Excursion to Chernobyl

Excursion to Chernobyl - not only the form of tourist extremism, but also travel on a bosom of the wild nature. Despite of more than 90 tons of the radioactive waste buried under a concrete sarcophagus, and the district infected by radiation on many kilometers around, the wild life in these places left by the person prospers. The thrown edge(territory), having turned to natural reserve, was filled with wolves, foxes, wild wild boars. Here it is possible to meet set of representatives of flora and fauna, including rare. Ecological/extreme tourism

The program of round
8:00 Departure Kiev. Two hours of a way per northern direction to border of "prohibited zone". The zone has 214 km in perimeter.
10:00 - 13:00 Passage of check item(point) "Ditjatki" and entrance to "prohibited zone". Visiting of Chernobyl nuclear station - the enterprises where worked more than 5000 person. Survey of object "Sarcophagus" - the бетонно-steel shelter which have covered radioactive weights and fragments, remained after explosion. Acquaintance to the quiet city-phantom of Pripyat - all 47.500 which inhabitants have been compelled(forced) to leave(abandon) the houses next day after accident. Survey of the left(abandoned) residential buildings, schools, hotels, kindergartens.
13:00 - 13:30 the Dinner (quality peep it is guaranteed).
13:30 - 14:00 the Briefing which is spent by the expert of governmental agency " Чернобыльинтеринформ " .otvety on your questions concerning to accident, a modern ecological situation and the future of "prohibited zone".
14:00 - 16:00 Visiting of parking of the infected vehicles. Thousand lorries, helicopters, bronirovannyh means of transportation of the personnel, so strongly amazed(struck) by radiation that is dangerous to come nearer to them. A meeting with self-villages, aged inhabitants of "prohibited zone".
16:00 Departure from "prohibited zone".
18:00 Arrival in Kiev.

Cost of round: from 100 up to 250 c.u. depending on the size of group
Into cost enters:
- Transfer Kiev-"prohibited zone" - Kiev
- Transport service in territory of a zone
- Support and the excursion program (angl./ÓÒß. The guide)
- Ecologically pure(clean) dinner.
Order round at least one week prior to desirable date of a trip, and it is better for two. For this purpose send us your full name, number of the passport and citizenship of all wishing to take part(participate) in a trip.