On a degree of influence klima factors on the person existing classification sections (conditionally mountain levels on:-low-mount-up to 1000 m. Here the person does not test (in comparison with the district had on a sea level) of negative influence of a disadvantage of oxygen even at hard work; In limits from 1000 up to 3000 m. Here in conditions of rest and the moderate activity in an organism of the healthy person there do not come some essential changes as the organism easily compensates a disadvantage of oxygen;
The-high mountains-from above of 3000 m. For these heights is characteristic that already in conditions of rest in an organism of the healthy person the complex of the changes caused(called) by an oxygen failure is found out. If at average heights on an organism of the person all complex klimatogeograficheskih factors on high mountains crucial importance gets a disadvantage of oxygen of tissues of an organism-so a named hypoxia influences.
The drawing 1Высокогорье in turn can be conditionally broken also (fig. 1) into following zones (on E.Gippenrejteru):
The Zone of full acclimatization-up to of 5200-5300 m. In this zone owing to mobilization of all adaptive reactions an organism successfully copes with an oxygen failure and display of other negative factors of influence of height. Therefore here still it is possible to have it is long operating(working) posts, stations and t. Item; that is to live and work constantly.
The Zone of incomplete acclimatization-up to of 6000 m. Here, despite of commissioning of all компенсаторно-adaptive reactions, an organism of the person cannot counteract to the full to influence of height any more. At long (within several months) stay in this zone develops weariness, the person weakens, loses in weight, the arrest of development of muscular tissues is observed, the assets nost sharply decreases, develops so-called high-altitude deterioratsija-progressing deterioration of the general(common) state of the person at long stay at greater(big) heights.
The Zone of adaptation-up to of 7000 m. Adaptation of organism to height here has short, temporary character. Already at rather short (the order of two-three weeks) stay at such heights there comes an attrition of adaptic reactions. In this connection in an organism distinct(clear) attributes of a hypoxia are shown.
The Zone of partial adaptation-up to of 8000 m. At stay in this zone within 6-7 days an organism cannot provide with necessary quantity(amount) of oxygen even the most important organs and systems. Therefore their activity is partially broken. So, the lowered working capacity of systems and the organs responsible(crucial) for a restore of power expenses, does not provide restoration of forces, and human activity appreciably occurs(happens) due to reserves. At such heights there is a strong deaquation of an organism, that also worsens its(his) general(common) state.
The Limiting (lethal) zone-from above(-over) of 8000 m. Gradually losing resistibility to action of height, the person can be at these heights due to inner reserves only the extremely limited time, the order of 2-3 days.
The resulted(brought) magnitudes of high-altitude borders of zones have, certainly, means. The individual acceptability, and also series of the factors stated below, can change the specified magnitudes for everyone voshoditelja to 500-1000 m.
Adaptation of organism to height depends on age, a floor, a physical and mental state, a degree trenirovannosti, degrees and durations of air hunger, intensity of muscular efforts, presence of high-altitude experience. The greater(big) role is played also with individual fastness of an organism to air hunger. Preceded diseases, the defective(incomplete) delivery, insufficient rest(tour), absence of acclimatization considerably reduce fastness of an organism to mountain illness(disease)-special to a state of the organism coming at inhalation of a rarefied air. Speed of ascent has Great value. The listed conditions that one people feel some attributes of disease as a mountain disease already at rather small heights--2100-2400 of m speaks, others happen are stable against them up to 4200-4500 m, but at rise on the heights of 5800-6000 m attributes of a mountain disease expressed in a various degree, are shown almost at all people.
Development of a mountain disease is influenced also by the some people klimatogeograficheskie factors: strengthened solar radiation, low humidity of air, long low temperatures and their sharp difference between night and in the afternoon, strong winds, a degree elektrizatsii atmospheres. As these factors depend, in turn, on breadth of district, remoteness from water spaces and to that of the similar reasons the same height in various mountain districts of the country renders various influence on the same persons. For example, on Caucasus attributes of disease can already be shown by a mountain disease at heights of 3000-3500 m, on Altai, mountains Fanskih and Памиро-Алае-3700-4000 m, Тянь-Шане-3800-4200 m and Pamir--4500-5000 of m.