Toxicant animals
It is necessary for tourists to consider, that the more close they cost(stand) to the nature, the the high probability is got with an opportunity of their occurring with toxicant animals, and also with animals-carriers of illnesses(diseases). According to the World organization of health protection, from only one stings of snakes on which share the twentieth part of the general(common) number of all events of a lesion of the person toxicant animals is necessary, annually suffers nearby polumilliona people. 40 thousand from them perishes. Still a lot of victims is totaled from stings and nyxes of the animals belonging to numerous type of arthropods. To toxicant animals, and animals-carriers of illnesses(diseases) which there can be participants of mountain travel or ascentions, it is necessary to carry:-kowtowing: a cobra, gjurza, efa, shchitomordnik, a viper;
-arthropods: karakurt, a scorpion, skolopendra, a bornet, and also a carrier kleshchevogo an encephalitis-tick iksodovyj.
In Soviet Union 14 kinds of adders. On a degree jadovitosti to the most hazardous is "blind" (not having a drawing of glasses(spots)) a cobra {fig. 9). Her follows Central Asian and Caucasian gjurza, sandy efa, shchitomordnik and some kinds of vipers: ordinary, sandy, horned, Caucasian (Kaznakova), etc.
In mountains of the snake live in empty holes, in the old blasted stumps, under stones, in cracks of rocks. In forest areas of foothills up to height of 2000 m, and sometimes and above a forest boundary the viper ordinary is found. On Sonth slopes of Caucasus often it is possible to see a viper steppe. Across all Caucasus on alpine meadows down to a line of eternal snows (up to height of 2500-3000 meters) there is a viper Caucasian (Kaznakova). In Transcaucasia and on Тянь-Shang is found gjurza.
She lives in the foothills, deprived greenery. Here, near to sources of water, in the evening and early in the morning she hunts on the birds arriving(flying) on a drinking place. It is hidden in the afternoon. In mountain districts of Altai and Kazakhstan eurysynusic shchitomordnik. He lives in poor greenery petrous sites (on old large taluses, near to moraines). As well as gjurza, hunts at night, and it is hidden in the afternoon. In mountains of Sonth Pamir and Western Tjan-Шаня tourists can meet with efoj (fig. 10).
Drawing 10 EfaZmei eat rodents, fine birds, frogs, insects, the bird's eggs. The person attack, as a rule, only with a view of self-defense.
The poison(venom) of various snakes possesses unequal action on the person. So, the poison(venom) of vipers contains the substance blasting walls of thin blood vessels. Therefore a blood in an organism of the person vypotevaet through capillaries in environing tissues, causing fine hemorrhages. Other substance containing in a poison(venom) of a viper, strengthens svorachivaemost bloods and by that leads to education in a vascular(blood) bed(channel) of numerous clots which cork(stopper) lumens of pulmonary and intimate(cardiac) receptacles.
Force of amazing action of a poison(venom) depends on a kind of snakes, quantity(amount) and quality got in ranki a poison(venom), from a place of a sting, from depth of penetration of a teeth in a skin, from a physical and mental state of the person during the moment of a sting.
At a sting in rankah the small burning sensation is felt. There is an erythema and an edema. Later half an hour after a sting comes an insuperable sleepiness, delicacy in legs(foots), opacification of consciousness. After this sometimes there is a strong hypersalivation, a glossolysis and larynxes, a frequent nausea and a vomiting. Work of heart weakens, there comes a paralysis. The person not in a state independently to move, respiration is slowed down and, at last, stops at all. At a poisoning, for example, a poison(venom) of a cobra if the well-timed help will not be rendered to the victim, he can be lost in 2-7 hours after a sting.
There is a lot of differences of adders from nontoxic. So, at the first vertical (instead of circular) a pupil, the lanceolated form of a head, the presence, two long teeth. On at the same time, for example, the cobra has a circular pupil and completely not lanceolated form of a head. The unique characteristic attribute inherent in all adders, presence of a toxicant teeth is.
In hiking conditions at a sting adders it is necessary to avoid everything, that strengthens a circulation. It is impossible to accept and alcohol which promotes very fast expansion of blood vessels and by that to acceleration of an absorption of a poison(venom). The victim should not most make long and fast movement. The group should to organize at once in the first suitable place a camp.
Measure of first aid at a sting is the immediate suction of a poison(venom) from ranok owing to what the appreciable part of a poison(venom) can be removed from an organism. Extruding by fingers of a poison(venom) and its(his) suction should be made within 7-10 minutes after a sting. The suction is absolutely safe for people who make it(him).
It is not necessary to impose a garrot. He practically does not detain process of an absorption of poisons(venom).
As allocation of a poison(venom) from an organism basically is made through kidneys, it is recommended to accept diuretic preparations (Urotropinum) and to drink as much as possible liquid. For acceleration of deducing(removing) of a poison(venom) from an organism saline laxatives (castor oil for these events is not recommended) are used also.
At a poisoning with a poison(venom) of the cobra rich nejtrotoksinom, in case of development in the suffered paralysis and weakening of respiration it is necessary to start long artificial respiration immediately.
The poison(venom) gjurzy, vipers, efy and shchitomordnika operates(works) mainly on vascular(blood) system and a blood. Therefore here it is expedient to enter the preparations condensing walls of blood vessels into an organism of the victim: vitamins C, R, To, В12 and В2, salts of a calcium. At depression of intimate(cardiac) activity to the patient give tonic preparations, warm heaters, cover more warmly. To legs(foots) give higher position.
If the sting the snake has occured(happened) near to a human settlement having any medical institution it is necessary to deliver the victim as soon as possible here that to him antitoxic Serum has been entered.
Karakurt. Alongside with some other districts, karakurt inhabits foothills of Памиро-Altai, mountains Fanskih, Western Tjan-Шаня, East Caucasus, in mountains of Crimea.
The drawing 11 - KarakurtJAdovitoj is only samka karakurta which lives under stones p leads a predatory lifestyle. Its(her) body black, spherical. On a back white or reddish pjatna-characteristic distinctive feature of these spiders. The size of a body самки--1-1,5 see In the upper part of a jaw they have two toxicant glands. Each gland terminates mobile acute kogotkom inside of which there is a channel for passage of a poison(venom). The poison(venom) is injected into a victim during the moment of a sting due to sharp reduction of the muscles environing these glands.
On a place of a sting there is a small red speck which quickly disappears. In 10-15 minutes the sharp pain extends in area of a stomach(belly), a loin, a chest. In legs(foots) there comes a numbness. The person tests a strong hyperphrenia and pavor. Often the giddiness, a headache, a dyspnea, cramps, a vomiting is observed. The face becomes blue. Pulse is slowed down, its(his) rhythm is broken. Ill feels a flaccidity, trouble, strong pains deprive with its(his) dream. In 3-5 days on a skin there is a characteristic eruption, the state improves. Convalescence comes in 2-3 weeks, but the general(common) delicacy remains normally even more month.
Considering appreciable excision of tourist groups from items(points) of a medical care, it is necessary to recommend immediate cauterization of a place of a sting by the ignited head of a match. It is necessary for making not later than two minutes after a sting while the poison(venom) has not had time to extend on an organism. From a heat not had time to be aspirated a poison(venom) it is blasted.
At serious forms of an intoxication the victim should be given a plentiful drinking. At a cold fit, a tremor, a cryesthesia and a strain of muscles - warming of extremities and bodies heaters. At a detention of a chair - a cleansing enema, saline laxatives, Carbolenum.
In serious events at absence of a medical care in 1-2 days after, a sting karakurtom there can come(step) mors.
Scorpion. In Soviet Union about 15 kinds of scorpions are known. They are inactive, keep the Drawing 12. A scorpion. 1 toxicant gland; 2 lead-out(excretory) duct of a gland; 3 trailer claw with a hole for jada.poodinochke. Are hidden under stones, in cracks of rocks, under a cortex of stumps in the afternoon. As extraction it(he;they) are served with every possible insects, spiders, multilegs(multipinches) on which they hunt at night. Can be and near to tents or a fire where they are involved with an abundance of the insects arriving(flying) on light. Some kinds of scorpions can live highly in mountains (up to 3500-4000), not bad transfer(carry) sharp fluctuations of temperature and cold winter.
Scorpion as well as karakurt, meets in foothills of Памиро-Altai, mountains Fanskih, Western Tjan-Шаня, Transcaucasia and in mountains of Crimea. The average sizes of a scorpion 5-10 see Large copies reach(achieve) 20 sm (fig. 12).
Two toxicant glands which are being inside vzdutogo caudal chlenika, terminate in a curve acute sting inside of which there is a narrow channel for passage of a poison(venom).
Nyxis of a scorpion-means of an attack and protection. JAdovitost different kinds of scorpions it is various. As a rule, its(his) nyxis is not lethal to the person. But during the periods of long and exhausting heat when the organism of the person is weakened(easied) and, hence, its(his) resistibility to diseases is weakened(easied), the nyxis can have a serious consequence.
At a nyxis there is a pain, a tumour, then there comes a sleepiness, a cold fit, the temperature sometimes raises(increases). Lechenie-similar, as at a sting karakurta.
Skolopendra. She also meets in foothills of Central Asia, Caucasus and in mountains of Crimea. Lives under the Drawing 13 - Skolopendra. And-top. - nogocheltost with the toxicant apparatus (1-poisonous zheleaa; 2-it a lead-out(an excretory) duct; a 3-trailer claw with a hole for a poison(venom)) .kamnjami. Hunts on spiders and insects. The average sizes of 5-9 sm (fig. 13).
The forward pair of legs(foots) at skolopendry prirosla to a head also serves nogocheljustjami. In them also there are toxicant glands from which to top of a trailer claw nogocheljusti there is a narrow channel.
The poison(venom) skolopendry influences the person depending on a climate. The poison(venom) has the greatest efficiency during the spring period. In a cold season the poison(venom) at a sting almost does not give morbid sensations. In a hot climate the sting proceeds hardly and can even cause(call) destruction of the victim. During the moment of a sting the person feels a sharp pain, then in 3-4 hours adjoining to a place of a sting sites of a body considerably swell up, the temperature rises up to 39°С and above. The person feels a cold fit. In 2-3 days these phenomena pass(take place) all. Treatment-similar, as well as at a sting karakurta.
Bornet of a kind the веспа-largest representative among os, the sizes samki reach(achieve) 3,5 sm (fig. 14). Eurysynusic in Central Asia and in Transcaucasia. Lives in hollows of trees.
SHershni eat mainly insects besides exhaust juice from wounds of trees, eat away the Drawing 14. A bornet. 1 - toxicant gland, 2 - zhaloplody fruit and berry cultures.
Toxicant gland is had in a belly and by a thin canaliculus is bridged(paired) to a sting. The nyxis shershnja is painful(unhealthy). Soon after a nyxis of a pain there is a giddiness, sometimes a loss of consciousness, feeling of a dyspnea, strong palpitation. Greater(big) hazard is represented with an event when the person has undergone to an attack of several shershnej.
The tick(mite) iksodovyj. Disease by a vernal encephalitis is very hazardous. So, in Kazakhstan the mortality from a vernal encephalitis makes about 16 % from the general(common) number ill this illness(disease). And in some districts of the Far East she reached earlier 50 %. Even at a favorable outcome of serious forms of disease people frequently for all life. Remain invalids. That is why the vernal encephalitis is carried to number of especially hazardous illnesses(diseases) of the person.
The centers of a vernal encephalitis are widespread on an appreciable part of territory of Soviet Union, especially in Western Siberia. Events of disease are marked(celebrated) and in the places had immediately on ways of the approach to high mountains: Altai, some districts of Kazakhstan and Kirghizia, adjoining to Tjan-Шаню.
Infecting agent is the virus as which basic carrier(bearer) the tick(mite) serves. Besides the person, to a virus of a vernal encephalitis some animals, including with what tourists to some extent can collide(face) are acquisitive. These are she-goats, sheeps, hedgehogs and hamsters.
Kleshchevoj an encephalitis-disease, characteristic basically for districts of the country with the wetted mixed forests, with well expressed shrub layer and a carpet plants. But last years events of a vernal encephalitis are regulary marked(celebrated) and in forest-steppe districts, in places with prevalence kustarnikovyh breeds and an appreciable pasturage of cattle. Disease develops mainly at newcomers in hazardous districts. At old residents this illness(disease) is observed rather seldom.
About 80 % of all events of entering of an infection in a human body occurs(happens) at direct prisasyvanii the tick(mite) to a skin. Disease is possible(probable) and through a gastrointestinal tract, for example, at pollution of arms(hand) during putting off(taking out) from of the tick(mite) on which surface there can be a virus, and also from the use crude kozego milk (about 10 % of all events).
The greatest activity of ticks(mites;tong) is observed in the spring and in the beginning of summer, that is after the transferred(carried) wintering ground. The ticks(mites;tong) possessing small mobility, range, as a rule, along tracks on which there pass(there take place) animals. Having risen on a trunk of a plant on height from 25 see up to 1 m, ticks(mites;tong) trap the victim.
Having got on a body of the person, the tick(mite) for a long time creeps in searches of a convenient place for prisasyvanija. More often ticks(mites;tong) stick in the upper half of trunk: in a pilar part of a head, in auricles, on a neck, clavicles, in axillary cavities, on a chest, arms(hand) and on a back. Owing to presence p to a saliva of anesthetizing and hemostatic substances the sting of the tick(mite) appears almost painless and imperceptible. But for injection of the certain(specific) quantity(amount) of a virus, sufficient to infect the person, any time is necessary. Therefore, the earlier on a body of the person the stuck tick(mite) is found out, the it is more confidence of that » that the infection is not deposited to an organism.
Far not each tick(mite) is the carrier(bearer) of an infection.
Hazardous those sites on which the carriage of virus of ticks(mites;tong) reaches(achieves) 1 % are considered already, that is from everyone 100 events prisasyvanija ticks(mites;tong) to a body of the person in one infection is entered into an organism. The most hazardous zones to the USSR-AREAS adjoining to the Altay high mountains (25 %), foothills Northern and Western Tjan-Шаня (15-16 %).
After entering an infection the human body during certain(specific) (hidden(encapsulated) or incubation) the period activly struggles with this virus. This period of disease lasts from 1-2 days till 1-3 months. More often its(his) duration of 9-14 days. These days depression of the general(common) activity and working capacity, depression, loss of appetite, delicacy, an ache in all body, a back pain, bad mood, especially after a dream, irritability, occasionally a headache and short-term rise in temperature is observed.
Very much often the victim does not pay attention to these attributes, therefore the beginning of the illness(disease) wears sudden and very sharp character. At ill there is a feverish state, megalgias. The acrimony is marked(celebrated) extremely. Often there are events of a vomiting. Strong muscular pains are characteristic. Ill feels the general(common) delicacy, a malaise, the feeling of very strong cold fit that allows an occasion to think of a malaria is frequent. Sometimes disease begins with an attack epileptoid.
The temperature within the first day of disease rises up to 39°С and above. Its(her) maximal value(meaning;importance) is reached(achieved) during 2-3-го day. This factor is one of the most characteristic signs of a vernal encephalitis. Pulse becomes frequent till 80-90, and respiration-up to 25-30 in a minute.
Constant and stable attribute of disease is arising on 2-3-й put disturbance of impellent functions: an incomplete paralysis of muscles-is more often(of muscles-thickets) of all shoulder girdle and a neck. Events arising on 5-6-й day of consensual rhythmic muscular reductions (tremor) of fingers and brushes of arms(hand), heads, century are frequent. In some events when the vital departments of a brain are affected, disease proceeds very quickly and leads to a paralysis of respiration within the first day of illness(disease) or even hours.
Alongside with serious forms of a vernal encephalitis quite often this disease is worn facilitated harakter-with the "erased" form of illness(disease) characterized brief, of all by the two-three--day's feverish period. Signs of such form of disease are a headache (more often in the field of a forehead), an intense giddiness, pains in muscles (especially in lumbar area), the general(common) delicacy and a malaise, fever, a cold fit. The temperature reaches(achieves) 38-38,5°С, but is kept no more than two-three days. Undue fatiguability, absence of interest to work, a sleeplessness, irritability is marked(celebrated).
Upon termination of current of the acute form of illness(disease) at the person sometimes within several years undue fatiguability, incomplete working capacity, a lesion of separate sites of nervous system is saved. Longer period can exist convulsive data of brushes of arms(hand) or necks, and also their incomplete paralysis. Depression of mental faculties is marked(celebrated).
With a view of rising fastness of an organism to disease by a vernal encephalitis to all faces leaving in districts, having natural kleshchevye the centers, it is necessary without fail 30-40 days prior to departure to make bacterination.
Prophylactic actions after the arrival in district of possible(probable) hazard are: drawing on a collar, cuffs and a girdle of clothes repelentov type dibutil, dimetil or dietilftalatov. Their frightening off action at dry weather is saved about two weeks. The open parts, bodies (the face, arms(hand)) are slushed with the same preparations. At movement through a shrub layer or the hood of a storm jacket is necessary for putting on thrickets of a bush a head. A collar and cuffs of sleeves of a shirt to clasp(button). Storm trousers to fill in high toes(socks). Also it is necessary to put(render) on the upper part of toes(socks) repelent.
At movement it is necessary to make samo-and vzaimoosmotry. On district with big kleshchevoj in density-through each 1,5-2 hours, with average density - in the morning (right after a lodging for the night), in the afternoon and in the evening. Participants of travel in whom the stuck ticks(mites;tong) have been found out, should undertake on the account in group, and behind them special observation is established(installed). The stuck ticks(mites;tong) are a subject to immediate excision.
It is necessary to consider, that the tick(mite) is kept on a body of the person by means of a head - the pricking apparatus having the jagged(learned by rote) surface. Therefore excision of the tick(mite) - not simple procedure. In no event it is impossible to admit(allow) an abruption of a head and ostavlenija it(her) in a body of the person. A drawing 15 - kleshchsushchestvujut next ways: having grasped the tick(mite) a forceps or the fingers wrapped by a gauze, it(him) take by slow kachatelnyh movements or tie the tick(mite) with a thread at its(his) place prisasyvanija (between the basis of its(his) head and a skin of the person) and, stretching(dragging out) the extremities(ends) of a thread in the sides, tighten the tick(mite) up (fig. 15). To apply the various substances killing ticks(mites), it is inexpedient, as then their further extraction from a skin is at a loss. After excision a place prisasyvanija to slush with iodic tincture or alcohol.
Whereas the tourist is ill a vernal encephalitis far from medical establishments, there is a necessity of its(his) immediate sending for hospital. It is necessary to remember, that ill badly transfer(carry) transportation and evacuation of patients always worsens, their state. Therefore transportation ill on greater(big) distances should be carried out by an air transport. Before departure of such patients it(he;they) preliminary should be given somnolent and analgesic. At transportation small distances by means of improvised agents of patients it is obligatory to cover from solar beams. In road often to give a drinking.