Camp in the mountains
The organization of a bivouac(camp) in mountains has very much great value both at an ascention, and in a hike. In process of promotion upwards and with approach(approximation) a snow line the organization of bivouacs(camps) becomes more and more responsible(crucial) business, and in high mountains safety of the climber frequently depends on the organization of a bivouac(camp) also. The wrong and inept organization of a bivouac(camp) can threaten with serious consequences: the good bivouac(camp) is provided strong with a soya bean and the necessary rest(tour), the bad bivouac(camp) does not give a normal dream without which the nervous system does not receive the necessary rest(tour), and it in turn entails ugnetennoe or an apathetic state which can easily become the reason of failure(accident). The bivouac(camp) in a valley will normally be organized for one night at passage of a route or is base at carrying out of radial sorties in environing mountain district. For one spending the night, especially at routes in the gorges rich with a forest, it is possible to manage at all tent. Almost always it is possible to find a prominence(mamelon) of a rock under which it is possible to be covered from a rain in gorges, in a forest it is possible to construct rather quickly a small tent or a canopy, having covered a skeleton of branches branches of the coniferous trees put by needles downwards; such tent can resist longly enough even to a strong rain. On land branches, needles, a grass are put.For the organization of constant camp necessarily presence of tents. It is not necessary to pursue especially small tents on the sizes. Rather small prize in weight at all does not expiate many inconveniences: in such tent its(her) tenants can overturn with a side sideways only on a command(team), here is imminent tolkotnja at laying and attempt to disassemble the things; lying in close and low tent during two-three days of a bad weather even more unpleasantly.
Having a bivouac(camp) under rocks, at taluses and in gullens, it is necessary to be convinced, whether there is no hazard of fall of stones. It is not necessary to place camp too close to a shore of the river-mountain of the river always can to spread unexpectedly, it is not necessary to range and in a dry bed(channel) of a spring stream - at a strong rain water can rush on this bed(channel).
The place for camp should be whenever possible near to water and fuel. For shelter from a wind camp it is necessary to have in a forest or behind a prominence(mamelon) of a rock, between greater(big) stones. At arrangement of tents it is necessary to mean, that in the morning and in the evening downwards on gorge normally pulls a cold wind and inputs(entrances) of tents it is necessary to turn to a slope or to covering. According to it(this) it is necessary to look for and a place for a fire so that the smoke from a fire did not get in tent. It is necessary to be guided by the same reasons and at the equipment(installation) of a tent or a canopy, but a fire thus have so that to sleep between a canopy and a fire.
At the organization of a bivouac(camp) in district of ice cellars and above a snow line the tent is necessary. Even more attention it is necessary to turn here on a choice of a safe place. It is necessary to examine very closely(attentively) environing district to be absolutely assured(confident) in safety of the chosen place from avalanches and rockfalls; if this place causes any doubts, to range it is impossible, as though conveniently here it seemed.
Normally aspire to find for a bivouac(camp) a place on rocks or on moraines. The most safe are ledges under greater(big) walls or hanging rocks; it is not necessary to be arranged at inputs(entrances) in zholoby and a lobby. It is not necessary to break camp too close to water: at a rain or at a melting of a snow water can dump(reset) from above stones.
When the place for tent is chosen, plan a locating of tent an input(entrance) to a rock or to a valley. After that begin preparation of a platform: clean(remove) greater(big) stones, enclose(lay) them there where it is necessary, for expansion of a platform, level fine stones. The platform should be prepared probably more carefully: it is better to spend superfluous half an hour for leveling of a platform, than it is bad to sleep night because of an acute prominence(mamelon) near by. For protection against a wind it is possible to construct around of tent of a wall of stones, for strengthening extensions drive in krjuchja into rocks or put weighty enough stones.
If on rocks there is no enough a safe place or there is no time to search for it(him) because of darkness or weariness, it is necessary to arrange a bivouac(camp) on a snow or on an ice. It is necessary then preliminary carefully to palpate a snow to be convinced of absence of the encapsulated cracks. A platform on an ice normally only slightly level, on a snow it is recommended to dig for tent an excavation for the best protection against a wind or to construct around of tent a snow wall. In a crack to put tent it is impossible.
At spending the night on an ice or on, a snow will be colder from below, than from above, therefore for a bottom(fundus) of tent it is necessary to put everything, that is possible(probable): a cord, having spread it(her) in regular intervals on a floor, shtormovki, rukzak; in winter hikes under a bottom(fundus) of tent enclose(lay) skis, - a word, everything, that is at hand. The lodging for the night in high mountains without tent and without a sleeping bag is bound to risk obmorazhivanija and even destructions. Such spending the night, as a rule, is necessarily bound to sleepless night, and it alongside with a cold causes such loss of forces, that only at wide experience and long training probably further promotion.
Nevertheless it is necessary to reckon with an opportunity of the compelled(forced) spending the night-in an event of a mistake(an error) in calculation of time or at casualty. Therefore it is necessary for beginning(starting) climber to be able to organize such bivouac(camp) in case of need. For this purpose find the place covered from a wind, renouncing even convenience of sitting, it-is necessary to mean, that the cold especially allows itself to feel after several hours of motionless sitting when already late to search for other place. The place for a bivouac(camp) should be found hour for an one and a half before dark.
Bedded down, it is necessary to put on at once itself everything, that is dry and warm of clothes. Under itself it is necessary to put a cord (if she dry), ledorub and other subjects, legs(foots) to put in rukzak, having unlaced boots or having taken out them, if they wet. If in a dream it is possible to fall, then it is necessary to become attached a cord to a rock through a ledge or by means of hooks. If the compelled(forced) spending the night is arranged on a snow or on firn it is recommended to dig a cave or a pit in which it is possible to be covered from a wind in a snow, having closed a cave or a pit shtormovkoj. At spending the night on the open snow to sleep it is impossible, digging of a cave will serve for warming and for "dispersal" of a dream. To sleep on such compelled(forced) spending the night at all it is not recommended, as thus hazard obmorazhivanija raises(increases); stronger climbers should watch(keep up) here the weakened comrades and to not allow them to fall asleep.