Knowledge of native land, all distant and greater(big) travel begin at a threshold of the native house, in vicinities(environs) of the city, settlement, village - with small hikes of the day off. In them formation of the tourist-person, the versatile and harmoniously developed, present(true) citizen and the patriot of the native land begins. Inherent to tourism appreciable, but exercise stresses in regular intervals distributed(allocated) in time promote strengthening of health of the tourist, and the life on the nature allows to get useful skills and skills - quickly to make fire, to cook food, correctly to be guided, move on a dense forest, impassability, to float by a boat or to a raft on porozhistym to the rivers, to spend the night in the winter in a forest, successfully to resist to a bad weather. In a tourist hike the conscious discipline and persistence, skill to overcome difficulty in collective work - the qualities so necessary for everyone in a public life is developed(produced). Tourism, hikes as anything else, satisfy aspiration to novelty, singularity, to searches, romanticism, self-knowledge and self-improvement of the person. But all begins with a first step - a hike of the day off which at once puts mass of practical questions before the future traveller: in what to put on and shoes on how to choose a backpack, what to take with itself, where and with whom to go on the first walk? And to be solved on a two-day hike with a lodging for the night, it is necessary to break a certain psychological barrier. But the present(true) tourism begins with lodgings for the night in tent. And the organization of a two-day hike is much more serious, than one-day without a lodging for the night. Not less questions arises and at those who has already mastered Saturday and Sunday hikes and gathers in lasting many days travel...Running time of the ordinary working day on tourist travel makes hours six-seven; enthusiasts, the truth, go for eight-nine hours. Speak, there are fanatics whom ten hours "rest" all. Does not leave in any way More: in fact it is necessary to find still parking, to develop(unwrap) camp, to cook food, to have a rest, a sleep a little, to look(see) on the sides, to communicate to comrades at last. Hence, except for running time, all rest of the time stand(cost). Also small stoppings for rest(tour), and lunch halts, that is the most part of day here enter. From here the conclusion that in a hike to stand not less important than to go.
Where to stand? How to stand? How much to stand? Here those questions which it is necessary to answer at a daily choice of parking - big or small
On a question “ as? ” The answer is laconic - "well". It is good to stand! - the basic motto of a tourist hike is those.
What maintenance(contents) is put in the motto “ Well to stand ”. In the book offered to the reader attempt to answer this not such a simple question is made. At work above the manuscript the author leaned(based), naturally, on the experience, experience of the comrades on hikes and materials of the literature, which incomplete list is resulted(brought) in the extremity(end). Motives of several fragments of the book of G.Aronova, etc. “ On a kayak - behind health ” are used, in particular.
The material of the book is, hence, somewhat survey.
The author hopes, that the information and some advice(councils) resulted(brought) in the book, will be useful to many travellers-tourists, first of all - for beginners.