Misuse of heating devices

In mountains where often it is necessary to make hikes on bezlesnym to zones, tourists are compelled(forced) to use fire gases, kerosene or gasoline as fuel. Szhizhennye gases

Recently the increasing application as heating devices is found by gas kitchens(cuisines). As fuel following kinds szhizhennyh gases here serve:

The-technical propane consisting in basic from the propane and a propylene (average caloricity of 11050 kcal/kg, the maximal temperature of a flame nearby 2200°С);

The-technical butane consisting of butane and a butylene (average caloricity of 10930 kcal/kg, the maximal temperature of a flame nearby 2130°С);

-ᬥ a technical propane and tehnicheskogo-butane.

On mountain travel the technical propane which well evaporates over a wide range of temperatures (from-35 up to +45°С) is applied, as a rule, only. Technical butane at negative temperatures, characteristic for high-mountainous travel, due to pressure decrease evaporates badly.

Certainly, using gas heating devices at keeping rules does not represent any hazard. However the neglect to these rules can lead to events of a serious traumatism.

Fire hazard szhizhennyh gases is defined(determined) by a heat of a flame, allocation of a significant amount of heat, low limits of ignition and vzry-ваемости.

For burning szhizhennyh gases the certain(specific) quantity(amount) of air is necessary. As at insufficient concentration of these gases in an admixture with air, and at abudant burning of an air-gas admixture is impossible.

In case of leakage of gas in process of augmentation of its(his) concentration the air-gas admixture reaches(achieves) the bottom threshold of fire. However this admixture even at the most hazardous concentration (at ordinary temperature of ambient air) independently does not light up. But enough its(her) warming up any source of heat with the temperature exceeding a burning point of gas as the admixture will flash and will occur(happen) uncontrolled combustion szhizhennogo gas (fire). In case the air-gas admixture was formed in the limited space, there will be an explosion.

Limits of ignition (explosivity) of an air-gas admixture are shown in the following table.

Table 5
GAS      The Maintenance(Contents) of gas in an admixture, about/L
The bottom threshold      Is framed maks.
Pressure at explosion      The upper threshold






The burning point of these gases is peer all 490-580°С, that is for fire enough the slightest source of the open flame, an electric or mechanical spark. The maximal pressure at explosion peerly 8,58 ¬ú¼/sm2 or 8580 кес/м3, and such pressure do not maintain many project designs.

Besides a direct combustion and traumas, the fire and explosion render serious psychological influence on associates, generating a panic which can even bring to ruin people as a result of failure on abrupt sites or to fall in cracks on an ice cellar.

With a view of the prevention(warning) of uncontrolled ignition (explosion) of an air-gas admixture or leakage szhizhennogo gas it is necessary:

-warn an opportunity of ignition of an admixture;

-find out a place and the reason of leakage of gas;

-suspend leakage of gas;

-remove people from a hazardous zone;

-arrange to dispersing gas if leakage has occured(happened) inside of tent, a snow hut or a cave.

That it was possible to find out easily leakage of fire gases, in them add an odorant - the substance giving to gas a specific unpleasant odor. This smell clearly, is felt at concentration of gas in air, 0,5 % peer only, that is long before education of a fire-dangerous combustible admixture. Appreciable leakage of gas can be defined(determined) on a sound. Vaporization of a liquid phase is accompanied by an expense of heat, that is dropping of temperature. It causes cooling the pipeline or the case of a carboy, condensation and freezing on them of a moisture with education of snow "fur coat", which-one occurrence from attributes of leakage of gas.

For the prevention(warning) of events of leakage of gas it is necessary to reduce quantity(amount) of bonds of pipelines on a groove and flanges up to a minimum (whenever possible having replaced with their welded bonds) to use superfine(high-grade) oil-бензостойкую stuffing in omental inspissations and linings in flantsevyh bonds to carry out the regular control over density of all system, especially after long transportation, fall of the participant carrying a gas cooker or carboys, vytaskivanija backpacks by means of a cord on abrupt скально-ice sites.

Fire gases: butane, a propane, a butylene, a propylene, etan and etilen are very weakly dissolved in a blood and consequently almost do not possess toxic (poisoning) action. Their influence on an organism of the person consists first of all that, getting in air and being admixed with it(him), they drive out other gases, including oxygen, reducing the maintenance(contents) of the last (in case of an open-space) in air or reducing its(his) partial pressure (in case of the closed space). Both in the first, and in the second event the person will test air hunger. So, two-minute inhalation of air with 10 %-s' maintenance(contents) of fire gases causes a giddiness. At appreciable concentration of gases the person can be lost from a dyspnea.

Besides told, the propylene and a butylene possess narcotic action. For example, at inhalation of air containing 15 % of a propylene, in 30 minutes there comes a loss of consciousness, at 24 % - in 3 minutes, and at 35 % - in 20 secs.

Technical propane and butane, and also their admixture are applied to household needs. These admixtures already have the certain(specific) toxicity as contain a small amount of a hydrogen sulfide - the gas negatively acting on nervous system. If in air will contain a hydrogen sulfide of 0,2 mg on litre in some hours the person has signs of a light(mild) poisoning, at 0,3 mg/l in 5-10 minutes there is a strong boring of eyes, a mucosa of a nose and a throat, and at concentration over 1,5 mg/l there can come(step) a fast lethal poisoning.

All these gases are more serious than air and at leakage creep by the ground. Therefore it is forbidden to leave for the night carboys and gas kitchen(cuisine) in tents, snow huts, that is in those places where tourists sleep.

At incomplete burning gas it is formed okis ugleroda-WITH, being strong poisoning gas. okisi Carboneum on an organism of the person at its(her) various concentration in air the resulted(brought) table shows character of influence.

Table 6
The maintenance(contents) WITH in air, %      Duration and character of influence
0,01      Within several hours does not render influence
0,05      Within one hour there is no appreciable influence
0,1      In one hour a headache, a nausea, a malaise
0,5      In 20-30 minutes very strong or lethal poisoning
1      After several inspirations a loss of consciousness, in 1-2 minutes very strong or lethal poisoning

At a poisoning okisju Carboneum of the victim it is necessary to deduce(remove) as soon as possible on a crisp air, to eliminate(erase;remove) everything, that stirs(prevents) to respiration, to arrange to warming (warming of a sleeping bag, a heater if the victim in soznanii-hot strong tea or coffee), every 1-2 minute to allow to smell ammonia solution, at weak surface respiration or its(his) stopping to make artificial respiration.

As in air contains up to 78 % of nitrogen, combustion products szhizhennyh gases contain also dioxide ugleroda-SS> 2, possessing narcotic action and capable to cause(call) a boring of a skin and a slimy surface;

In connection with the aforesaid all the surveyed fire gases are included(switched on) in the list of substances harmful to a human body.

For prevention of allocation of abudant quantity(amount) okisi Carboneum during burning gas it is necessary to watch(keep up) a regimen of pressure strictly: to not suppose an abruption of a flame from an attachment(a nozzle) of a torch or partial disappearance(eradication) of a flame inside of a torch. It is impossible to break position of an atomizer, shift of axes of an atomizer and the blender of a torch. At change of a design of a plate in no event it is impossible to change any way diameter of an atomizer and an angle of its(her) disclosing.

One of the most hazardous disturbances of safety rules is overflow of carboys szhizhennym gas over the established(installed) norms(rates). The matter is that at augmentation of temperature at the same magnitude the propane extends in 16 times more, than water, 3,2 times is more than willows, than kerosene (butane accordingly - in 11 and in 2,2 times). Settlement data on name, that pressure in overflown szhizhennym a carboy is enlarged by gas on the average by 7 ¬úß/sm2 at warming gas on GS. So, difference of temperatures from +20 up to +35°С leads to augmentation of pressure at 105 ¬úß/sm2 what will inevitably cause(call) razdutie, and then and break of a carboy, which material has a tear resistance only 38-40 ¬úß/sm2 (that is it is approximately calculated on a 2,5-fold stock in comparison? A working pressure which is not exceeding 16 ¬úß/sm2).

Therefore carboys are filled not completely, and with ostavleniem some volume for steams szhizhennyh gases. At presence of such air pillow (a steamed phase) szhizhennyh gases (liquid phase) will not cause(call) expansion hazardous to walls of a carboy of strains, and will lead only to decrease of volume (shrinkage) of this pillow.

The degree of filling of carboys depends on density szhizhennogo gas and a difference of its(his) temperatures during filling and at subsequent utilization (storage). Existing safety rules define(determine) limiting filling a carboy depending on a difference of the specified temperatures within the limits of 80-90 %. From its(his) capacity. Norms(rates) of filling of carboys a concrete kind szhizhennogo gas are peer:

Table 7
Gas      Admissible mass of gas, kg on 1 l capacities of a carboy (not less)      Capacity of a carboy, l, falling one kg of gas. (Not less)
Propylene      0,438
0,445      2,05

At break of a carboy if ignition of an air-gas admixture also has not occured(happened), szhizhennyj gas, getting on environing subjects, intensely evaporates and cools(refrigerates) them. The boiling point of a propane makes-42, GS. Therefore hit of a liquid phase on the open sites of a body of the person causes a chilblain of cutaneous coverings which by the results is similar to a combustion: bubbles are formed, bubbles burst, the adhesion of wounds proceeds long time.

To transport carboys with szhizhennym gas it is recommended in vertical position as at casual impacts dynamic loads are perceived basically not by the case of a carboy, and its(his) boot end which in regular intervals passes these loads to the case in all directions.

Szhizhennye gases can dissolve the certain(specific) quantity(amount) of water. In a liquid phase the maintenance(contents) of water is much less, than in steamed. For example, at temperature +10°С in a steamed phase contains waters in 7,1 times more, than in a liquid phase. At chilling effect this attitude(relation) eshchebolshe is enlarged.

At using gas during cold time of day pressure inside of a carboy decreases. As pressure decrease is bound to selection of heat at vaporization szhizhennogo gas the temperature both inside of a carboy, and on a yield(an exit) of a regulator of pressure can become below, than temperature of ambient air. In this case on a site of a finding of a steamed phase inside of a carboy (as a rule, in a zone of a locating of a regulator), and also from the external side of a regulator on a site of vaporization szhizhennogo gas there is a partial condensation of the steams settling on a regulator in the form of an ice. In the further at work of a regulator of pressure in such conditions crystals of an ice accrue(increase) until the throttle device will not be corked also a regulator will not cease to function normally. It leads to a time(temporary) yield(exit) of the equipment(installation) out of operation because of a stopping delivery of gas.

Measure on prevention of the similar phenomenon should be careful excision of all traces of a moisture from a carboy before its(his) filling szhizhennym gas. At all it is not necessary to warm the carboy closed by an ice sources of heat (a kerosene stove, a spirit-lamp, a fire, etc.). Sharp rising of pressure, and also a local overheat of metal can lead to break of a carboy.


Tourists, as a rule, are reserved by gasoline at counter drivers, not giving special value(meaning;importance) to that the given gasoline etilirovannyj, that is comprises 0,1-0,3 % tetraetilsvintsa. Gasoline and furthermore tetraetilsvinets concern to poisons(venom) obshchetoksicheskogo actions and are capable to cause(call) a serious poisoning of an organism.

Tetraetilsvinets (TES) and gasoline evaporate already at temperature +16-18°С. Therefore the core by entering poisons(venom) in an organism are lungs. However, having ability it is good to dissolve Adepses, TES and gasoline can get into an organism and through a skin which is even not not having scratchs. At charging(charge) kerosene stoves from the canister through a tubule gasoline during the moment of an absorption can get in a mouth. A poisoning at frequent using such reception (at repeated watch) the same face most typical for mountain-skiing travel. In the winter for cooking water receive by rastaplivanija snows. Therefore for reception of hot dishes the quantity(amount) of spent gasoline in comparison with years(summer) conditions increases twice. In connection with small capacity of a tank for fuel at kerosene stoves of type "Tourist" increases twice and quantity(amount) of refuellings of such kerosene stoves. Hence, the opportunity of hit of gasoline in an organism of the person increases also.

At long maloperation with gasoline (even neetilirovannym) under influence often repeated low doses there can come(step) a poisoning. As gasoline concerns to poisons(venom) obshchetoksicheskogo actions, he causes basically disturbance of activity of the central nervous system. At low doses of a poison(venom) disease develops slowly. Accrueing(increasing) sharp delicacy, fatigability, a flaccidity, loss of appetite is observed, frustration of a dream is especially characteristic. Often the obsessional sensation of an extraneous body in a mouth (for example, volosok), a sharp itch of a skin is marked(celebrated).

At acute, a poisoning the hyperphrenia, a nonresistant ("drunk") gait, violent laughter, a giddiness, sometimes a vomiting is observed.

Cooking is necessary for making for the prevention(warning) of a possible(probable) poisoning outside of tent (in pit separately dug in a snow, in tambour between tents), storage of canisters with gasoline to organize also outside of tent (steams(pairs) of gasoline more hardly air and consequently they, concentrating in a sublayer of a stagnant air in tent, will free get into an organism of the sleeping tourist). At charging(charge) a kerosene stove it is necessary to use or voronku, .libo for podsosa gasoline (at using a tubule) to apply a small rubber pear. To not aspirate at all gasoline a mouth. It is necessary to know, that sometimes gasoline gets into lungs and causes a direct injury of a pulmonary tissue. In such events in 3-6 hours sharply podni-, the temperature toils, there are pains in a side, tussis, in accuracy reproducing signs of a croupous pneumonia. At was well-timed the accepted measures (rest, warmly, 2 %-s' soda solution in quantity(amount) up to 5-10 litres) the poisoning passes(takes place) cardiovascular agents, a gastric lavage in 4-5 days.

Besides specified, series of other hazards listed in the previous section « Szhizhennye gases » are inherent in gasoline also. It pozharo-and explosion hazard, the maintenance(contents) in combustion products okisi Carboneum (WITH) and dioxides of Carboneum (СО2).