Crimean Legend - Pont Aksinsky and Pont Euksinsky
It was many years ago. Proud and peaceable tribe of the mountain dwellers inhabited Tavrida. They never attacked anybody and nobody attacked them. Those mountain dwellers comprehended how to grow fragrant sweet grapes, fruit trees and roses on the mountain slopes.
There was a lot of game in the mountain forests. But the mountain dwellers did not trespass their weapons and used their bows only when they needed food. The mountain village enriched with every year...
It became known in far-off Ellada and Greecs made up their minds to conguer such a rich land.
There appeared a lot of boats at Tavrida's coasts. There were armed Ellins in them. They wanted to approach the shore under cover of darknees and to attack the sleepy dwellers. But suddenly the sea had shone with the bluish light and dwellers saw the intruders.
All the village appeared in a mess. Women and children sheltered in the cave and men got ready for repulsing the attack.
But abruptly the stars disappeared as if they had been overclouded. Those were gigantic eagles which soared high in the sky and attacked the Ellins.
The dwellers were overjoyed at the heaven's support and began to push the large stones into the sea. There appeared to be the enormous waves at the sea, it was rough. There was a great racket and noise over the sea.
Frightened Ellins had turned their boats back, but some few came back to their native lands.
Since that time Greecs had been calling the sea Pont Aksinsky - The Inhospitable Sea. They ordered their children never to fight against Tavrida's inhabitants and to cross Pont Aksinsky.
But some time later Greecs wanted to visit sunny Tavrida again. They minded their ancestors' order very well. And not a thousand of boats but only five of them went to Pont Aksinsky. And there were only peaceable ambassadors with the rich donations for the mountain dwellers in all of them.
Greecs and mountain dwellers swore the oath never to fight against each other. Since that time Ellins settled in sunny Tavrida, far away from Ellada. They began to grow grapes and roses. They traded with the mountain dwellers and were surprised at the name of the sea. Why such the gentle sea was called Aksinsky or Inhospitable?
No, it is good and hospitable sea. So, Greecs called the sea Pont Euksinsky or the Hospitable Sea...
Since that time it became the custom. For those who go to the Black Sea with the clear heart and peaceable flag, the sea is always hospitable or Pont Euksinsky. And for our enemies it is Pont Aksinsky or The Inhospitable Sea.