Hike to the clouds

Report a hike on Carpathians highest peaks 09 - 14.06.2013 , the
Author: Alexey Zhuk . Rating: 4.5
Began to break through the window light and then I realized that a new day has come , the same long-awaited day when I see that what had long dreamed of . But rising from the bed and looked out the window , my joy had disappeared . I saw thick, gray fog . Throughout Ukraine forecasters rains passed . But approaching ever closer to Ivano- Frankivsk miracle happened - the fog and disappeared over the horizon seemed clean and clear sky . The train stopped and the comfort of his soul was filled with joy and happiness.
Arriving a couple of hours before the scheduled meeting, I had to wait a little , sitting in the waiting station. But time passed quickly and vyshev to the main entrance station , where she was scheduled to meet the group , I was waiting for our guide . As it turned out , almost all was sitting in a cafe , discussing future campaign. When the group gathered it numbered 11 people. We have decided that it is better to get to the village Kvasy shuttle on request. The trip cost us at 70grn .
The driver was cheerful and friendly person. He told us all the way to interesting stories about local people and their lives . Overall the trip was interesting and emotional if not for one thing . Asphalt condition of local roads led me into a state of shock. It resembled the lunar surface , which can pass on except that only the tank . Direct shakes gives me a sense of compassion and pain for our homeland. But on the good.
Three hours later , after watching the beautiful scenery of rivers, houses and surrounding mountains we finally got to the village of kvass. After paying the driver , we started to pack our things and food , such as porridge , cereals , canned goods , etc. When all was ready, photographed , we went on a long , and as it turned from the outset is not the easy way.

Coming in the first hundred meters up the steep slope with a backpack around ten pounds, although some of the guys and he was more than fifteen , I crept to the idea that I can not stand this , although I am in good physical shape . But squeezing all the will in a fist , the body quickly came to a working condition . Selecting the correct walking pace and breathing it went a little easier , raising higher and higher into the clouds . Behind a nondescript landscape began to open . Thrace and the village were left far behind , and everything became clear as daylight.

Steep climb replaced almost horizontal road and we were enjoying the scenery . The trail meandered snake and changed its direction in three dimensions then up, then down , then left, then right . The more we walked , the more remained behind civilization and gradually enveloped us thick, primeval , dark forest . Above us hung unspeakable peace and joy only PSUs birds accompanied until the parking lot near the stream . Located putting tents, we began to collect firewood for cooking dinner over a campfire . Towards evening it became much colder. After eating and sipping tea in a good mood , we all went to , after a hard day on our first overnight stay at an altitude of 1200m above sea level.

Waking up, everyone was expecting to feel terrible pain in the legs and shoulders, but felt unprecedented lightness and freshness, and a full battery charge to continue the path . Fortified , we started slowly going to continue our journey . Everything was up to this point seemed a cakewalk . Began to manifest itself all the subtleties and nuances of professional mountaineering . The higher we climbed , the more severe became natural and weather conditions. Soft clay and grass under his feet turned into solid and stable stones, and beautiful wood - by impenetrable thickets that all forces clinging clothes , trying to hold and keep us down .