Unfair requisitions are cancelled

In the summer of the last year six Moscow tourists on two automobile motor vehicles have arrived to national park (further-) "Meshchersky" (the Ryazan region). Tourists planned to lead trainings before a campaign to Kareliya and to walk around of the nearest lakes. Have stopped on coast of lake White. Have put tents; for cooking used the cylinders brought with self szhizhennogo gas and water. Early in the morning next (Sunday) day they were woken by employees P and have demanded to pay ecological gathering for a finding in this territory. And a question, for what services gathering are raised, the precise answer to receive it was not possible... Ecologist Jushkin has declared, that if would be for what would take it is more. After prerekatelstv 400 rbl. was necessary to pay to tourists, and in exchange they have received koreshok permits 000305. The Cash voucher to tourists have not given out. Their mood has been spoiled by early rise and illegal requisitions.

Having returned to Moscow, the head of group Igor Trusov has addressed in edition of the newspaper " the Free wind ". (By the way, in April this oldest Russian tourist newspaper marked(celebrated) the 15 anniversary). Edition has directed the complaint of tourists to Office of Public Prosecutor. The answer from the Ryazan nature protection interdistrict public prosecutor of the adviser of justice O.Penzina has soon been received. It(he) informed, that the Office of Public Prosecutor has checked up actions of employees P "Meshchyorsky". It was found out, that gathering of a payment is carried out on the basis of the order of director P 65 from February, 08th, 2004

In particular, this order established(installed) a payment for entrance to a zone of rest, for accommodation in a large forest, at passage of a water route. The Office of Public Prosecutor has established(installed), that this order has been published with infringement of item 21 of the Wood Code of the Russian Federation, item 20 and 27 Water Codes of the Russian Federations providing the right of free stay of citizens in a large forest (in woods not entering into wood fund), at water objects of the general(common) using (except for cases directly stipulated in the law). The Office of Public Prosecutor has brought the protest on this order, and it(he) has been excellent(cancelled). Thus, actions of employees P which has taken a payment from tourists, were illegal and unreasonable.

The lawyer of edition Natalia Guzeeva has prepared on behalf of Igor Trusova the claim to P about compensation of a material damage (400 rbl.) and indemnification of moral harm, which I.Trusov has estimated(appreciated) in 5000 rbl.

At session in Klepikovskom regional court of the Ryazan area on April, 14th, 2005 representatives P have not recognized the claim. As they said, money have been taken for services rendered to tourists (instructing, using equipped bivuakom, etc.), and also for a finding without the appropriate sanction in a water-security zone of lake. However, according to the tourists, employees P did not render any services to them, on parking the table has been made of logs only; toilets, musorosbornika, anything else there was not. As well as tablets that is paid parking. Instructing nobody spent (it(he) generally is not service, and official duties of workers). For infringement of a mode of a water-security zone of infringers it is necessary to involve in the administrative responsibility, making the report according to KoAP the Russian Federation.

And the penalty on a place cash it was possible to raise no more than 100 rbl. Court it is postponed, for May holidays edition of " the Free wind " has asked known veloturista Ilya Gurevich to visit on a place of incident, that that and has made and has removed(has taken off) this place on a film. Photos have confirmed words of victims about absence on " equipped bivuake " any convenience.

At following session on May, 14th representative P which has realized, probably, for month nepravotu, has suggested sufferred to conclude the agreement of lawsuit. On its(his) conditions to the claimant the material damage (400 rbl.) and the court costs which have made îêîëî1700 rbl. At it(these) the claimant is compensated refuses requirements about indemnification of moral harm. After consultation of the lawyer of edition I.Trusov of such conditions has agreed. Employees P promised to take in the further of money only for concrete services and to equip parking properly.

From here a conclusion: be not afraid to address in court and to defend the rights!

Sergey Mindelevich