Tourist camp equipment

the Success of tourist travel in much depends on correct selection and quality of camp tourist equipment. The mass of camp equipment makes from 3 up to 10 % of mass of all load which should be transported during travel. Therefore very important correctly to pick up, and in some events to finish or make(produce) camp equipment with reference to conditions of a forthcoming hike. It will allow to reduce expenses of forces and time for camp works and will provide standard conditions for high-grade rest(tour) and a delivery that is especially important in marching conditions.
In methodical references the survey of the equipment which are let out(are released) by the industry contains, opportunities of its(his) completion are surveyed, the most interesting amateur designs are resulted(brought).
Tourist tents The characteristic of tents of industrial production
Manufacturing of tents by forces of tourists
Details for the device of tents
Equipment for tourist kitchen(cuisine) Campfire equipment
Marching ovens
Heating devices
The literature The central advice(council) on tourism and excursions the Central advertising-information bureau "Tourist"
Moscow - 1981
References were developed by A.I.Korobkov
Editor N.N.Stroganov Tehn. The editor. M. Sibileva Proof-reader I.E.Dikova
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