Tourist entertainments
Here the muffled request has somehow flown to share various prikolami on tourist themes. In connection with that has come(stepped) it is time tursletov, dnevok and posvjashcheny in tourists, not out of place, IMHO, would be to share traditional turzabavami. I ask having to express to add the list, to correct.1. " Dombajsky isolation ward " - two with the fastened eyes lupjat each other sleeping bags. Especially prikolno, when aunts.
2. " Dombajsky football " - commands(teams) in ligaments(cords). 3. "astrologer" - to the neophyte is offered to see in broad daylight stars through a sleeve shtormovki (as in a well) where the kettle of water pours out for prompting sharpness.
4. It is offered to dump(reset) polozhenuju on a forehead a coin, that she has got in voronku (to cut out from petbutylki) zasunutuju in trousers to object, or another. After several attempts - it is similar with water.
5. A little the muzhiks wrapped up(inwrapped) in sleeping bags intensely make shevelenie at a level below a navel. One more goes near to a stop watch. Then one of wrapped up(inwrapped) shouts " has terminated! " - the stop watch stops..... From a sleeping bag cube Rubika collected " blindly gets. "
6. " Suvorov's transition through Nakhimov " - two, covered by a sleeping bag like the elephant pass through the third, laying representing the Alpes. Then invite wishing to represent pass Saint Gothard. During the moment of transition of pass the elephant podymaet a gaskin and from in advance secreted bottle with water pisaet on it(him).
7. Aunts with a good convex figure undertake, on them cling in different places of a clothespin, arms(hand) can be adhered. Their partners, muzhiks, take out clothespins who more and bystree-with the fastened eyes.
8. Ancient turpesnja "Mum ". All group sings sadly on African manners " Mum, mum " and barabanit on kettles. A variant 1 "Sonth"-began to sing under this accompaniment tells about how in Africa on a plantation the black Negro works and collects a white clap(cotton), stumbles and rassypaet a white clap(cotton) on black African land. The white supervisor brings above it(him) the stack, but the Negro is proud rises and begins to sing an ancient African song (all group) " Oh, a frost a frost ". The variant 2 "Northern" - chukchu was expelled on a frost by the wife with last cartridge and has told without a deer to not come back (to tell it is necessary longly and colourfully) - after a miss chukcha I begin to sing similarly " so I want, that the summer did not come to an end "... t etc.
9. "Gagarin" - the aunt with the fastened eyes put on a board which is held on weight by two low at land. She puts arms(hand) on a head to the third, facing to her. On a command(team) there "have gone" two shake a board and puff, and the third smoothly squats, making impression of rise. Then the third jumps aside a command(team) "jump"... And a brave jump from height 10 see
10. Well, and koronnyj number - a room of laughter. The tent is advertised(promoted), as a room where to you guarantee any species of laughter from burning, with happiness, hysterical, idiotic, etc. Zamanenomu two sitting in tent zhloba suggest to peer closely(attentively), laying on a stomach(belly) in podsunutoe under a nose, for example, a mirror, unexpectedly sit down to him on legs(foots) and shoulders and begin with all the heart lupit vibramom on the fifth point, thus to neigh as it is possible more loudly then suggest to take part(participate) in the further advertising a room.
Sergey Butrin