Nepali lodges and Guesthouse
Usually lodges "are" on the trail not alone and in small groups of 3-4 pieces. On popular routes (to the base camp of Annapurna and Everest) such groups are tight enough on average every 2-3 hours. In places where tourists go less often, from Lod towards you can go the whole day. And quite obscure tracks better to go with your tent. Often in Nepal on the track you can find such schemes, where the distance between the villages is indicated in hours, which is ideal for planning days.
Services in the Nepalese Guesthouse
Most Loja provide such services- rooms for overnight
- dining room
- kiosk (beer, Cola, cookies, Snickers, toilet paper)
- hot shower
- pozarica electronics
- telephony
The coolest venues can boast of fresh pastries, Wi-Fi router, washing-machine or a pool table. But these are the exceptions to the rule. In the bulk of Guesthouse in Nepal is cheap and unpretentious space, the main attraction is the view from the window.
Prices for accommodation within the same village and even within the same track variious very poorly. Almost everywhere they are insignificant from 1 to 4 dollars per person per night. After all, the main profit of the owners Loja not receive from renting rooms, and restaurants. That is why in the majority of such institutions noted that you should eat in the dining room "own" the Lodge, and if you're going to eat elsewhere, the price will rise considerably. The prices for food and many services are highly dependent on the transport infrastructure of this place. Since most of the produce is grown at the bottom and transported to the mountains manually on the backs of porters, the higher you climb, the more expensive it becomes food.
In some lodges meet 4-8 large bed rooms, but for the most part tourists accommodated in double rooms. It is a stone or veneer of the little room (I prefer the last) in area little different from the coupe on the train - two berths, a narrow passage between them, a window and a table in the middle. In the corner stands the trash, sticks out from the wall a couple of nails to hang clothes - that was all the furniture. Beds entirely orthopedic, i.e. not armored or spring and just plywood. On top of plywood thrown a thin (5-7cm) foam mattress, covered with sheets, plus one pillow in a pillowcase. It assumes that you will sleep on the bed in his sleeping bag. In some lodges the "cold zone" at the owners can beg for a blanket. This is usually colorful and fluffy Chinese plaid without a duvet cover. Although sometimes get heavy quilts. Don't forget Murphy's law - in the coldest Lodge, in the cold night blankets will not be enough. Therefore it is better for them not initially expect, but simply to bring a sleeping bag warmer. Why? And because...
In lodges no heating
In any Lodge, even at high altitude, even in sub-zero temperatures, bedrooms are not heated. That is why I prefer to go to Nepal with a winter sleeping bag and choose the plywood and not the stone hut. The only warm room in the entire hotel are the kitchen and the adjoining dining room. Kitchen warms up forever running kerosene stoves, and the dining area is usually a small stove, which is heated cold evenings, so that visitors had a desire to linger over in the dining room and plenty to eat :) Sometimes for a fee you can order a "warmer". This is a huge Primus who push under the table, behind which dines your group. Primus under the table terrifying roars violently erupts and slowly warms your feet. However, the amount of fresh air while falling rapidly, but we, the citizens, that won't get used.
Evening party
In the evening dinner in the Lodge dining room is going petracha international company. Of course all sit in piles and groups. However, the tightness and the presence of only one stove provides an excellent opportunity to communicate with real foreigners to practise English and generally have a good time. Just don't linger too long - after night in canteens sleep carriers, do not disturb them. Usually after 10pm they start to move the tables out from their chests blankets and begin to travel along on the benches.

shower and toilet
Shower and toilet in the room - an unprecedented uncommon for mining as a host of guesthouses. I saw this just a couple of times in the larger towns type of Namche Bazaar. But then the shower was cold. Usually the bathrooms are "on the floor". Generally shower and features a swim in Nepal this is a huge and extremely important topic requiring a separate article. So there will be limited by the fact that I will mention the main thing - if desired, you can swim anywhere. And the second is for a hot shower you have to pay.

Electricity at the Lodge
Sockets in the rooms mountain Loja - a rarity. They are found only in the larger towns directly adjacent to a small hydroelectric power plants. Usually charge their equipment at the front Desk of the Lodge. The price and the charging efficiency can be anything within very wide limits. Many Alpine shelters "live" solar and supply of electricity is strictly limited. Also you shouldn't really rely on the lighting in the rooms (can be disabled) - be sure to bring a flashlight.
Upon arrival at the Lodge passport almost never require. You simply provide the key with a huge stick and remind us that we need time to order dinner. Going for a walk keys must not be submitted. Checkout-time usually is not clearly marked, but it is not necessary - all the lodgers are dumped right after Breakfast. After all, you need to have time to run the route until the mountain clouds. Payment occurs when the eviction, together with payment of power.

How to choose a good Guesthouse
I think many of you are accustomed to look for housing for reviews on the Internet. In relation to mining Loga this practice is not too convenient. The fact that they are very easily confused, as the constantly repeated. In every second village has a Panorama View Lodge or some Hungry Eye. So even break a lot of reviews and writing a personal charts shelters, you are likely to get confused and go to a more simple way. Firstly, you can trust the professionals. If you go with a commercial group or with a personal guide, or even just with porter, the choice of a campsite will do for you. And I must say that in most cases it will be absolutely adequate. Satisfied customers give a good tip, because financially interested guides lead tourists in a good space. If you are traveling independently, you also will not disappear. Choose the most crowded that looks lovely Lodge in the centre of the village and do not suffer long-doubt.

do I Need to book lodges in advance
If you travel a tiny group of 2-3 people, you will be able to find overnight accommodation on site without any prior booking. Just try to become at night not in the morning, and another day to have the time to search for housing. For larger groups it makes sense to book rooms at least for the day ahead. You can simply ask the administrator of your current Lodge you can call the next village and order you something. The participants of the commercial campaigns do not ochem worried for them all books instructor.
In the case of severe weather (snow piles on the pass, the inclement weather in Lukla and so on) on the key pereljotnyh pointsHiking trails there may be traffic jams. Of course people sudi thus not accumulate on the trail and in shelters. The systematic alternation of groups is broken, lodges overflow and then search for housing is becoming more difficult task. And even the presence of crafty guide doesn't always help. A couple of times we slept on the benches in the dining rooms (very nice option) and reed sheds. But this is nonsense compared to the threat not make it to the plane and therefore no one was complaining, the route continued.