Kyz kermen - the Maiden alcoholic content

This ancient citadel is in the Bakhchsarai district, a little to the south beshik-tau. On a small plateau alcoholic content about which while a little that is known was placed. This site of ancient settlement is least studied(investigated) and is the most mysterious.
On kyz kermen it is a little cave constructions: some the cellars of apartment houses cut in a rock and the remnants fortifikatsionnyh constructions in east part of a steep slope. The found out remnants of structures show, that defensive walls were especially massivny from northern side where the slope is most vulnerable for attacking. On east part of a plateau traces of hiluses, and in the western part of a citadel, possibly were saved, the gate as on terraces of a rock traces of the cut down ladder here and there were saved was placed.
During excavation the remnants of two houses and five davilen grapes have been opened(open). The alcoholic content erected in VI century has stopped existence in IX century, obviously, after hazarskogo storm. The location and the period of existence of alcoholic content allow some researchers to assume, that kyz kermen and there is the mysterious alcoholic content Fully mentioned in the Byzantian sources.
On materials of the book " ALL About KRYME With LOVE " . Simferopol - Yalta: "MirInformatsii". 2002.-416 with.; an ooze.; 48 tsv. An ooze.
You can visit(attend) kyz kermen having taken part(having participated) vshestidnevnom a hike on cave cities of Crimea