On thresholds of Sonth Bug (weekend tour)

We bring to your attention a route of an alloy on small river Sonth Bug on sports inflatable catamarans and kajakah. A route and parking are thought well over by the qualified instructors. The route is picturesque, interesting, safe and accessible to all interested persons.

1 day
7-00 - departure from Kiev from item of m. "Lybidskaja"
12-00 - arrival on a place in with. Strelchentsy, perekus (a light(mild) dinner), loading on catamarans and kajaki. Instructing on safety rules.
14-00 - the beginning of an alloy.
17-00 - a stopping on a lodging for the night, breakdown of camp, preparation of a supper. Free from socially useful work can devote itself obozrevaniju the environing nature, And at last, the most pleasant - the SUPPER - a fire, songs, acquaintance more close and for ever.

2 day
Breakfast. Driving on catamarans on « the Kiev threshold » one of the most complicated on a route, to bathing in a threshold with effect of "jacuzzi" and to other entertainments.
Hiking for survey of local places of interest - a rock with the panoramic survey of the river, the brook with small vodopadikom.
Supper. A release - who when can, but in view of early rise next morning (8-00).

3 day
After rise and hydrotherapeutic procedures - a breakfast.
Continuation of an alloy up to with. Sokolets.
Stopping on a wood glade for a dinner. Passages on a prompt(an impetuous;a precipitant) bypass canal around Pecherskih thresholds. The termination(ending) of an alloy near the thrown watermill with a dike (Pototsky's column(graph)). The collecting of equipment.
17-00 - departure to Kiev
23-00 - arrival in Kiev, an exchange of addresses and phones, farewell, parting, tears and sobbings, songs and laughter.
The additional information: On all route the group is accompanied with a minibus delivering to a place of a lodging for the night personal things and group equipment.
The schedule of arrival: 24-26.08.2006
Cost of tour on one person: 500грн.
Into cost enters:
- A delivery 3 one-trip, first and last day - 2 one-trip.
- Travel by the custom-made bus.
- Hire of catamarans and kajakov.
- Maintenance with tourist equipment (tent, a sleeping bag, kovrik).
- Services of the instructor-guide.
- The insurance from casualty.