Cure for dope

Review of the campaign over the sea 17-22 July 2011
Author: Konstantin Liping. Rating: 5
All coped with the route through experience and communication skills of our guide. Both first and subsequent difficulties of the way were overcome under the strict control of the part of our host. We took our time, Anton correctly picked workarounds difficult sections. Feel safe and experience this man arose absolute credibility.
Friends! If one day there comes a time when everything starts to fall out of your hands when you stop to realize where you're running, pushing the elbows of others, and obtaining, the result will not notice, because there was another goal that you are fascinated with a bang, it's time to stop. Look around. Close your eyes. Shut up and listen to the inner silence.
But what if you continue to drill the idea of affairs, cares and problems. When all around like the vanity? Go out on the street - you see anxious, sullen faces, eyes looking through you. The feeling that you are under the influence of a dope. And desires that you realize is not really yours, you simply copied from someone else.
Fortunately our cure for this half asleep there. The most simple and primitive way to recommend psychologists. Necessary from time to time to change things around, perezalivat their living space. The most effective way to distract us from oppressive problems - change of scenery. Nothing around to remind us of the reasons invented fuss. Leave on time in the not known landscape, surrounded by people who also retired from his problems with glowing healthy individuals.

This summer, the two of us, I and my most precious half attempted to exit the running of our society. We found a great site in the internet . Which offers a variety of tourist travel to different training people of any age and income with an experienced guide, in general, from zero to ... it was not easy to choose a route as one was for its own good, but we stayed in a beautiful combination of "mountains and the sea." Our route was called "the sea".
Arriving at the railway station of Simferopol, in due time, we met with the group and our guide Anton. From the first moment it was felt the responsibility and competence of the organizers of our campaign. After the distribution of products in backpacks, our group has been registered at the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Crimean and we made it safely to the starting point of our journey.

First ascent. After a small meal in the meadow, we started the first climb. Work to overcome our first roller coaster was carried out at all levels of our being. Starting from the confrontation of thoughts, "why am I here?" "I need it?". Finishing setting body for a certain rhythm of movement and adaptation to a backpack and other equipment. But the end of the recovery was also the end of all uncertainties and end configuration of the body to the new conditions.
I must say that, as the first difficulties of the way, and follow overcome under the strict control of the part of our host. We took our time, Anton correctly picked workarounds difficult sections. Feel safe and the experience of the man, and there is absolute trust in him.
Our group was variegated. It included both strong men and fragile girls and one middle-aged woman. Also, our team was international, it included representatives of Ukraine and Russia.

After spending the night in a lovely location on a plateau, at an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level, we continued our way to the coast. The weather was wonderful. Summer Crimean sun did not stop our journey, as most tourist trail passes by wooded areas. The ups and downs overcome a habitual adapted step. Also helped in overcoming the obstacles mutual and general mood.
And here we are at sea! It becomes clear why the organizers of the idea to build such a route. The beauty and grandeur of landscapes, are not transferable or what means of communication. Photos and video are powerless.

I've always been fascinated with views of the sea from a height. And the higher the needs of our vanity seem so small. You look at the little houses, some buildings, swarming people try, go somewhere, do something. And all the trees, roads, houses, cars, compared with the boundless sea, huge rocks seem toys in the hands of nature. Comes the understanding that all artificially created by man is so fragile, briefly. And at the same time, he (the man) is allowed to live, to realize their desire to be protected and quiet contemplation of the surrounding space.
Our transitions are not delivered fatigue. Potential appeared from somewhere in our body, and the feeling that walking with a backpack so my attachment to comfort can be long.

Two words about the contents of backpacks. I noticed that Anton (our guide) was a full backpack. But its contents consisted mainly of public things necessary for our entire group to ensure our way of life. It makes you wonder about how many unnecessary things I carried with me. Our backpacks were packed under the neck of things only for our personal benefit and most of these things are not useful in the field, which leads to certain conclusions.
Our journey was accompanied by descent and ascent. Lead, feeling the group did during parking and rationally allocate their time duration. At one point, we are not an easy transition was coming at the end of the day, and we offer Anton benefited from motor vehicles, thus saved the time and effort that is spent on exploring the beautiful temple and the subsequent relaxation, so we needed after a difficult transition.

Our trip took place on the reserved, clean places of Crimea. Accompanied by the life-giving air-filled fragrance of herbs and flowers. Inhaled! Chirping of cicadas, birds singing - divine music! And of course the views! Mountain Crimea is very beautiful.
Our parking created in shady groves, near the springs, which allowed us to clean our bodies and clothes. Neither do not cause discomfort. Before the campaign, we read the list of things that we need and to be honest, have questioned that we can do a t-shirt, one pair of trousers. But in vain. The whole trip I went into a T-shirt and shorts, but in a backpack carried by three kilograms of other clothes "just in case". Stupidity.

At the end of our long-awaited transition sea. Beautiful place at Balaclava. Inherent Crimea rocks and boulders near the shore. Woodland on a steep slope. On a small ledge just above the sea placed our tents. Night, a refreshing thunderstorm. The next day, well, the boat arrived at Balaklava.
Result. Lots of impressions from contact with nature, pictures with her beauty. Inner peace, slight sadness of parting with this new world, which includes an outdoor people - participants of the campaign, a simple, biased communication with their peers, regardless of grades and ranks.

Clarity of oneness with everyone and everything around him. The enormous potential of forces, which did not dissipate quickly, because not resist anything.
We thank the organizers of the campaign for the provision of such opportunities to look within, to ensure that the conditions that allow no distractions from the contemplation of this fantastic world!

All coped with the route through experience and communication skills of our guide.
Author: Konstantin Liping