Temperature of water in pure(clean) Black sea.

так выглядит море с высоты Крымских гор If you the temperature of water in the sea(pestilence) interests, means, skore all you were going to bathe in him. In the sea(pestilence) … Õ-th … the Interesting idea new.
I too few times in a year would like to be bought in the sea(pestilence).
In the warm and pure(clean) sea(pestilence). But unfortunately the sea happens or warm (in July-August) or pure(clean) (spring). Here such neskladuha it turns out.

Certainly people arrived to have a rest from apart and besides for a long time waited this rest(tour) not begin to disdain the sea, only because a little bit not absolutely pure(clean). Bathe.

And I in the meantime have found other way to have a rest.

I go to mountains. From above, whether know, the sea looks(appears) more beautifully and more purely(cleanly).

And people there less. It is possible to have a rest well.

So if will decide interestingly to have a rest - address. I shall organize.

Ah yes, nearly has not forgotten - temperature of water in Black sea... Look(See) a map of temperature of water on the Mediterranean, Red and Black seas on site HMN

She looks(appears) approximately so:
Map of temperature of water on the Mediterranean, Red and Black seas