How to choose a bike for bicycle tours?

Everybody knows what is a bicycle. Someone in the childhood has a city-bicycle, someone already familiar with the modern variety of bicycles and ride it in the park alleys or asphalt tracks. But what bike is perfect for bicycle tours?
Almost any bike tour , regardless of its duration , combines asphalt and ground stations in different percentages. Ideally, it's best on asphalt ride on Roadies, while on unpaved roads , especially heavy - on Suspension . In complex velopokhodov generally have off-road areas , or, say , crossing the river, when I want , so now you do not have a bike :) .
All three bikes in one campaign combined , of course, impossible. Therefore, based on this , choose the most appropriate type . The most, the mountain ( MTB or mountbike) bikes , hybrids rarely ( intermediate between road racing and mountain ) .

Hybrids wheel diameter - 28 inches, and the equipment - as a mountain . For simple hikes with a predominance of asphalt and good primers hybrid somewhat more convenient than MTV . But if you want to continue in the future to actively travel by bike and discover the most beautiful corners of nature, where access is complicated because of the variety of roads or lack of them - the choice is straightforward - a mountain bike .
What attributes should have "average" mountain biking to hike ? These are:
- large gears (21-28),
- aluminum alloy frame ,
- front suspension fork ,
- wheel diameter of 26 inches .
- certainly should be able to attach to the frame Bicycle Rack !

The lighter the bike , the easier it will be to its owner. The higher level of equipment ( sample ) bike , so it is safer. But this does not mean necessarily that cheap bike broken (these too can ride bikes in hiking ) and need to spend "millions" on the top models ( they too can bring ) . As practice shows equipment middle class ( in the line of Shimano - from Acera to Deore LX) durable and perfectly behaved in the campaigns of different levels.
If you suddenly had doubts about your bike , do not hesitate to send him pictures or characteristics , and together we will discuss will be right for your two-wheeled friend for this or that Test .