Nature preservation, monuments of history and culture

The forest is your green friend. Do not mince trees and bushes on shesty and kolja for tents, do not fracture a branch for the device of tents, a drawsheet and other. In case of emergency it is possible to cut off(shear) only lateral branches, but at all top. For fires it is necessary to use only a kecks and on occassion a dead wood. In the rendered habitable places it is recommended to use inflatable mattresses, the hiking centers, kerosene stoves, gas tiles and t. Item NATURE PRESERVATION

The careful attitude(relation) to greenery

Especially it is necessary to avoid felling and damages of trees and a bush on slopes of gullens and hills - they promote soil fixing and prevention of erosion.

Travelling on forests of recreational areas, it is necessary to remember, that they a green shelter belt of city, its(his) "lungs" and a dressing. Here the tourist should protect each tree, each scrub and a flower. In fact they clear air of a dust, harmful germs, enrich with its(his) oxygen, give pleasure and health to many thousand townspeople.

It is impossible to harm a forest on its(his) borders, forest margins and glades; especially it is necessary to protect wood greenery on shores of the rivers: she fixes shores and saves polnovodnost and cleanliness of waterways.

Do not pick flowers. They give beauty and charm to our meadows, fields and forests. It is not necessary to tear them simply so, for the sake of an entertainment. An another matter if you wish under orders of to make a herbarium or to decorate the room with a small bouquet from fresh colors(flowers). To collect them it is better on a return way, coming back from a hike, and in flowerbuds. To pick flowers to throw them on road or immediately after homing home, - inadmissible wastefulness. Do not break off branches of a bird cherry, a rowan, Viburnum, a dogrose and other trees and bushes.

Is inadmissible to tear such rare(infrequent) flowers for many places, as lilies, kuvshinki, a rhododendron, an edelweiss and others; to collect the plants brought in "Red Data Book" of the nature.

Skilfully collect mushrooms. The mushroom is only the modified form of a plant - a mycelium which are being soil. Therefore it is impossible to pull out mushrooms with "root", that is to blast a mycelium. Mushroom pickers at whom in a basket broken, instead of the sheared mushrooms or which all over again break mushrooms, and then obrezajut the extremity(end) of a leg(pinch), spoil, impoverish the nature.

Keeping of fire regulations

Without need do not kindle(heat) shive. Remember: one small spark or a decaying piece of coal can cause(call) a heavy fire. The black trace from a fire given you pleasure at one-two o'clock, will be obezobrazhivat district many years.

Strictly keep measures of fire-prevention safety: plant fires(shives) only in the put places, and leaving, carefully extinguish fires(shives), observing for that any decay has stopped. If close there is no water, it is necessary to trample the remnants of a fire until the small smoke will disappear even.

Having noticed a beginning wilderness fire, immediately start its(his) stewing by means of available improvised agents: force down fire shtormovkoj, a towel, « a fascicle of fresh leafy branches, throw land, sand, chunks of a greensward, fill in with water.

If fire has had time to rise from land and has started to be thrown with a tree on a tree with a crown fire tourist group to not consult any more - it is necessary to run behind the help.

Keeping of cleanliness and silence

Do not litter tourist routes, bivachnye a platform and other places of country rest(tour). Leaving from a halt, destroy or take with itself dust, obryvki papers. Cans roast on a fire(shive), flatten out and together with other fireproof waste products dig in a secluded place, or, even better, also take with itself to throw out in a litter bin or other specially allocated(removed) place.

At all do not beat a bottle or other glassware. Remember, that the thrown paper does not decay two years, the shiver of a bottle or a can can wound a leg(foot) and in forty years.

If wish to hear singing of birds, murmur of the brook, a rustle of foliage, to see the elk or to fiber, really(rather) to have a rest in a forest - do not include the transistor, do not frame superfluous hum.

About advantage(benefit) of animals

Carefully concern to all alive essences: to mammals, birds, fishes, amphibious(amphibian), an insect. In most cases they benefit, participating in great process of a circuit of the nature. Even if this or that animal for some reason or other "is not pleasant" to you, it cannot form the basis for its(his) prosecution or killing. So, the snakes destroying myshevidnyh, the toads exterminating harmful insects, the earthworms "ploughing" land are useful.

In a forest it is necessary to try to go only on footpaths. The forest is full of the life, and you can easily crush an alive essence. If have casually come across a jack or a hole, do not tamper with them, do not remove a branch and a grass - will spoil masking or will frighten away animals. If have found in a hike of badly flying nestling or a helpless animal cub - leave it(him) in a forest. Series, possibly, are its(his) parents who will take care of him, and in a city apartment to a wood animal, as a rule, to survive difficultly.

Many insects require care of tourists. For example, ants - wood hospital attendants who leaven soil and transfer(carry) seeds of plants. The more in a forest of ant hills, the more fine a forest. Ants for a year exterminate up to a quarter of ton of pests from one hectare of the wood area. It is impossible to ruin jacks of bumblebees and bees, to chase with a brail net bright butterflies and dragonflies. As a rule, all color butterflies are the important pollinators, and dragonflies are useful to that destroy mosquitoes.

Keeping of rules of hunting and fishery

Tourists should know, that on all wild animals and birds who can be used for a national economy, hunting is authorized only to members of a society of hunters. The finding in a hunting area with the weapon, dogs and fishing gears is equated under the law to hunting.

Sending to a hike, it is necessary to establish(install) in advance, whether the district of travel is closed for hunting (a protection regime, a green zone), whether there correspond(meet) terms of travel to terms of the resolved hunting, whether there are no special indicatings local ohotinspektsii on reduction of terms of the hunting, what animals in the given district are in addition included(switched in addition on) in the list of the animals which are a subject protection what limitations on application of fishing gears of a fish are available. It is necessary to remember, that only very rare(infrequent) predators-wreckers, for example the wolf, are liable to destruction within all year.

Sometimes to tourist groups vagrant dogs are beaten in hikes. They are enemies of animals and birds, especially during mass nasizhivanija eggs and feeding of young stock. Therefore such dogs should be driven away from group.

Pass from gun hunting to bloodless photohunting. Tourists-photographers know, that she more difficultly and is more sports than the first, and than it(her) trofei-pochetnee and is more longevous.

Bird protection

Do not tamper with birds of prey. The majority of birds-predators living at us benefits, destroying pests of an agriculture and messengers of infections. At all do not suppose ruin of their jacks, do not disturb nestlings. If you have casually opened a jack, restore its(his) former masking.

To number of harmful birds carry only paludal lunja, hawks, in a number of places - kites. Harm of other birds of prey (eagles, falcons, owls, etc.) in most cases is much more blocked by advantage(benefit) which they bring, destroying myshevidnyh and other fine rodents. It is better to not skilled(experienced) tourists to not tamper with birds of prey if they are not assured that deal with harmful predators.

Protect starlings, rooks, daws, sparrows. They benefit, destroying harmful insects. In districts of cultivation of corn rooks during some moments can be harmful, as vyklevyvajut shoots, but nevertheless they need to be not destroyed, and to frighten off, as they eat such edaphic pests which are difficult for exterminating in the chemical ways. In the European part of the USSR a city sparrow - the friend to the person. Among birds he the main defender of a green planting. The field sparrow destroys pests of trees, in particular fruit, but during the moment of sweeping of breads can eat and grain. In the further eats weeds. The same as also a rook, it is necessary to not destroy it(him) during maturation of breads, and to frighten off.

If there is an opportunity during travel it is useful to construct and establish(install) for birds starling houses and dupljanki.

Pest control of a forest

Duty(Debt) of the tourist not only in not putting(rendering) a loss to the nature, - he is obliged to struggle activly itself with enemies of a forest. In forests in other years destructive insects which can on the area in some square kilometers are made multiple copies destroy foliage or needles. In leafed forests it is unpaired, oak hiking and willow silkworms, zlatoguzka, winter prjadenitsa, krasnohvost.

Butterflies of these insects have, as a rule, white, yellowish, grey painting. In coniferous forests - pine, Siberian silkworms, a silkworm-nun, pine a scoop, pine prjadenitsa. Butterflies have wings of a caesious coloring, sometimes with maculae and strips. Pests of needle-leaved plants are bugs-короеды, usachi, dolgonosiki, pililshchiki and others. It is necessary to report their occurrence in the Village Soviets and forest areas.

To do(make) it it is necessary and in the event that tourists cannot understand, with what insect (the friend or the enemy) deal, but mark(celebrate) its(his) mass duplication. - forest areas, collective farms, district executive committees it is necessary to inform the interested organizations also on mass summer of butterflies, them jajtsekladkah on trees and in other places; presence of caterpillars(tracks), larvas, dolls, cocoons, web jacks on trees, bushes and in soil; mass damage of foliage and needles, usyhanii young stock, sazhentsev, rotting sejantsev, etc.

Rules of visiting of safeguarded natural territories

Planning a route of travel, it is necessary to establish(install) in advance, whether he through safeguarded natural territories - passes(takes place) the reserves, safeguarded natural boundaries, national parks, natural sanctuaries - and what limitations for their visiting are available.

If tourists are going to visit(attend) state reserve it(he;they) should contact preliminary its(his) management, to learn(find out) opportunities of survey and to receive the permission. To move on zapovednoj territories it is possible only in strict conformity with the route offered in reserve, strictly keeping all the rules of behaviour established(installed) in him. It is necessary to remember, that reserves are scientific institutes, laboratories in the nature. They not for mass tourism.

Visiting of protection regimes of territories where it is temporary or are forever forbidden some kinds of economic activities), safeguarded natural boundaries and natural sanctuaries also demands the coordination of a route with the nature protection organizations and in any terms (for example, during fish run on spawning, deducing(removing) by birds of nestlings or during especially fire-dangerous period of year) it can be forbidden to tourists.

National (natural) parks and such species of safeguarded visual environments as greenbelts, park belts, resort districts, as a rule, are always open for tourists. At the same time and in them it is necessary to submit to the established(installed) rules of visiting: to move on special tracks, to stop on a lodging for the night only on allocated(removed) bivachnyh glades and t. Item

Legal protection of the nature

For disturbance of the established(installed) rules of a natural management tourists can be involved to administrative, material and the criminal liability.

For disturbance of fire prevention rules in a forest the penalty at a rate of up to 10 rbl. on separate tourists-infringers and up to 50 rbl. on the principal of group can be imposed.

For each cut down tree in diameter up to 12 I eat inclusive (diameter is defined(determined) on a stump) the infringer in RSFSR 11 rbl. should pay, at diameter, for example, from 20,1 up to 24 sm - 29 rbl., from 32,1 up to 36 sm - 59 rbl., etc. For each cut down scrub is collected(claimed) 8 rbl. the Given quotations extend on forests of green zones around of cities, resort, soil-protective and field-protection forests, reserves, tenial borons(cutters) in Western Siberia, steppe are caustic. Some trees: the cedar, an oak, tverdolistvennye, nut, fruit breeds, - where they have been cut down also paid on these norms(rates).

So-called damage of a forest is equal to felling up to a degree of the termination(discontinuance) of body height irrespective of, whether the opportunity of occurrence of young growth from the damaged(injured) trees is saved also. Therefore for the peeled(fleeced) trunks of the birches, the broken apexes of fur-trees the same punishment, as well as for full felling of trees follows. In more serious events illicit forest felling is punished by imprisonment for the term of till one year.

It is necessary to remember, that autocratic utilization on tourist fires(shives) burelomnyh and vetrovalnyh trees, felling of a dead wood or utilization of already cut down trees is punishable: they are punished by the penalty estimated under rates operating(working) in given district for autocratic felling of trees, reduced twice.

Disturbances of rules of hunting are punished by the penalty up to 20 rbl., and accomplished(perfect;absolute) repeatedly or with serious consequences - imprisonment for the term of till one year. Irrespective of this responsibility guilty are obliged to compensate the caused injury(damage). Rates operating(working) in RSFSR provide, for example, collecting for a hedgehog - 5 rbl., a hare - 20 rbl., a beaver - 400 rbl., for extraction of an otter, the fox, martens and some other animals triple cost under the procuring prices of a skin of the first cultivar, and for the majority of other fur game - fivefold cost is collected(claimed).

Causing harm to ant hills is severely punished. For such disturbances accomplished in forests of a green zone, it is necessary to collect(claim) depending on diameter of an ant hill from 20 up to 229 rbl. for each damaged(injured) or destroyed ant hill.

If the tourist group has admitted(allowed) disturbance of rules of fishing on separate tourists penalties up to 10 rbl. can be imposed, and on the principal of group - up to 50 rbl.

Disturbances of a fishery regulations fall also under action of the Criminal code by which punishment by imprisonment for the term of till one year is stipulated. Besides for each illegally caught or damaged(injured) fish (irrespective of its(her) weight and the size) it is collected(claimed): for leshcha, a mullet, ram, a vobla - 2 rbl., a vendace, a pike perch, a carp, zhereha - 3 rbl., omulja, ugrja - 10 rbl., a chum salmon, a pink salmon, muksuna - 30 rbl., a salmon, an Atlantic salmon. nelmu - 75 rbl., the sturgeon - 100 rbl., belugu - 400 rbl.

The tourist-friend of the nature

The valid, careful attitude(relation) to the nature - one of the main rules of behaviour of tourists. Never forget, that you are in travel on a visit at correct druga-the nature. Therefore do not do(make) anything such, that you would find(consider) indecent to make on a visit.

Certainly, "tattoo" of trees and rocks is inadmissible. Only uncivilized people presume to themselves vytsarapyvanie a knife, cutting out by an axe, drawing by a paint or a pencil of the names, initials or other inscriptions.

Being on travel, resolutely stop poaching, and poachers and their illicit instruments deliver to local authorities; stop autocratic porubshchikov forests;

Report in a press(seal) pollution incidents of the river or an atmosphere industrial wastes(waste) and achieve start-up of the clearing equipments(installations); do not suppose, that other tourists or having a rest fractured a forest, polluted sources, planted in not put places of shive.

Tourists should report in a press(seal) also a paludification of the ground areas, soil erosion, a shallowing of the rivers and reservoirs, liquidation near to human settlements of forest areas, lakes, the ponds necessary for rest(tour) of workers. It is necessary to struggle for gardening, allocation of the necessary areas under natural (national) parks, reserves and protection regimes, keeping in them of a correct regimen.

The point of honour of each tourist to enter in members of the Society of nature preservation and in the most active image to participate in its(his) work.


Value(Meaning;Importance) of monuments for tourists

Routes of tourist travel include visiting and survey of those or other monuments and memorable places. It is necessary to remember, that in our country according to the Law on protection and utilization of monuments of history and culture these objects are national property and should serve the purposes of development of a science, national education and culture, ideologically-moral, international and aesthetic education.

Kinds of monuments of history and culture

To monuments of history and culture concern:

Monuments of history - buildings, the constructions, memorable places and the subjects bound to the major historical events, development of a society and the state, revolutionary movement, with the Great October socialist revolution, civil and Great Domestic wars, socialist and communistic building-up, and also with development of a science and technics(technical equipment), culture and a life of people, with a life of outstanding political, state, military figures, national heroes, scientists, literatures and arts;

Monuments of art - products monumental, graphic, arts and crafts and other kinds of art;

Monuments of architecture and town-planning - constructions civil. Industrial(untrimmed), military, cult architecture, national architecture; architectural ensembles and complexes, the historical centers, quarters, the areas, streets, the remnants of an ancient leveling and building of cities and other human settlements;

Monuments of archeology - sites of ancient settlement, barrows, the remnants of ancient settlements, strengthenings, manufactures, channels, roads, ancient places of entombments, stone sculptures, rock drawings, ancient subjects.

To monuments of history and culture depending on concrete circumstances can be carried and other objects meeting on travel representing historical, scientific, art or other cultural value.

About the careful attitude(relation) to monuments

Examining monuments of history and culture, it is necessary to show high consciousness, to keep cleanliness, silence and the order. Near monuments it is not necessary to arrange a tourist camp, to spend noisy meetings, games. Immediately attempts of separate undisciplined tourists to leave on a monument the autographes should be stopped.

Is inadmissible to take something « on memory » from architectural monuments. The chunk of a platband, an element of a wooden ornament, skol an ancient brick will turn at home only to a specialty, a waste toy, and the monument will lose much.

It is necessary to know, that monuments (including the various constructions, the memorable places, separate subjects) can be as in the property state, cooperative and public organizations, and in a personal property of separate citizens. At the same time sale, donation or any other alienation of monuments of history and culture are supposed only with the obligatory prior notification of the state organs of monument protection. Therefore assignment or autocratic transfer (let even for updating an exposition of a museum of tourist club) the subjects having historical or art value, are excluded.

Collecting of ancient documentary monuments, products of ancient painting and ancient arts and crafts is supposed only at presence of the special permissions received through archival organs and organs of the allied ministries of culture.

Travellers cannot change the actions and that natural surrounding, a visual environment which makes, as a rule, a single whole with architectural monuments. In fact the monument weaved by close centuries-old communications(connections) and land on which he has arisen, make the strongest impression upon the person. Change the neighboring nature deforestation, a big fire, not well-groomed camp parking, and the monument will lose the force and beauty.

Independent manufacture by tourists of excavation and carrying out of investigations of archeologic monuments is excluded. These works are supposed only at presence of special permissions (the so-called open sheets).

Investigation and the account of monuments of history and culture

Tourists can bring appreciable advantage(benefit) investigation still; not considered monuments of history and culture, entering of offers on creation of security zones and reserves into an assembly area of monuments. In conditions of tourist travel more often it there will be not large constructions, and such small objects, as separate structures, historical farm, wood zaimki, guerrilla dugouts, old dikes, mills, shtolni, barns and t. Item

On travel it is simple to organize interrogation of local population for revealing at it(him) subjects of olden time, products graphic and arts and crafts, manuscripts, collections, rare(infrequent) printed editions and other subjects and documents, worthy that them to carry to monuments of history and culture. Thus all again taped objects which can represent historical, scientific, art value, pending the decision of a question on their acceptance on the state account as monuments of history and culture, are a subject according to demands of the law to protection.

To the tourist groups, wishing to borrow(occupy) in searches of monuments of history and culture, it is necessary to consult preliminary in local units of the Society of monument protection of history and culture. If necessary it is possible to receive consultation in the leading research organizations: institutes of history and archeology of the Academy of sciences of the USSR, history of arts of the Ministry of culture of the USSR.

During search of monuments tourists should use the special form of the description (the passport on a monument). At its(his) absence for the primary account it is possible to be limited to photos (or sketches) from the most typical points with display of a general view and typical details of a monument, the elementary obmernymi drawings (for example, the drawing by hand a monument and shagomernyj the schematic plan of district where the monument is had) and the brief description of a monument with the indicating of its(his) state, modern utilization, presence of protection. These documents should contain data on the face which has found out a monument, and also on local residents, from whose words its(his) description was done(made).

Participation of tourists in monument protection

One of possible(probable) assignments(orders) to tourists - check of safety of the memorable places bound to a life and activity of outstanding politicians, the military leaders known for scientists, writers, artists, musicians, Heroes of Soviet Union and Heroes of Socialist Work.

Problem(Task) of travellers - the well-timed information of the interested organizations about noticed on a route disturbances in protection historical and a cultural heritage. On such signals the monuments used not according to their character and purpose(appointment) and furthermore decays exposed to threat or killing, can be withdrawn from careless establishment. In the judicial order the monument can be withdrawn and from the separate citizen if last does not provide its(his) safety.

Travellers should know, that utilization of monuments of history and culture for the tourist purposes is specially stipulated by the legislation, and if necessary to put about it(this) questions in the corresponding(meeting) organizations. At the same time utilization of monuments in economic and other purposes is supposed provided that it does not put(render) injury(damage) of safety of monuments and does not break their историко-art value. In this connection any autocratic restoration, change of appearance of monuments, their alteration and any "improvement" is forbidden. Various kinds of restoration, preservation and reconditioning of monuments are carried out with is led the state organs and under their control. Hence, the useful initiative of tourists referred on rendering shefskoj of the help to any historical object demanding reconditioning on a route, should be coordinated(agreeed) with corresponding(meeting) organs and, first of all, with local Advice(Councils) of People's Deputies.

Tourists should not pass by easy the facts of thoughtless nihilism in relation to conservation of a cultural heritage of the past. The example of the personal exemplary attitude(relation) to monuments, display of business care of their safety, performances(statements) with well prepared conversations, lectures, explanatory work during travel promote comprehension by local residents of value habitual and, unfortunately, is sometimes indifferent and ignorantly ignored products of national talent, help(assist) to learn(teach) people to protect beauty of native edge.