Influence of the sun
Sun burns. From long influence of the sun on an organism of the person on a skin sun burns which can become the reason of a morbid state of the tourist are formed.Solar radiation-stream of beams of the visible and invisible spectrum having a various biological activity. At an irradiation the sun simultaneous influence takes place: -straight line of solar radiation;
-dispersed (the part which have acted(arrived) due to dispersion of a stream of direct solar radiation in an atmosphere or reflections from clouds);
-reflected (as a result of reflection of beams from environing subjects).
Magnitude of a stream of the solar energy falling this or that certain(specific) site of an earth surface, depends on height of standing of the sun which, in turn, is defined(determined) by geographical breadth of the given site, a season and day.
If the sun is in zenith its(his) beams pass(take place) the shortest way through an atmosphere. At height of standing of the sun 30 this way is enlarged twice, and at a sunset - in 35,4 times it is more, than at steep fall of beams. Passing(taking place) through an atmosphere, especially through its(her) bottom layers containing in a suspension of a particle of a dust, a smoke and water steams, solar beams in the certain(specific) measure are absorbed and dispersed. Therefore, than way of these beams through an atmosphere there is more, the more she is polluted, the they have smaller solar intensity.
With rise on height thickness of an atmosphere through which pass(take place) solar beams, decreases, and the most dense, wetted and dusty its(her) bottom layers are excluded. In connection with augmentation of a transparence of an atmosphere intensity of direct solar radiation increases. Character of change of intensity is shown on the schedule (fig. 5).
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Here intensity of a stream on a sea level is accepted for 100 %. From the schedule it is visible, that magnitude of direct solar radiation considerably increases in mountains: on 1-2 % with rise on everyone of 100 meters.
The general(common) intensity of a stream of direct solar radiation even at identical height of standing of the sun changes the magnitude depending on a season. So, in the summer in connection with rise in temperature enlarged humidity and cleanliness level so lower a transparence of an atmosphere, that magnitude of a stream at height of standing of the sun 30 on, is less than 20 %, than in the winter.
However not all components of a spectrum of solar beams change the intensity equally. Intensity of ultraviolet rays - the most active in the physiological attitude(relation) is especially sharply enlarged: she is enlarged by 5-10 % with rise on everyone of 100 meters. Intensity of these beams has a strongly pronounced maximum at high position of the sun (at midday). It is established(installed), what exactly during this period in an identical weather environment time necessary for an erubescence, at height of 2200 m in 2,5 times, and at height of 5000 m in 6 times is less, than at height of 500 meters (fig. 6). With decrease of height of standing of the sun this intensity sharply falls. So, for height of 1200 m this dependence is expressed by the following table (intensity of ultraviolet rays at height of standing of the sun 65 is accepted for 100 %);
Height of standing of the sun, hailstones. 65 60 50 40 30 20
Intensity of ultraviolet rays, % 100 76,2 35,3 13,0 4,1 1,2
If clouds of a top plate weaken(easy) intensity of direct solar radiation normally only in negligible limits more dense clouds of average and especially bottom circles can lower it(her) to zero.
In the general(common) magnitude of coming solar radiation the essential role is played with absent-minded radiation. Absent-minded radiation shines(covers) the places which are being a shadow, and at closure of the sun above any district dense clouds, she frames the general(common) day time illuminating intensity.
Character, intensity and spectral contents of absent-minded radiation are bound to height of standing of the sun, a transparence of air and reflecting power of clouds.
Absent-minded radiation at a clear palate without the clouds, caused(called) mainly molecules of gases of an atmosphere, on the spectral contents sharply differs both from other kinds of radiation, and from dispersed(absent-minded) at a cloudy palate; the maximum of energy in its(her) spectrum is displaced in area of shorter waves. And though intensity of absent-minded radiation at a cloudless palate makes only 8-12 % from intensity of direct solar radiation, the abundance in spectral contents of ultraviolet rays (up to 40-50 % of all quantity(amount) of the absent-minded beams) speaks about its(her) appreciable physiological activity. An abundance of beams of a short-wave spectrum is bright-blue color of a palate, which blue the more intensely, than more cleanly air speaks also.
In sublayers of air at dispersion of solar beams from the large weighed particles of a dust, a smoke and water steams the maximum of intensity is displaced in area of longer waves therefore color of a palate becomes striped. At belesovatom a palate or at presence of a moderate fog the general(common) intensity of absent-minded radiation increases in 1,5-2 times.
At occurrence of clouds intensity of absent-minded radiation increases even more strongly. Its(her) magnitude is closely bound to quantity(amount), the form and a locating of clouds. So, if at high standing the sun the palate is closed by clouds on 50-60 % intensity of absent-minded solar radiation reaches(achieves) the magnitudes peer to a stream of direct solar radiation. At the further augmentation of overcast and especially at its(her) inspissation intensity decreases. At кучево-rain clouds she can be even below, than at a cloudless palate.
It is necessary to consider, that if a stream of absent-minded radiation that above, than below a transparence of air intensity of ultraviolet rays in this kind of radiation is directly proportional to a transparence of air. In a daily course of change of illuminating intensity the greatest value(meaning;importance) of absent-minded ultraviolet radiation is necessary on the middle of day, and in annual - for the winter.
Magnitude of the general(common) stream of absent-minded radiation is influenced also with energy of the beams reflected from an earth surface. So, at presence of a pure(clean) snow mantle the absent-minded radiation is enlarged in 1,5-2 times.
Intensity of reflected solar radiation depends on physical properties of a surface and from an angle of fall of solar beams. Wet black earth reflects only 5 % of beams falling on it(him). It speaks that reflecting power considerably decreases at augmentation of humidity and grain of soil. But alpine meadows reflect 26 %, the polluted glaciers-30 of %, pure(clean) ice cellars and snow surfaces--60-70 of %, and svezhevypavshy a snow--80-90 of % of falling beams. Thus, at movement in high mountains on zasnezhennym to ice cellars on the person the reflected stream practically peer to direct solar radiation influences.
Reflecting power of the separate beams entering into a spectrum of a sunlight, is not identical and depends on properts of a surface of land. So, water practically does not reflect ultraviolet rays. Reflection of the last from a grass makes only 2-4 %. At the same time for svezhevypavshego snows the maximum of reflection is displaced in area of a short-wave range (ultraviolet rays). It is necessary to know, that quantity(amount) of the ultraviolet rays reflected from an earth surface, the it is more, than svetlee this surface. It is interesting to note, that reflecting power of a skin of the person for ultraviolet rays is peer on the average 1-3 %, that is 97-99 % of these beams falling on a skin, is absorbed by her(it).
In ordinary conditions the person collides(faces) not with one of the listed kinds of radiation (direct, dispersed(absent-minded) or reflected), and with their total(cooperative) influence. On plain this total(cooperative) influence under certain conditions can more than exceed twice irradiation intensity direct solar beams. At travel to mountains at average heights irradiation intensity as a whole can in 3,5-4 times, and at height of 5000-6000 m in 5-5,5 times to exceed ordinary flat conditions.
As it has already been shown, with rise on height the total(cooperative) stream of ultraviolet rays especially increases. At greater(big) heights their intensity can reach(achieve) the magnitudes exceeding intensity of a ultraviolet irradiation at direct solar radiation in conditions of plain at 8-10 time!
Influencing the open sites of a body of the person, ultraviolet rays get into a skin of the person on depth only from 0,05 up to 0,5 mm, causing at the moderate exposure doses red discoloration, and then and darkening(dimout) (sunburn) of a skin. In mountains the open sites of a body are subject to influence of solar radiation during all light time of day. Therefore, if in advance are not taken necessary measures on protection of these sites, there can be a combustion of a body.
Externally first attributes of the combustions bound to solar radiation, mismatch an extent of injury. This degree is taped a little bit later. On character of a lesion combustions as a whole share on four degrees. For surveyed sun burns at which the upper layers of a skin are subject to a lesion only, first two (most lungs) are inherent only to a degree.
I - the lightest(most mild) degree of the combustion, described an erubescence in the field of a combustion, puffiness, a burning sensation, a pain and some development of an inflammation of a skin. The inflammatory phenomena pass(take place) quickly (in 3-5 days). In the field of a combustion there is a pigmentation, the ecdysis of a skin is sometimes observed..
II degree is characterized more sharply by the expressed inflammatory reaction: an intense erubescence and otsloenie a false skin with education of the bubbles filled by transparent or slightly rather turbid liquid. Full restoration of all layers of a skin comes in 8-12 days.
Combustions I of a degree treat a method of tanning of a skin: the roasted sites moisten with alcohol, a solution margantsevokislogo a potassium. At treatment of combustions of II degree make primary processing a place of a combustion: wiping by gasoline or 0,5 %-s' solution of ammonia solution, an irrigation of the roasted site solutions of antibiotics. Considering an opportunity of entering of an infection in hiking conditions, the site of a combustion is better for closing an aseptic bandage. Rare(infrequent) change of a bandage promotes the prompt restoration of the amazed(struck) cells as thus the layer of a gentle young skin is not injured.
During mountain or mountain-skiing travel ear lobules of ears most of all suffer from influence of direct solar beams a neck, the face and a skin of lateral aspect of brushes of arms(hand). As a result of influence dispersed(absent-minded), and at movement on a snow and the reflected beams, the chin, the bottom part of a nose, a labium, a skin under kolenjami are exposed to combustions. Thus, practically any open site of a body of the person is subject to a combustion. In warm spring days at movement in high mountains, especially during the first period when the body yet has no sunburn, in no event it is impossible to suppose long (over 30 minutes) findings on the sun without a shirt. Gentle cutaneous coverings of a stomach(belly), a loin and side surfaces of a thorax are most sensitive to ultraviolet rays. It is necessary to aspire to that in solar weather, especially in the middle of day, all sites of a body have been protected from influence of all kinds of solar beams. In the further,-at repeated(repetitive) repeated influences of a ultraviolet irradiation, the skin gets sunburn and becomes less sensitive to these beams.
Drawing 7Кожа arms(hand) and the face it is least acquisitive to influence of ultraviolet rays. But in connection with what the face and arms(hand) the most open sites of a body, they most of all suffer from combustions solar beams. Therefore in sunny days the face should be protected a gauze bandage. That the gauze did not climb in a mouth at deep respiration, it is expedient as a load for a delay of a gauze to use a chunk of a wire (length of 20-25 sm, diameter of 3 mm), the bandage passed(missed) through the bottom part and izognutoj on an arch (fig. 7}.
At absence of a mask of a part the faces most subject to a combustion, it is possible to cover with a protective cream of type "Beam" or "Niveja", and labiums-colorless lipstick. For protection of a neck from a nape it is recommended to file a gauze folded double to a headdress. Especially it is necessary to protect shoulders and brushes of arms(hand). If at a combustion of brachiums the suffered participant cannot carry a backpack and weigh its(his) load additional gravity lays down on other comrades at a combustion of brushes the victim cannot provide the reliable insurance. Therefore in sunny days wearing of a shirt with long sleeves necessarily. (at movement without gloves) it is necessary to cover the back sides of brushes of arms(hand) a layer of a protective cream.
The snow blindness (combustion of eyes) arises at sravnitelnonedolgom (within 1-2 hours) movement on a snow in a sunny day without a goggles as a result of appreciable intensity of ultraviolet rays in mountains. These beams influence a cornea and a conjunctiva of eyes, causing their combustion. In some hours in opinion of appears rez ("sand") and a dacryagogue. The victim cannot look at light, even on zazhzhennuju a match (photophobia). The some is observed pripuhanne a mucosa, in the further there can come(step) blindness which at well-timed acceptance of measures completely passes(takes place) in 4-7 days.
It is necessary to apply a goggles which dark glasses (orange, dark-violet, dark green or brown color) appreciably absorb ultraviolet rays to protection of eyes against combustions and reduce the general(common) illuminating intensity of district, interfering with fatigability of eyes. It is useful to know, that orange color improves feeling of a land forms in conditions of a snowfall or a small fog, frames illusion of solar illumination(coverage). Green color brightens up contrasts between brightly shined(covered) and shadow sites of district. As the bright sunlight reflected from a white snow surface, has through eyes strong exciting an effect on nervous system wearing of a goggles with green glasses has abirritating an effect.
Application of a goggles from organic glass on high-mountainous and mountain-skiing travel is not recommended, as a spectrum of an absorbed part of ultraviolet rays at such glass considerably already, and the part of these beams having the shortest wavelength and rendering the greatest physiological influence, all the same acts to eyes. Long influence such, even the reduced quantity(amount) of ultraviolet rays, can lead to a combustion of eyes eventually.
The drawing 8Также is not recommended to take in a hike glasses(spots)-canned food, skintight to the face. Not only glasses, but also the skin of the site of the face closed by them strongly mists over, causing unpleasant sensation. Considerably the best is application of ordinary glasses(spots) with bokovinkami, executed of a wide adhesive plaster (fig. 8).
Participants of long hikes in mountains should have necessarily reserve glasses(spots) at the rate of one steam on three persons. At absence of reserve glasses(spots) it is possible to use temporarily a bandage on eyes from a gauze or to impose on eyes a cardboard tape, having made in her preliminary narrow well boats to see only limited site of district.
First aid at snow blindness rest for eyes (a dark bandage), a lavage of eyes 2 %-s' solution of Acidum boricum, cold lotions from tea broth.
Heliosis - the serious morbid state suddenly arising at long transitions as a result of lasting many hours influence of an infrared rays of a direct solar stream on a uncovered head. Thus in conditions of a hike the nape is exposed to the greatest influence of beams. Outflow of an arterial blood occuring(happening) at it(this) and sharp stagnation of a venous blood in veins of a brain lead to its(his) edema and a loss of consciousness.
Signs of this disease, and also action of group at first-aid treatment same, as well as at a thermal shock.
The headdress protecting a head from insolation and, besides saving an opportunity of thermoexchange with ambient air (ventilation) owing to a grid or a series of holes, - an obligatory accessory(belonging) of the participant of mountain travel.