken intact, with a rootage. To each specimen incorporated separately in gerbarnyj a leaf(sheet), give a label with the indicating of a place, medium and heights above sea level that site where the specimen is taken. On krokah a route put down number of the taken specimen.
For the best drying specimens it is necessary to have second thick "writing-book" from a newprint. On halts it is necessary to shift the taken specimens in this writing-book. During solar weather or at a fire a herbarium daily predry.
At studying vertical vegetation belts (in mountains). Collect small vetochki with leaves, colors(flowers) or fetuses, and also specimens of a cortex of trees and bushes.
From equipment for botanical observations (if the permission to the collecting of a herbarium is received) it is necessary to have a strong hunting knife for excavation of plants, gerbarnuju a paper ("writing-book" from newspapers), dense cardboard folders, cotton, it is desirable gerbarnyj a пресс-framework with a metal grid.
Florizm is an original combination of observations above greenery with art.
The tourists who are taking a great interest florizmom, collect on a route characteristic flowers, leaves, florescences, bizarre shishki, knots, roots from which then frame without a brush and paints of a sculpture, a panel, pictures.
In a natural root or a knot it is important to manage to see the encapsulated opportunities for creativity. Sometimes it appears sufficient to remove superfluous processes, prominences(mamelon) or to add new details. But those amusing figures in which the natural form where nothing is added or added a little is saved(conserved) are most of all appreciated.
Except for the collecting of wood miniatures, on travel it is possible to collect and dry flowers with conservation of their color and the form. From them it is possible to frame still-lifes, landscapes and even portraits at presence of skills and art abilities. However it is necessary to remember, that there are the plants brought in "Red Data Book". These plants to collect, certainly, it is impossible. Carefully it is necessary to concern and to all other plants, taking only limited quantity(amount) of copies.
Zoological observations
In conditions of tourist travel zoological observations are normally spent behind insects, birds, fine mammals.
The collecting of animals (as well as plants) is supposed at presence of the permission or the task of the organization and is limited in a hike, as a rule, to the collecting of insects.
It is recommended to collect thematic collections. For example: « Destructive insects of such district ». For the collecting of insects it is enough to have a brail net, "morilku" - a jar with a dense fuse on which inner side pin vatku, moistened by Chloroformium (an acetic, sulfuric Aether), a forceps, a magnifier. Umershchvlennoe in "morilke" an insect store(keep) in travel to a hard box in layers of cotton. The label on which specify time and a place of the collecting of an insect, a condition of weather, behaviour of an insect is located with series.
Observations over birds are possible(probable) both by means of the field-glass, and by the collecting "pogadok" - particles of undigested nutrition. Most interestingly also studying of traces of birds and mammals is accessible in hiking conditions, especially in the winter. Covered up traces can be sketched (with the indicating of distances between steps or jumps of an animal) or to photograph, preliminary having strewed them before filming by a color powder, for example, ash.
Phenological observations
Phenology - a science studying(investigating) seasonal development of wildlife. Phenological observations do not demand special equipment and are accessible to any close(attentive) tourist. For this purpose it is necessary to have a diary in which write down date of offensive(approach) of this or that seasonal phenomenon in a life of plants or animals: flowering of the bird cherry, the first pesn a nightingale, leaf shedding at birches, flying away of rooks and t. Item
Those tourist phenological observations which are constantly spent in the same places or in maloizuchennyh districts have the greatest scientific value. And observations are interesting to tourists. They do(make) travel by more substantial(pithy), allow to define(determine) the best terms will spend » hikes, having dated them to the most interesting phases of the nature.
For orientation in the phenological phenomena below terms of some natural phenomena on observations in an average strip of the European part of the country are resulted(brought):
Month Provisional terms The Name of the seasonal phenomena
The earliest Late Average dates
March 7/III 31/III 19/III The Arrival of the first rooks
7/III 15/IV 30/111 The Arrival of starlings
April 18/III 15/IV 1/IV The Arrival of larks
24/III 18/IV 4/IV The Beginning of movement of juice at a birch
25/III 17/IV 11/IV The Arrival on the north of cranes
17/III 10/V 17/IV Zatsvetanie Tussilagoes farfara
30/III 5/V 19/IV Zatsvetanie aspens
6/1V 7/V 22/1V Zatsvetanie olhd
4/1 V 13/V 24/IV The Beginning of rumbling of frogs
8/1V 12/V 24/IV Blooming kidneys of a bird cherry
6/1V 14/V 25/IV Zatsvetanie a hazel
May 24/IV 9/V 30/IV The First kukovanie cuckooes
15/IV 24/V 7/V Zatsvetanie primroses (baranchikov)
22/IV 23/V 9/V Zatsvetajaie birches
1/V 18/V 10/V The First song of a nightingale
26/1V 24/V 11/V The Start of may-bugs
29/IV 1/VI 12/V The Arrival of swallows
2/V 27/V 13/V Zatsvetanie a dandelion
4/V 4/VI 18/V Zatsvetanie bird cherries
2/V 5/VI 24/V Zatsvetanie wild strawberry
6/V 5/VI 22/V Zatsvetanie cherries
6/V 6/VI 24/V Zatsvetanie apple-trees
10/V 12/VI 26/V Zatsvetanie lilies of the valley
8/V 14/VI 27/V Zatsvetanie lilacs
11/V 17/VI 29/V Zatsvetanie a rowan
June 17/V 28/VI 12/VI Zatsvetanie a dogrose
25/V 3/VII 16/VI Zatsvetanie a rye
July 24/VI 20/VII 5/VII Koloshenie a rye
28/VI 28/VII 12/VII The Yellowing neigh
15/VI 30/VII 13/VII Zatsvetanie lindens
August 1/VIII 17/VIII 10/VIII The Beginning of leaf shedding
September 26/VIII 26/IX 3/IX Collecting rooks in flights
14/VIII 21/X 27/IX Flight of cranes
Other observations
There are also other kinds of tourist research work on a route.
Gljatsiologicheskie observations. Consist in rekognostsirovochnom inspection of ice cellars, them glazomernoj filming, the description of their surface, the extremity(end) of glacial tongue, a moraine, a glacial valley, and at an opportunity - definition of character of glacier fluctuation.
Studying of soils. It is spent by zalozhenija sections of soil, the description of profiles of soil, sampling, soil mapping.
Ethnographic observations. Observations on concrete themes of culture, a life, labour skills of the population in district of travel.
Toponymic observations. Studying of geographical names of the rivers, lakes, tops, human settlements and other objects on a route; the researches, giving an interesting material for judgement about visual environments, minerals, trade animals, moving of the person, the historical past of edge.
Economic-geographical observations. Are made above economic complexes, their spatial and historical development, communications(connections), prospects and t. Item
All these(it) and many other things observations in conditions of tourist travel have the features, programs, the methods described in the special literature.
Photographing on travel
Photographing renders to tourists invaluable service and allows to embody for itself both comrades interesting places and the moments of travel, objects of tourist observations and their features. And such section of photographing as photohunting, is besides one of the most interesting kinds of observation.
The photoequipment. We result(bring) the provisional list of subjects for photographing which can be useful to tourists.
The name Koл-in on group in 6-8 person
The camera 2-3
Photointensitometer 1
Objective(Lens) removable, wide-angle (35-mm) 1
Objective(Lens) removable, dlinnofokusnyj (135-mm) 1
Light filters (ЖС-12,-17,-18, etc.) in a kit 2-3
Solar blenda 2-3
Intermediate rings (or clip-on lenses) in a kit 1*
The universal view-finder 1
Support-струбцинка 1
Rope trigger 2
Magnesian tape 3-5*
Scissors small 1
Brush soft 1
Film in cartridges and cartridges 10-30
Bag perezarjadnyj 1*
Packing hermetic (box) 1
The reserve reception reel 1
* Undertakes under the discretion of group.
For travel it is desirable to choose from cameras what differ high safety in operation, have the metal case, the shutter from metal shtorok and a demountable back wall (cap(cover)). If in a hike take two cameras it is desirable that one was mirror.
It is more preferable to use the same chambers which the removable optics equally suits. For complex(difficult) travel it is not necessary to take dear(expensive), fragile(brittle) and serious apparatus - them will successfully replace maloformatnye and poluformatnye chambers.
Sensitivity of Membranula(film) depends on conditions of travel, svetosily objectives(lenses) and from what objects are planned to be taken out on a route. Normally for black-and-white filming use a negative material sensitivity of 65-130 units of GOST.
Just in case it is useful to have 2-3 cartridges with Membranula(film) of the maximum(supreme) sensitivity (250-350 units of GOST). For winter filmings Membranula(film) should be fresh as old becomes fragile and is torn at a frost--10-15 degrees.
Features of photographing. Before travel it is necessary to check up carefully photoequipment and to think over packing to it(him;them); to charge(load) Membranulas in cartridges, to clean(remove) them in metal patronchiki and germetizirovat an adhesive plaster, to removable objectives(lenses) to get forward and back caps(covers), to strengthen cases for chambers and to be reserved by waterproof bags for them (for example, from prorezinennogo Capronum). It is obligatory to develop the plan, themes and objects of filmings.
Conditions of photographing on travel are various, and quality of the received staff depends on skill to adapt to them in many respects. We shall result(bring) some practical advice(councils).
The chamber and accessories(belongings) to her always should be near at hand at the tourist-photographer and to be ready to work: the shutter is cocked, the diaphragm, endurance(quotation) and distance are put according to prospective conditions of filming. On call it is necessary to have the reserve charged(loaded) cartridge.
It is not necessary to postpone next day (hour, minutes) filming of that it is possible to take out at the moment: much on travel is unique, and to wait for the best illumination(coverage), longly to choose a point of filming, repeatedly to photograph the same object in the same situation on a route, as a rule, it is not obviously possible.
Winter landscapes with an abundance of a snow if they are taken out in cloudy weather, "are normally flaccid and monotonous. Therefore on ski travel it is necessary to photograph at the sun (necessarily with blendoj) or to apply during a bad weather filters enlarging contrast.
Filming on a mountain route is desirable for leading by means of a wide-angle viewer. Time of an exposition with rise considerably decreases: at height of 1 km up to 3/4 normal amounts, 2 km up to 2/3, 3 km up to 1/3, 4 km up to 1/4 normal amounts of endurance(quotation) on plain.
Filming on water routes also demands decrease of endurance(quotation) against ordinary. Application of a polarizing light filter Is desirable, is necessary blenda.
At filming in a forest time of an exposition should be enlarged, taken out considerably follows(is necessary) in the most open places: on glades, forest margins.
Taking out landscapes, in the staff for resuscitation and diversities, it is desirable to enter people - comrades on group; at filming separate objects of observations - plants, sections of soil, geological denudations - and the staff to enter any well-known subject for scale.
The apparatus should be preserved against adverse external actions: in strong frosts to hide under a jacket, to cover from direct solar beams, a dust, water bryzg in the summer.
On winter travel it is necessary to remember, that on a frost metal and glass surfaces quickly mist over and freeze from respiration, therefore the apparatus should be held far away on behalf of and the moment of filming to reduce up to a minimum.
At once after filming the tourist-photographer should enter into the notebook necessary for the subsequent utilization of the staff of data: number of Membranula(film), a serial number of the staff, object and a place of filming, date and time of filming, weather, indications of an intensitometer, the name of a light filter, endurance(quotation) and a diaphragm, notes. In last column mark(celebrate) a theme of the staff, with what purpose he is taken out, what people are represented in a picture and t. Item
Conducting a hiking diary
Diary - the basic brief describing performance of problems(tasks), put before group. Therefore all records in him should be extremely precise, laconic and at the same time settling(exhausting;exhaustive).
The form of record in a diary depends on a kind of observation. In any event it is desirable, that in a diary has found reflection time-keeping(chronometry) of running days.
The format and volume of a diary can be any. As a rule, tourists use the general(common) writing-book in a hard cover which is stored(kept) in a water-proof cover (polythene bag). Record is led by a simple pencil. In conditions of bad weather it is recommended to use an additional notebook, transferring(carrying) from it(her) a note on pages of a diary.
Records are deposited regulary during observations, and on an evening halt are exposed to additional primary processing. With this purpose on pages it is useful to leave wide fields for additions and conclusions. The regularity of records is extremely important. The tourist should remember an old precept of field researchers:
« Not written down - it was not observed », and to consider(count) not noted in a diary within day of observation not taken place.