The book which you have read through, is, as well as the author, survey specifies. It is necessary to carry that she gives a wide picture of a camp life on a camp to its(her) advantages, allows to imagine even a part from diverse "snarjazhencheskogo" creativity of the tourists wishing “ to stand well ” - with all convenience and it is safe.Naturally, to the reader, wishing to reproduce this or that design, follows, having studied(investigated) the resulted(brought) descriptions, poraskinut and own head, podnaprjachsja and to make not an exact repetition, and something, fitted under its(his) needs and concepts about hiking comfort, having apprehended that is offered to him here, creatively. There is no sense to argue in occasion of this or that design. There is nothing more personal, than own experience, with which the author wishes to make happy (in good sense) the world. Therefore the editor whom the similar book to write did not gather and does not gather, has decided to make to her tiny addition, to share the experience though it is far not so extensive, hoping, that he will appear useful and will not be gone vtune.
1. Alcoholization of polyethylene awnings. It always a problem. Fragility of a material leads to that places of an attachment of delays are eternally torn. It is necessary to correlate, certainly, a design of an awning and a condition in which he will be used. So, bracing by ordinary linen clothespins is quite admissible in silent day in a forest. But at a gale-force wind on pass any awning if he is not calculated on it, you will not keep. The main condition is inadmissibility of blowing of air under an awning, that is with navetrennoj the sides between it(him) and land should not be oshchutimogo a backlash. And to raise(increase) durability of alcoholization of extensions it is possible, having used a following design: wide (3-6см) the strip of thick polyethylene is welded (a soldering iron through the newspaper or the special apparatus) from two sides on an awning, forming a loop outside an awning. In this loop the rigid tube (metal, plastic) in which the delay is passed is put. The design distributes(allocates) a load on the appreciable area, reducing concentration of strains.
By the way, it is possible to reduce quantity(amount) of transferable(tolerable) pegs with itself if to stretch(drag out) an awning not for separate pegs, and for special loops on delays the tents made at their extremities(ends). It is possible to make some loops on length to choose necessary.
2. Protection against mosquitoes. I wish to specify resulted(brought) by the author of the book the reference, concerning(touching) admixtures Pavlovsk (see p. 44). The old film (an old magnetic tape on atsetiltselljuloznoj to a basis of type 2 and 6, celluloid, any other suitable plastic - pick up experimental by) is dissolved in an acetone (a dissolvent for nitroemalej) before saturation. Then the dimethylphthalate as it is told at the author is added. Caution: to not drain off the remnant of a solution in a concha: adjoining to water, he forms blown fibrous mass which instantly hammers in all water pipes!!!
In the received admixture it is possible to macerate clothes, mosquito nets. It is necessary to consider, that a liquid butyraceous - hence, the clothes should be "waste", only on a hike. The admixture 1-2 months at least operates(works).
By the way, as a mosquito net the coarse grid impregnated by an admixture Pavlovsk approaches(suits) even. It is important only that she has been made not of synthetic materials. In deserted districts it is possible even to dress on a head of "string-bag" - the fitting popular in due time for a transferring of everything that is possible, driven out now polythene bags (in the populated places the similar equipment looks(appears), softly to tell, it is strange). Observation: the mosquito flies up to a grid, will turn round and round at an input(entrance) in huge in comparison with it(him) a cell and - departs back. It is not pleasant. From a midge of "string-bag" do not help(assist).
It is useful to impregnate with an admixture Pavlovsk toes(socks) - the most vulnerable in extirpation with mosquitoes a part of clothes. In general, it is desirable on komarinyh to not dress halts training trousers, other clothes in covering, and to wear a free attire, with backlashes between a tissue and a skin. So, light(mild) kapron anorak on a bare body it is good during warm time of day. In the evening - shtormovka, canvas trousers (jeans - too fitting clothes).
3. Hooks for suspension of utensils. Hooks with the handle which are convenient for taking for the upper part are convenient.
4. For maintenance of a fire in working order it is desirable to have with itself fanerku (a duralumin leaf(sheet), kartonku). If fire wood badly burn, the person on duty (sometimes continuously) fans fanerkoj fire (fast mahovye movements - this skill still should learn). On this fanerke it is possible to cut products also. The metal leaf(sheet) also serves as a reflection shield of light of a fire if it is necessary to look(see) in darkness that is done(made) in a boiler.
5. Fuel for kerosene stoves. It is necessary to approach(suit) to its(his) selection very responsibly(crucially). If in gasoline oil(butter) (that happens in our "fair" trading system) has got, kerosene stoves for days(puts)-two will remedilessly fail, and with decay of a safety valve and ignitions. That them to repair, it is required to clean all capillaries and to replace all rubber. Also rather badly burn kerosene stoves on gasoline А-93 (the torch fouls). It is better to use А-72 and А-76. Kindling(heating) a kerosene stove, think, than you will extinguish it(him), if he will unexpectedly flash (glass cloth, land, etc.).
6. One of eternal problems of a camp - on what to sit. Half of works of tourists leaves not on fire wood, not on statement of tent, and on the equipment of monumental ischiums around of a fire. In short hikes, at departures competitions it is possible to use harmonious(collapsible) metal stools with canvas sitting. Additional plus: imagine one and a half-two hour of a way home in the overflown electric train standing(costing). And you - sit! On the chair!
7. Sleeping pads in tent (addition). Sleeping pads should be convenient for a transferring, smooth (as though "flowing round") roughnesses of soil to possess a small thermal conduction. A material - a plastic foam (hardishly), penopoliuretan (an ideal variant). Foam rubber badly smooths roughnesses and too obemen in a transferring. A design - stuffed kassetnitsa from any tissue. The material is cut on бруски-parallelepipeds (for example, 16 h 4 h 1 sm) nagretoj from a feeding device nihromovoj by a wire and thrust (in a tightness) in the panel stitched on the machine. The rough size of a sleeping pad - 115 h 50 Is see transferred(carried) a sleeping pad in a backpack under a back. On a sleeping pad well not only to sleep, but also to lay it(him) on crude logs-sitting at a fire. Purchased "Izhevsk" sleeping pads are desirable for parting also on segments to not be excruciated at their transferring. If for a cover parachute Capronum is used, and the floor in tent also is made of it(him), it is necessary to provide bracing of sleeping pads in tent that in a dream "not leave" for any angle (are possible(probable), probably, and other "slippery" combinations of tissues).
Inflatable mattresses are serious, they are difficult for inflating(distending), air in them under the sleeping person does not get warm.
Recently one more design has was extended: the leaf(sheet) of a plastic foam or other similar synthetic material is cut out on the size of an ischium of the person, fastens on elastics (as a girdle) and is constantly worn (according to a principle “ the chair always with itself ”). You, not thinking, that under yourselves to put, sit down in any place, not risking to be chilled.