The Report on a hike on Carpathians in February 2006

In February, 2006 we have decided to merge again with the nature. As range winter Carpathians have been chosen. A winter hike it always serezno, and this time the winter was especially snow and to be prepared it was necessary as follows. It has been decided to go on snowshoes. And from five participants of a hike only one had chances to get firm snowshoes.
The others (and I including) have borrowed{occupied} in national creativity - manufacturing of rigid snowshoes of design Reznikova. What is it? It is a leaf{sheet} alljuminija (50 on 30 sm) with the bent edges{territories} which is clamped between a boot and a cat. In oblosti processings of metals I shall necessarily state our scientific and technical opening in one more clause{article} for now we shall return to a hike.

As you have already understood, us was five and there was a question how many palatok to take. On good it was necessary to take two. But it would not be desirable to drag superfluous kgs at all and we have arranged tests. Have pulled down all our equipment in one apartment and have started to shuffle... For what I love hikes, so it for a permanent job not only muscles, but also brains. For one evening we namozgovalis up to that that have managed five together to go in in tent in the size 200 on 220 centimeters. Moreover all five laid in one sshivke from TWO sleeping bags! Finally we the truth were divided{ed undresswere} on two sshivki, but a major principle allowed us so to be condensed was kept - we laid a jack. The simple piece, and is extremely seldom used by tourists. Probably people hesitates of a smell of the socks. And in vain, we have experimentally established{installed} that when in a small premise{room} many people gather, the smell is distributed{allocated} in regular intervals. Also has no value you lay near socks or in the distance.

Well all right, me has bothered to write about preparation - we pass to the hike. We were going to pass{take place} for one week about 50 kilometers on Gorganam (a hills in Carpathians). In the summer this route is passed{taken place} for 2 days and consequently firstly it seemed, that to us will have to sleep on half-day to borrow{occupy} time. However already on the first transition (we have started from settlement Bystritsa) it was found out, that depth of a snow cover places reaches{achieves} 2 meters. Even in segostupah we failed, at least on 50 centimeters. As the result - average speed of movement is less 1 km/h. We stamped rolling over with a leg{foot} on a leg{foot} as if{as} bears in the north. Behind, in a snow there was an equal trench in width 60 see

you saw as bicycle racers on group arrivals vary? They go guskom, being hidden by one behind another and the basic loading lays down on the first. When it{he} gets tired, passes in the end of a chain and there has a rest. So we varied also (each 5 minutes). In these five minutes troplenija from the first descended{went} seven potov and it{he} on the move undressed practically to cowards (Winter!!) then 20 minutes of rest and again in fight. By the way with weather to us has carried. On the one hand it was not so cold - not below 5 degrees. On the other hand practically there were no obeshchanyh this week RAINS!! (a strange thawing weather in the middle of February). The sky was cloudy, however clouds low did not fall and almost all time there was an excellent{a different} visibility (unlike a recent Crimean hike in the end of January). In tent was about 8 degrees of heat at night and it is impossible it is wet. Every morning we were engaged in self-complacency trying for 20 minutes to dry on a frost through a wet sleeping bag.

About kitchen{cuisine}.
Time speech about a marching life has already come, I shall recollect and meal. We prepared on three gas torches. Water heated from a snow. The present{true} culinary revelation for us became soup from dried vegetables. Before a hike everyone has dried up in an oven on 2 morkovki, 1 beet and half-cabbage and now every evening we naslazhalis unearthly aromas. In general, very much I recommend.

About orientation.
In the Crimean hike, we have passed{have taken place} a significant part of a way on devices in conditions of zero visibility. Remembering it{this} we were reserved by huge quantity{amount} batareek for GPS (the satellite navigator) and have made the excellent{different} plan of a route. However as I have already told, visibility was good and orentirovanie special work did not make. Certainly it to you not summer - each step is given hardly and any deviation{rejection} from a route will dearly cost. And footpaths it is not visible, so it is necessary raschityvat only on the chute. We have met the first human traces only for penultimate day of a hike, animal by the way then.

About legs{foots}.
On legs{foots} there were snowshoes and it to you not toys. The plate in itself weighs about kg, plus of a cat, plus boots and bahily. Total more than two kilo on each leg{foot}. To untie snowshoes not sotsavljaet work, and here attachment borrowed{occupied} for 15-20 minutes. Therefore we went to them almost not removing from a dawn up to a decline. Who will want to fail during a snow in meter from tent, having left on a minute on need? In general we have trained the legs{foots} as follows. Here only toward the end a hike belts of cats have started to rub a foot in the most unexpected places. Therefore in seldujushchy I shall try to get time of a cat-automatic devices.

Thread of a route.
Village Bystritsa - Bottom and Top Skalki - Pikul - Dovbushanka - Babin Pogar - polonina Bladzhiv - Small Gorgan - the Bruise - the Hamster - village Tatarov.