Porridge with stewed meat and sleep until morning

Review of Water and Stones campaign June 26 - July 1, 2011
Author: Vladimir Shevlyakov. Rating: 4.5
At the bottom of the clouds gathered, which, like the foam from cereal with milk would flow over the edge and get out on the plateau. Sometimes, the nose of clouds swept small pieces, giving a bit of coolness ... And after a few hours of the obstacles we came to a small clearing near the stunningly beautiful river with clean clear cold water. Porridge, tea, sitting by the fire with a bunch of stories. Their tents, and infant sleep till morning ...
It was sad that the adventure was over. Although ... perhaps ... it's not the end, this is just the beginning! Thanks to all with whom I have spent these unforgettable six days.
One February evening in search of interesting ideas of active recreation ... I came to the site outdoorukraine. But here a while ... and I was walking to the gathering place near the lockers.
Day one.
It was difficult not to notice a lot of people with backpacks :) I find my group, "Water and Stones", meet and move out the way. Provisions we are not taken, it had to catch up with us in a car with three participants hike, which came a little later. Georgia on a bus and go to the village Perevalnoe. After landing at the saddle, leaving the road to the forest. Here it is the first rise, some of it did not come easy, but then sucked ... Forest gradually replaced grassy rocky slopes. On the way, Taras (our guide) was tearing different herbs for tea and told us about them ...

The main boom is over and we went out on a flat surface ... hands immediately reach for the camera down ... below the village Perevalnoe, is tiny ... Away Simferopol. Here we came to the graft path along which the lower fee Chatyrdag. Flowering meadows, fresh breeze and not friendly clouds on the horizon ... but for the whole trek raincoat, I have not come in handy) to 5 o'clock we went to the caves, where they met with our groceries and three other expedition members. Park, Taras watch band released a cave, and he began to prepare a meal. Buckwheat with stewed meat and seasonings ... and then tea with herbs ... and tents. Infant sleep until the morning)
Second day.
Porridge, tea, taxes and backpacks. Backpack heavier, now in it lay the bones from the tents and provisions ... Special thanks to the guys who have sheltered me in his tent. We moved to the flowering meadows of the campaign on ... beauty ... and in the distance could be seen the upper plateau and mountain top Chatyrdaga Hangar-breaker, which was lying cloud, and that we needed to win. So we dived into the forest, through the yew valley, on the edge, over the cliff, came to the foot of ... Top of the trees seem to be fine grass, but in fact there velikanskie beeches, surprising). Take pictures, admired, relaxed and started to rise ... hard) It seems - "but that's quite a bit here" ... and not)

Overshot decided to triple overhead. Top was fresh, it was touch it clouds that the wind drove clinging to a rock) meal ... I can not ignore the huge Shmat lard and other edible surprises that Vlad extracted from his backpack, like a magician recovered rabbits out of a hat))) ) Many thanks to him for that. Enjoy the sights, wearing backpacks, marched on the plateau, the descent on the south side of the mountains, next to the parking lot. On the way met a large group of students, who in Russian "does not understand" ... and plunged into the forest. Evening gatherings by the fire and the tents ... Rose a strong wind, the trees creaked, but only got into the sleeping bag, just cut)
The third day.
Bite and quickly assembled, moved on. We had to go through to the Angarsk pass turstoyanke Dzhurla. We walked in the woods, went to dinner at the observation platform, where he made a snack. Vertical cliffs, rocky ridges and stunning scenery ... The road was on the slopes of the Northern Demerdzhi ... Little trail wound among the rocks, sometimes going to the edge almost vertical slope.

Then began the descent and here we are almost there ... in a birch grove near the small mountain lake. Dropped their backpacks and went to Southern Demerdzhi without the backpacks. Unusual at first without a backpack seems otorveshsya here now and fly to the sky))) looked at the valley of ghosts, climbed to triangulyator South Demerdzhi, jump, climb over the rocks and back to the camp where we were waiting for porridge with stewed meat. Snack. Company we have made some owls, who shouted all night nearby) breeding season apparently) ... The tents ...

The fourth day.
Morning, invigorating freshness, there is sun ... Snack, packed up and moved on. We crossed a stream, defeated rise, came out on a plateau with a motley bunch of colorful flowering plants ... Today our goal - Haphal. At the bottom of the clouds gathered, which, like the foam from cereal with milk would flow over the edge and get out on the plateau. Sometimes, the nose of clouds swept small pieces, giving a bit of coolness ... We moved on, and wandered into a cloud ... Cool, wet air was so).

Eat lunch right in the cloud and began to descend into Haphal. Very steep with lots of obstacles and majestic trees. And after a few hours of the obstacles we came to a small clearing near a mountain stream. Stunningly beautiful river with clean clear cold water ... drink directly from the river. Porridge, tea, sitting by the fire with a bunch of different stories ... and tents.

The fifth day.
That's a new day ... We had a choice, go for a mountain lake and get in the night there, or go to the sea. We decided to go to the sea. Continued their descent, crossed the river and ran into a rock ... a kind of barrier between nature and the human world ... climbing on it, clinging to projections, and climbed to the other side ... the waterfall Jur-Jur ... and lots of people. With one voice ... "Taras, what kind of horror, then a lot of people" ...

Anyway, we were in civilization ... going down to the village Generalskoye, caught the car and drove to Solnechnogorsk, where a miserly products potopali on a wild beach in the direction of Alushta. We were standing on the shore alone) swimming, sunbathing, relaxing ... That evening crept up unnoticed. Rang spoons and plates ... spiritual gatherings and fire with the Crimean wine. When it got dark, we watched the moon through a telescope.

Running around on the beach a lot of small crabs, which could "pause" the light of a flashlight))) .... ulegshis karemat on a bonfire, I watched the endless starry sky, which was fine ... And do not even notice that almost everybody went to the tents ...

Day Six
The next morning we had a bite, and exchanged contacts. It was sad that the adventure was over. Although ... perhaps ... it's not the end, this is just the beginning! Thank you to all the people I spent the unforgettable six days. It was a wonderful trip and great adventure.
Vladimir Shevlyakov. Kharkiv.