Ecological landing

It appears at the Kiev tourist club "Arsenal" some years there is a project " the Green sphere ". How much(as far as) I have understood its(his) essence in pooderzhke conscious tourists. Consciousness of tourists is defined(determined) by ability not only to not litter on the nature, but also to clean(remove) dust left by other travellers... Ecological landing - a tourist (tourist) campaign during which gathering and evacuation of dust with assistance of foresters is spent.

Participants of group spending know an ecological landing and carry out rules of preservation of ecology at carrying out of a campaign, and a rule of behaviour in those territories on which passes(takes place) their route. Activity of group within the limits of the project « the Green planet « the Arsenal » » is directed on preservation of ecology and rendering assistance to forestry, and participants of an ecological landing can count to the aid foresters.

The organization of export of dust is incured by foresters.

If you wish to register the campaign as an ecological landing and to take part(participate) in the project « the Green planet « the Arsenal » » contact us.

Our offers:

Social service VOLUME

- Spends registration and instructing of group spending an ecological landing;

- Provides information support;

- Officially confirms participation of group in the project « the Green planet « the Arsenal » »;

- Informs forestry on a place and time of carrying out ekologicheskogo a landing;

- Undertakes actions on development and promotion of idea of an ecological landing.

Conditions of cooperation:

All participants of group spending an ecological landing

- Know and carry out:
1. Rules of preservation of ecology
2. Fire prevention rules
3. Rules of behaviour in those territories on which passes(takes place) their route

- Will organize gathering dust on a course of a route
(The participant for all campaign collects everyone not less 2õ 60ë bags of dust)

- And its(his) transportation the nearest road (to a place, whence it(he) can be evacuated)

- Give the report on the done work

For registration it is necessary:

-make an application on e-mail; [the additional information]
-pass instructing;
-receive the certificate of the participant of the project.


- Committee of the Supreme body of Ukraine;
- The cabinet of Ukraine;
- The State Committee of a forestry of Ukraine;
- The ministry of ecology of Ukraine;
- Mass media (ecological education);
- A social service VOLUME interneshnl.

- The state program of development of tourism on 2002 - 2010, approved(confirmed) by the Cabinet of Ukraine ¹583 from April, 29th, 2002 - give a legal basis and the bases for realization of the Project " the Green planet "Arsenal" at the state level.