If have declared(announced) competition on the best tourist emblem, such emblem certainly could become a fire. More than that or - a fire!In one solid edition where are collected all slivki tourist wisdom, it is told categorically and laconically: “ the Fire - the fitting for warming tourists, preparations of meal and drying of the got wet clothes ”, Even the convinced pragmatist, prochtja this definition, cannot feel interest to tourism. To be warmed, cook food and to dry clothes it is possible also at home.
The fire is more, than fire. It is the center of a camp. The fire is a kitchen(cuisine), table, a drawing room. It is dry clothes and hot water, protection against midges; this place of dialogue, warmly and a cosiness. But the fire is also the accumulator of vivacity, energy and the vigorous activity. Any travel, any hike to forest land, in district, porosshej even a bush, does not do without a fire.
So, a fire - an emblem, a symbol. And it is necessary to respect with a symbol deeply.
Priest of a fire in a hike is Kostrovoj. The broad audience of duties lays down On it(him). And it is real, Kostrovoj, except for few minutes of a dream and rest(tour) and hours (in his opinion, in vain spent) when it is necessary to go, float, go somewhere, spends all time before a fire in a lap, occasionally blows in it(him) or about something to it(him) intimally whispers.
During all hike Kostrovoj [6] proudly ignores temptations of a visual environment, estimating(appreciating) it(him) only to one attribute: whether there are nearby subjects which can a handful, and how much them. When choose parking, Kostrovogo picturesqueness of its(her) place does not interest at all, its(his) convenient approaches do not frighten cloud of mosquitoes which a continuous veil close parking; it(he) is not excited, say, with the close neighbourhood of a farmyard. Even a suspicious rustle of the snake in a high grass for it(him) not an obstacle. That these snakes if everywhere it is scattered(diffuse) so much fine brushwood! For Kostrovogo the place where on a shore reju dry fire wood are accurately combined by stacks, branches and chips will be ideal. And fine - separately.
With what the fire begins? From a place. And if parking is close and inconvenient, to a fire(shive) as to the favourite and whimsical child, give the best chunk. With a kind medieval gadalshchika Kostrovoj otchuzhdenno is unsteady to a platform and, raking land a stick, whispers: “ Is not present, here to Him it will be bad. He does not love it(this), it(this) too. And here, I think, it is pleasant to Him ”.
Other members of group do not dare to show attributes of impatience wait, when at last to Him the place for all breakdown of camp is defined(determined) by a fire will be allocated(removed).
At last Kostrovoj stops the choice on only him a clear place, falls heavily on a knee and in such pose - a head and a back below, and other all above - remains down to a withdrawal to a dream.
The fire should be had not highly, not low, not far, but also is not close. He should shine(cover) whenever possible weight of tent, its(his) smoke should disperse mosquitoes on all parking, and heat should be enough on all members of group plus three kazana or buckets.
But it is bad, if sparks from a fire, not having been in time(had time) “ to go out hurriedly ”, the tent will reach(achieve). It is bad, if the smoke will throttle not only mosquitoes, but also people.
Yes, the code of laws of a choice of a place for a fire is a science. But their carrying out during a life, - art!
Before to kindle a fire, Kostrovoj fixes racks for boilers. Classical way is the equipment(installation) of two rogulek with the slat put on them, but, you see, that then, first, on each parking is destroyed at least three fresh branches (dry and slats do not suit racks), secondly, on shores of many reservoirs any more does not remain trees, suitable for this purpose (the truth, in a water hike it is possible to use once the prepared racks constantly, transporting them with itself), and, at last, thirdly, this way does not answer a modern level of technical development.
Skilled(Experienced) tourists have designed flock not non-disposable and collapsible kostrishch, racks, taganov, fittings for the organization of fires, heating palatok, cookings.
Advanced achievements kostrovoj convince sciences, that it is possible to manage in general racks and palok.
Unconditional advantage, for example, portable taganov is speed of the equipment(installation), appreciable economy of fuel, ecological "cleanliness" (alive branches are not necessary). More in detail about it(this) it is told below.
But first of all the fire should be kindled. That the fire is necessary for kindling(heating) from one match, know all. Know also that rastochitel at which goes on it two matches, not dostoin to be called as the tourist. Very much it would be desirable to learn(find out), how for the first time there was a legend about umeltsah which always cause by a life a fire from one match! As well as all legends, she has greater(big) attractive force. Therefore it is necessary not only to not dissuade you from kind intentions to kindle a fire one match at a rain, and on the contrary, to inspire: dare!
There are, meanwhile, some ways which can sharply reduce expenditure of the matches necessary for kindling of a fire(shive). Someone from beginners will hasten to express a guess: kerosene. Well, try to grasp with itself a bottle with kerosene... In two hours after the beginning of a hike hardly remains though one subject which will not have a smell of fuel. A smell of kerosene products will imbibe all. Even from just opened(open) jars sgushchenki will carry, as from a gaz station. There is a fine way - “ dry alcohol ”, or as it(him), to avoid unhealthy associations, have called in a trading net, “ dry fuel ”. This product, unfortunately, is very hygroscopic.
That is why does not remain a way of the best, than barbarous enough: to strengthen intensity of burning by means of a paper, a candle end of a suppository or a chunk of plexiglass.
When the first timid spark will capture thin dry vetochki, the most crucial comes in procedure of kindling of a fire the moment. Here solves a question - to be to a fire(shive) or to not be. Therefore do not hasten(hurry) to throw again born fire fire wood. Only through any time when he will declare itself(himself) a cheerful crash and fireworks of sparks, feed it(him) in plenty. And appetite at it(him) - to not maleficiate.
Some more useful advice(councils). Wet fire wood to kindle(heat) it is possible, but, first, difficultly, and secondly, for this purpose dry fire wood are necessary. That is why it is with all the heart advised for the night to hide a few dry fine branches under flat tents. It is possible to inwrap them in film(Membranula). At last, it is necessary to have always at itself plexiglass or an ordinary stearin suppository they will light up in any weather and will pass fire to a fire.
Fire - the reliable friend to the person only at skilful and “ valid! Treatment of fire; he can become the predatory robber if to concern to it(him;them) carelessly, scornfully. The fire is potentially hazardous. The platform for a fire is desirable for choosing on opened(open), but it is protected nomas from a wind a place, near to water. Fanning a flame, the wind can burn to a grass, brushwood, dry leaves. On a dry grass fire distribute very quickly. It is not necessary to put in such events in a fire many fire wood it is necessary to limit a flame. To plant a fire it is better on old kostrishche or on the trodden sandy platform, not burning out a grass and a fertile layer of soil. In suburban forests it is rather desirable to take out a greensward on a place of the future fire so that then to lay it(him) on a former place. Dry leaves and a grass, branches, needles which can light up, it is necessary otgresti from kostrishcha.
Do not plant a fire under the trees which have especially dried up. Fire it is possible to damage(injure;hurt) roots of a tree, to burn to its(his) bottom dry branches. It is not necessary to plant a fire in young needle-leaved landings(plantings), on sites with a dry cane, a cane, a moss or a dry grass. On them fire extends with the big rate. Fires(shives) on cutting areas are hazardous also, in fact fire of the dried up remnants of timber cuttings(harvesting operations) can lead to a fire. It is impossible to burn down also fires(shives) on peat lands: even thoroughly extinguished fire filled in by water can imperceptibly decay long time in a depth(strata) of peat and lead to a heavy fire in some days. As a last resort a fire plant on "pillow" from land and sand, preliminary nasypannoj on peat land.
For fires use a dry kecks, dry branches of trees, in the winter - a dead wood.
Excessively greater(big) fires(shives) are harmful and are not necessary. On them the mass of fire wood exhausts, on them it is impossible to weld(cook) nutrition, difficultly to dry things. A fire “ up to heavens ” besides it is hazardous. At an impulse of a wind the dry trees costing(standing) in the side can light up, "shooting" brands can burn to a grass and brushwood far from a fire. Such fire easily leaves from under the control.
Near to settlements and in the rendered habitable districts it is necessary to use only that fuel which is not suitable for needs of local population - a fine kecks, dry croocked forest, felling residue, old stumps. It is possible to get fire wood in forest areas or to take with itself kerosene stoves, gas tiles. In taiga districts, far from settlements of brushwood, a kecks, a dead wood always suffices.
Clearly, that crude and rotten fire wood strongly smoke, fine brushwood quickly burns through(smashes up). The big hot fire turns out first of all from a pine, fur-tree and cedar dead wood.
In a winter taiga at a deep snow it is possible to arrange for a fire a flooring from crude logs. The scaffold is better for putting on two cross-section(transversal) valezhiny. At negligible depth of a snow it is possible to clear of it(him) a place for a fire up to land.
In the winter in a forest a place for a fire choose so that warm currents of air did not reach(achieve) zasnezhennyh branches. Otherwise, when the fire will inflame, on it(him) and on costing(standing) people the rain of a snow melting on branches - kuhty will pour down.
In suburban the forest can dissolve a fire on the metal grid which is stretched(is dragged out) between trees as a hammock. The grid is folded in a roller and transferred(carried) in a backpack.
In malolesistoj district the fire demands an economical expenditure of fire wood and especially careful attitude(relation) to greenery. In steppe the centers for a fire do(make) of a greensward, in mountains - from stones (fig. 10).
Fig. 10. The center from stones
Fire will burn better if distance between side walls of the center with navetrennoj the sides are wider, than with leeward. As fuel scrubs, a grass, kizjak, a cane serve cyxие.
If the fire is conceived for all night for heating sleeping it is necessary watch. Otherwise sleeping threaten falling on them and on sleeping bags of a spark and coals. The fire should be under the constant control even if he burns down.
Leaving(Abandoning) a place of a camp, be not too lazy to fill in necessarily a fire even if any more does not remain decaying brands and coals. This rule needs to be kept strictly. The main reason of greater(big) wilderness fires were and there are badly extinguished fires(shives).
Cautious treatment of fire - greater(big) or small - should become a habit of tourists.
Matches for kindling a fire should be, certainly, dry. To save their dry it is possible even in wet clothes and equipment if they are stuck or zaplavlsny in a polyethylene film. In simple pedestrian and winter hikes of a box with matches it is possible to wear in negermetizirovannyh packages. The dampened matches can to try be dried. If matches have become wet, but have not become limp, to exsiccate them it is possible on the sun and even in own hair, having put under a cap.
In water hikes of a match store(keep) in a water-proof pack. At each tourist thus should be at itself (in shtormovke or a special package) an emergency stock - hermetically sealed boxes of matches as the tourist and its(his) things can appear in water. Ordinary matches it is possible completely not germetizirovat. However the tourist respecting cannot admit(allow), that its(his) matches have dampened.
If matches nevertheless have strongly got wet or in general are lost, it is necessary to mine fire by means of a flint, ogniva, a tinder, a magnifier or another long since in the known "primeval" way. As a flint it is possible to use a stone of hard breed, ognivom the butt of an axe, a chunk of steel, a knife can serve. Fire cut slipping impacts ogniva on a flint, holding it(him) as it is possible more close to a tinder - slashed are dry ” to the leaves, the dried moss, cotton, etc.
To mine fire abrasion it is even more difficult, but if necessary nevertheless it is possible(probable). For this purpose thickness of 2-3 sm and a chunk of a cord as a bowstring make an onion of a meter branch of a birch or a hazel, a drill do(make) from 25-30-сантиметровой a pine rod by thickness in a pencil, pointing it(her) from one extremity(end); - (the birch, an oak, etc.) which clear of a cortex and cut out a leg from a dry log of a tree of hard breed a knife the small cavity depth 1-1,5 see Having wrapped once a drill a bowstring, insert its(his) acute extremity(end) into the small cavity around of which stack a tinder (fig. 11)
Pressing a drill the left arm(hand) through a lining (from a cortex of a tree, a tissue, a glove, etc.), move an onion back and forth to perpendicularly drill. As soon as zatleet, it(him) it is necessary to fan and put a tinder in prepared rastopku (cotton, gnilushku, a wood mushroom-tinder fungus, etc.).
In a sunny day fire can be mined by means of incendiary glass, having focused solar beams on cotton, listike papers, etc. can serve as Glass of a lens of the camera, the field-glass, glasses(spots).
Fig. 11. Getting of fire:
By means of magnifying glass; impact of a chunk of metal on a flint;, abrasion.
It is better to plant a fire so. Zazhgite all over again rastopku - any inflammable material (berestu from the fallen or rotten birches, a paper, gonkuju dry luchinku, "pautinku" - thin dry vetochki, plexiglass, a candle). Set fire rastopku from below then she will burn down all. From rastopki will light up thin dry vetochki, shchepochki, luchinki which should be laid shalashikom. Put on them vetochki little bit more thickly, and then and thicker (about a finger). Gradually put more and more thick branches and fire wood. Between vetochkami, luchinkami and fire wood there should be a backlash for access of air that fire well inflamed. If very densely to put fuel in the fire which has not inflamed yet fire can go out. In the beginning all fuel should be necessarily dry, differently it will not burn: it is still insufficiently warm for drying and ignition of crude fire wood. Do not put also prematurely in fire too thick fire wood, they can not have time to light up (too is insufficiently warm), and burning more thin branches already will burn through(smash up). Gradually enlarge thickness of fire wood, and necessary fire will turn out.
In the summer rastopku it is possible to lay directly on dry land, and in the winter - on a flooring from the logs laid closely, it is better even crude. Do not start to plant a fire, the quantity(amount) of fuel, differently a fire all is not prepared yet sufficient even for the beginning will go out also is necessary to start over again. When in a fire(shive) coals are formed, he easily will not go out. Gradually enclosing(laying) fire wood, support(maintain) the necessary intensity of fire.
It is more complex(difficult) to plant a fire under a rain. For this purpose it is necessary to be prepared carefully as hastily divorced fire will easily go out. For delution of a fire during a rain it is good to have artificial rastopku: chunks of plexiglass, a candle, a tablet of dry alcohol. On rastopku it is possible to plane a corrugated slices as even dry needle-leaved vetochki during a rain have a wet surface. The corrugated slices will easily light up from rastopki. Thicker branches chop: from within they dry. Pull an awning above a planted fire or simply ask someone to take from above a chunk of Membranula(film) while the fire will not inflame.
Combine for the beginning a fire shalashikom as thus topliv it is is better protected from humidification by a rain. Fire wood which at once I do not go to fire, have from sides or one more shalashikom that he dried up and protected fire from a rain. Other prepared fire wood cover Membranula(film) or combine under protection of an awning, needles of a tree.
Some tourists, having become wet on transitions under a rain and hastily having put tents, are hammered into them and do not wish more “ to get out during a rain ”, preferring to not cook at all food, and gloomy lay in tent. Be not too lazy to dissolve during a rain a fire. It at once will raise(increase) mood of a command(team), will enable to cook food, to dry things, obogrety and normally to have a rest.
To bring down greater(big) trees without special necessity it is not necessary: it is labour-consuming and hazardous work. Thick logs for a fire are necessary only in the winter. The fallen trees - a kecks - almost always happen cheeses and consequently that on the tumbled down trunks the snow lays, they become wet under a rain, they are not shined(covered) often with the sun and almost does not blow in a wind. The kecks therefore badly burns.
To bring down a tree it is necessary aside its(his) natural inclination, to look(see), whether it will hang at fall on other tree. Do not try to bring down a tree against an appreciable inclination. It is complex(difficult) and is unsafe. Make nadrub from that side where the tree will fall, on third or a quarter of diameter of a trunk. Then notch a tree with opposite the sides above the first nadruba. Nadruby, made by an axe, should be deep. Lighter to bring down trees, doing(making) instead of nadrubov propyls by means of bimanual or even an one-manual saw. A propyl make on half of trunk from that side where have planned to bring down a tree. From above a propyl notch and choose a wedge an axe or a saw. The second propyl is necessary from the opposite side of centimeters on five above the first. Look(see) before, whether it is possible to depart free back at a case of a tree. When the second propyl will approach(suit) to the first, it is necessary to press on a tree, better the sixth, and to fall down it(him). When the tree starts to fall, it is necessary to be cautious: It can jump aside back, especially if it(him) brought down an axe. The tree, being bent at fall, breaks off a splint which can spruzhinit and reject a trunk back, there, where woodcutters cost(stand). To only there have begun the second propyl, all the people who have been not borrowed(occupied) by felling, should depart on distance greater, than height of a tree. In the winter valshchiki should take out skis and wear a path in a snow for possible(probable) deviation if the tree nevertheless will take in head to fall on them.
At felling fire wood we use a log or a log. It is not necessary to mince fire wood on land or stones. It is undesirable to hold with a leg(foot) a log which you mince as the leg(foot) is close to a place of impact. Better logs, especially thick to saw a saw. If nevertheless press down a log a leg(foot) put se not directly before itself, and a little aside, and do(make) nadrub from the side of a log opposite from you.
Fig. 12. Types of fires: "tent"; "well"; "taiga"; "fireplace": "Polynesian"; "star"; "gun"; "nodja"; kindling of a fire by dry rods - “ an incendiary rod ” and shalashik for rastopki.
Fires(Shives) sometimes divide on "smoke" (for the signal system, scaring away of mosquitoes, slepnej, midges), "zharovye" (for cooking, prosushivanija things, heating of people, especially if they spend the night at a fire), "ardent" (for illumination(coverage) of a camp, cooking). There are even some basic types of fires on their design (fig. 12), but in the pure state any of types of fires, in any of classifications is applied seldom.
"Well" is zharovoj a fire. Two logs put on coals in parallel on some distance from each other, across them - two more, etc. In a fire(shive) good access of air to fire, logs normally burn in regular intervals on all length. Slowly burning down, they form many coals, giving a heat. This fire is convenient both for cooking, and for heating and drying of clothes.
"Tent", or "cone". Logs stack or even establish(install) under an angle to the center. Thus they partially lean(base) against each other. In the upper part the flame turns out concentrated, hot. This fire is convenient for illumination(coverage) of a camp platform and cooking with nebolyshim quantity(amount) of boilers. For such fire it is possible to use a kecks, brushwood, other thin fire wood. The fire gives a high flame, but has a narrow zone of heating, forms few coals and requires a constant bunker.
"Star". Logs (5-8 pieces) stack on coals from the several sides on radiuses from the center. Burning occurs(happens) more in the center. In process of combustion logs shift.
So-called "taiga" fires(shives) have some species. For example, series of long logs (2 or 3) put on the same series lengthways or under some angle. The fire burns above coals and at crossing series.
It is possible to lay three logs closely or nearly so closely each other. The fire will burn on all length, especially there where brsvna adjoin. Still species of such fire: thick logs put among coals. Other logs put on them one extremity(end), and the heap of coals appears under them.
The wide front of fire allows to cook on such fire nutrition for the big group, to dry things and to spend the night series without tent. It is a fire of prolonged effect, he does not demand frequent podkladyvanija fire wood.
"Nodja". For such fire prepare logs of identical length and thickness, it is desirable fur-tree, pine, cedar. Two logs put series on land, in a backlash place good rastopku or, better, coals from other fire, then put on them the third log.
Rastopku it is possible to put and between two laying the friend on the friend logs for what on bottom it is necessary to make cтес and for deduction of the upper log to hammer on edges in four кола-emphasises. Nodja inflames gradually and burns an equal hot flame some hours. To adjust(regulate) fever of a fire it is possible a little moving apart and shifting logs or, if a log lszhit on a log, removing the third log - a regulator of air.
It is possible to recommend also such kinds of fires, as "fireplace", "Polynesian", "gun". If it is not enough fire wood, it is possible to combine a fireplace from stones or crude logs: on him it is possible to weld(cook) nutrition quickly.
The listed types and kinds of fires is, so to say, base designs which as it has already been mentioned, are in the pure state applied seldom. Only in the beginning the fire can look like shalashika or a well, and then logs stack in various combinations. "SHalashik" and "well", "taiga" it is possible to use for delution of fires, putting these ways small vetochki and luchiny.
Each tourist with purchase of experience has favourite type of a fire and the manner of work with it(him). The general(common) principle of delution of a fire and its(his) maintenance in various regimens consists in adjusting(regulating) quantity(amount) and quality of fuel and magnitude of backlashes between logs or logs. Depending on magnitude of these gaps in a combination of dry, not so dry and crude logs and their sizes false to receive it is more or less flame. Moving there are some logs in a fire(shive), it is possible to receive more light, to enlarge or reduce a flame, to achieve faster or slow burn-out.
Fires(Shives) for cooking normally do(make) of brushwood and logs in diameter up to 10 see in the Winter on a snow a fire priho