Day 1. Flight from Kiev. Arrival in Dubai.

Currently the cheapest tickets to Nepal sells FlyDubai - about 654 dollars on both sides.The flight departs from Kiev-Borispol Airport at 14:30, then assign the group collected at 11:30 am in the right side of the lobby of Terminal B. From the railway station at Kiev Borispol can be reached by express bus Skybus for 1 hour and 27 hryvnia. Introducing, pack backpacks for an aircraft, together we go to the registration. The Adventure Begins!In Dubai (UAE), we land at 20:25. In front of a very, very long night at the airport (without a visa is not released). Therefore, even in Kiev to take into the cabin mat, sleeping bag, a book and a game of cards. At the airport, do not hesitate zanamiaem some picturesque place, and they arrange a gypsy camp. Flight to Kathmandu starts tomorrow at 12:20, before it even an eternity.
The second version of the trip - AirArabia. It is more expensive (about 870 dollrov), but it is shorter docked in the Emirates is flying to Moscow (unfortunately not every day).
Day 2. Arrival in Kathmandu. Obtaining permits and approvals.
Land in Kathmandu, quickly fill in the questionnaire, we obtain a visa, go to the hotel. I recall that AirArabia arrives in Kathmandu at 13:10 and at 18:20 FlyDubai. Plus 2 hours for the visa, the route and the road to the hotel. If you are time and energy you can walk through the tourist shop Tamelo (near Kathmandu), to look cheap snaryagu (down jackets, sleeping bags, trekpalki, woolen socks and caps). Long walks are not worth it, because tomorrow we leave before dawn.
Day 3. Moving to Besisahar. Jeep to Syanzh (1100m) or Chamzhe (1430m).

Wake up the crack of dawn to leave at 5 am on the custom-made mini-bus to the top of the track, or rather to the village Besisahar (about 7 hours drive). After 2-3 hours after the start of the bus makes a stop at the restaurant's "Hamlet." If yesterday for dinner you do not have time to grab something sharp, there is more than you can catch up. Breakfast in Nepalese :)
In Besisahare lightly mash legs, drink masala tea, and switching out of the van at the jeeps. The next 3-4 hours old "Land Rover" and "Mahindra" will be carefully shake, beat, and vytrushivat us, making his way to the recently erected a mountain road to the village Syanzhe. Outside the window will flicker very attractive species (jungles, rice fields, gorges and waterfalls), but most likely you do not want to open your eyes :) On arrival at Syanzh housed for the night in one of the lodges with views of the gorgeous 100-foot waterfall. However, it is quite possible that that the road will blur and will not make it to the Jeep Syanzha (then have to go there on foot), and maybe vice versa are lucky and the car dragged us right up to the Chamzhe. I guess that many would prefer not to shake the jeep and walk this way on foot, but we need to save every minute - spare time is very useful in case of bad weather, HN altitude of the route.
Day 4. The beginning of the track. Tal (1700 m), Dharapani (1860m)

Just yesterday we met with the mighty river Marsyangdi. Most of our trip (up to Manang), we will move on its winding valley. After a couple of hours after the start of the trail will be replaced simple flat endless enthusiasm. This is the first test of strength. The survivors will receive a reward opportunity to dine in the village of Tal (1700m) - a surprisingly flat (in Nepali standards) place on all sides by impregnable cliffs. After a rest we continue the path of coastal boulders. On top of fly spray from the many waterfalls. Trail a couple of times to jump from one bank to another. We spend the night in the village Dharapani (1860m). Hence, the route begins at the foot of the beautiful eightthousanders Manaslu (8156m), which we will go some way the next time :)
Distance: 16 miles. Climb: 1,200 m
Day 5. View Lamdzhung (6983m), Cham (2670m).

For Dharapani trail turns sharply to the west and the first time we called the normal form of a large snow-covered mountain. This Lamdzhung (6983m) - one of the smallest peaks of Annapurna massif. But it appears so suddenly and so close that you will find an unspeakably vast and impressive. The height of the track could hardly be over 2000 meters, when the broad-leaved forests finally give way to pine needles. If yesterday we saw quite a summer paddy fields, here begins the fall zone. In opposing villages to harvest, the dwarf apple trees overfly the last leaves. By evening we reach the Cham (2670m). This is a relatively large village with a strong Buddhist affiliation - a large wall of Mani, and painted Buddhist gate. Once upon a time there were hot springs, but now they do not work. A pity, because the nights are already cold and wash in warm, almost every soul will be solved.
Distance: 15 miles. Climb: 1,100 m
Day 6. Gates of Paradise, Upper Pisang (3300m), a Buddhist monastery

Gates of Paradise - is a granite amphitheater of titanic proportions. In ancient times, its walls were polished to a shine mighty Annapurna glacier. And now he works as a visual aid for understanding the insignificance of human scale. You go day, going twice, but Gates of Paradise, and not budge. On the approaches to the village of Lower Pisang (our B & B today), I suggest you look to the right a side valley. They merge with the surrounding rocks perched old - Upper Pisang (3300m). Stone walls, stone roofs, all built from the same stone as the mountain under his feet - the perfect disguise. After a short rest we will go there to cut through the maze of narrow medieval streets, go to the Buddhist monastery. Inside the skinheads monks in robes bardovyh plucked the sacred texts, sound the gong, the endless mantra is carried away to heaven, and the mountains around so velikolpny that probably will not be easy to convince you not to stay here for permanent residence, and return to a difficult and hectic life of a tourist :)
Distance: 17 miles. Climb: 1,200 m
Day 7. Crawling Valley Humde, Braga (3439m).

To the point of today's overnight lead two roads - a short (plain and boring) and long (winding and spectacular). For some of them go, we will decide on the spot. This will depend on many factors (health, weather, mood). I will not hide that I was pretty close idea to go (long) trail with views of the Annapurna 4. But it may happen that you have to choose the shortest path through the village Humde (3280m). After all, there is a tiny airfield, regularly take cargo flights to the "mainland." And if someone from the group will be very very hard to be given to familiarity with the altitude, you can try to evacuate the aircraft.
Distance: 16 miles. Climb: 900 m
Day 8. Radialka on Icy Lake (4600).

For a successful assault on the pass and bezbolenennogo Torong-La, you must first pass the high-altitude acclimatization. One common way to accustom the body to the rarefied air is a climb, followed by its complete discharge. Simply put, all day today we will go up, sweating, panting like steam engines, strongly condemn the Himalayas, with their damned atmosphere, and all in order to turn around at the end of the day and at any hour and a half come galloping back to the starting point. To give you strength at the top of the route carefully placed the celestial architect cute Icy Lake (4600m) with stunning views of the Annapurna and Gangapurnu 3. Landscape is so great that even yaks grazing around the lake can not be divorced from his sight, and therefore sleep with my eyes open ... At least I thought so :)
Distance: 13 miles. Climb: 1,500 m
Day 9. Manang (3540m), the glacier Gangapurny, Yak-Jarque (4050m).

In the morning we pass Manang - a large town, the capital of the district (regional center of ours). But the biggest village in the heart of the Himalayas, it's not that big settlement with us, or even in the plains of Nepal. It is necessary to disperse the morning the party of tourists, as the world stands still here. The sun shines the azure lake at the foot of the glacier Ganagpurny, silently roll down the multi-ton blocks of ice, lonely prayer drum creaks at the exit of the city. Outside the city, one of trails to the left goes to the magnificent mountain lake Tilicho (three days' journey). I'd like to look and there, but the busy schedule of traveling and so bursting at the seams :) The area around was completely lifeless, almost no trees. Only rare stunted juniper bushes so pozaproshlogodnyaya herb roasted at all was intense ultraviolet flux. We spend the night in the Yak-Jarque (4050m). Loggia with every day are becoming easier and poorer. But no choice, housing in these areas very little, as travelers become more and more - up to the pass is at hand.
Distance: 11 km. Climb: 700 m
Day 10. Torong-Phedi (4450m), High Camp (4925m)

We start early to have time to take a good number at the next inn. A couple of hours going to have the usual flat trail along the river, but suddenly she breaks, having rested in some completely insurmountable cliffs. There's the Torong-Phedi (4450m) with its shelters, and pack loschadki rest. It seems to be the end of the road, but we have no need to creep higher, otherwise tomorrow will be too difficult. We find among the stony path and start to creep up. This is probably the most tedious parts of a campaign. Stones and turns of the trail there is no end in sight. Anyone of the most nimble send forward to occupy the living space, while they themselves will be slow to touch his feet, rapidly swallowing air. Snow is already literally under their feet, and though the sun burns like mad, the temperature here is low (about 5). Reaching High-Kemp (4925m), we refueled with hot garlic soup, ginger tea and tabletochkoy Diamox (for acclimatization) and overcoming sleepiness go hang around the neighborhood. Daytime sleep at this altitude - very bad idea. So first we climb to the neighboring Doodle, they will arrange a photo session on the background of some particularly harsh rocks, and then fell to the canteen and will be a long time and think carefully about the order for dinner. Dinner is important, because tomorrow stratuem almost without breakfast - the same case. Immediately after sunset valimsya sleep.
Distance: 9 miles. Climb: 1,100 m
Day 11. Pass Torong-La (5416m), Muktinath (3760m).

The rise at 4 am. Tea and biscuits and ran off. We must have time to reach the pass before the sun rises, as usual, along with luminary awakens strong wind carrying dust and snow litter the side of the mysterious Mustang. For the assault on the pass in winter dress. Overboard 10 and very little oxygen. At first freeze will be very hands and feet, but eventually you will enter into a rhythm and warm. Well natoptannaya trail follows the firn (the last year ot hardened snow). Going up on it easily, easier than yesterday, on the rocks. On the pass we drink tea with a festive chocolate, all ftografiruemsya group and prepare for descent. To go down even faster and easier, but now the treacherous snow slides and can be easily screwed. Fortunately there are no dangerous crevasses and fall does not threaten your flight to the center of the Earth. By noon (and it seems that the last day is an eternity), we descend to Muktinath (3760m). Here we are waiting for autumn landscapes and numerous pilgrims. The fact that nearby is a sacred place for Hindus connect four elements - fire, water, air, and firmament. If there are forces we go to visit them, look at this miracle of nature.
Distance: 14 km. Climb: 800 m
Day 12. Kagbeni (2800m), the gateway to Upper Mustang, Jomsom (2720m).

On this side of the pass the terrain is very similar to Tibet - a dusty desert of stone framed by high mountains. But for the natives of Tibet (and most of them here) valley of Kali Gandaki, appeared flourishing paradise and they called the edge of the Moon Tan (fertile valley). In the performance of the Europeans the name was transformed into a Mustang. Once a separate kingdom, Mustang, and now are not very willing to let foreigners to themselves. Going down to the village of Kagbeni (2800m) we will see the gateway to Upper Mustang, which is entitled to attend can get only 1,000 foreigners a year. Forbidden fruit is sweet and the people are willing to pay 700 dollars for a ticket to this mysterious kingdom. We will not be distracted from the planned program and go down the river Kali Gandaki, Jomsom in - a large village to the airport from which tomorrow we will fly to warmer climes. Unless the wind carries the dust rises in the eye, then I am afraid that the road will seem boring to go easy :)
Distance: 20 miles. Climb: 200 m
Day 13. Fly to Pokhara, the lake Feva, Peace Stupa.

In order to easily fly out of Jomsom in the early morning should be ready for take-off, ie on duty at the airport sitting on suitcases (as well as backpacks and traveling bag). If you do not have a problem with the weather, from the first light aircraft will start flying back and forth like crazy, and evacuated to the mainland all comers. Small plane sweep over the deepest gorge in the world (it divides Dhaulagiri and Annapurna) pomashet winged visitors on the Pun-Hile, and only after some 30 minutes after the start of land in Pokhara.The contrast between the barren desert of rock and flowering tropical paradise just stunning. But as always, we are not up to thinking. Rapidly colonized by the hotel and go for the traditional Pokharskoe "All Around" - first swim across the lake on the flat-Feva, visit Hindu temple on the island, climbing a snow-white stupa of the World (see our relatives there Annapurna), and finally swim back ragrablenie souvenir shops and restaurants. But do not take "sportiness" of the previous sentence. Pokhara is a wonderful place where you willy-nilly, relax, and stop in a hurry. Just think - will row the night! After what we experienced in the mountains, all this stuff of life.
Day 14. Drive to Kathmandu, evening shopping.

Although the campaign and over, but the early boom has not been canceled. After breakfast, we jump into a custom bus and 8-9 hours of "sawing" to Kathmandu. Living in the now familiar hotel, and immediately run for the evening shopping. Tomorrow, time for souvenir shopping and other will be quite small, so now they need to get done at least one full circle Tamelo shopping (remember, a tourist district of the capital). Then on the second lap you will feel more confident and bolder buy any stuff like singing bowls, fossilized ammonites (they shalagrams), kukri knives, and T-shirts embroidered with the Annapurna Circuit.
Day 15. Tour of Kathmandu, the flight home.

Breakfast, loaded the bus. The cultural program will begin with a visit to the giant Buddhist stupa Bodnath. Very bright and positive place. Around the pilgrims go, spinning molelbnye drums, waving flags and smiling, and you stand looking into the stern eyes of the Buddha. The next item - better known as Swayambhunath Monkey Temple. Fotkat impudent monkeys (do not feed, do not touch, do not tease!), Admire the views of Kathmandu (the temple on the hill), look like the same piece of land, get on the Hindus and Buddhists. We descended into the city, we have to look at Durbar Square - the Royal Square. Here carved pagoda palace of the king and the house of the living goddess - Kumari girls. All had shot! Now scattered to the shops. The total fee of 16.00 - anyway, and have to return to their homeland. Transfer to airport for flight to Dubai at 19:05 (or in Sharjah at 20:25). At 22:00 we land in the Emirates and is accustomed to spend the night at the airport.
Day 16. Arriving in Kiev.

About 9 am landing at Dubai-Kiev flight, and at 13:40 we have at home. Another adventure came to an end.
Route Map "Around Annapurna."
Below is a map of walking routes around the Annapurna massif. That is, from 4th to 12th days of travel - from the moment of exit from the jeep to the time of landing in Jomsom svmolet. The numbers indicate locations of nights. Green points - points of interest along the route. Red Line - the route itself. If your browser can not display the map, you can watch it on Google maps.
Terms of the tour.
It's not like in our understanding of the word, and tracking. We do not take into backpacks tents and food. All accommodations on the track in place turpriyutah - lodges. In the same we eat. From the outfit to take a sleeping only. If very faint (and possibly is), you can always hire a local porter - porter ($ 10-15 per night) for carrying things.
A route can be changed (depending on the weather, our group and you wish). To participate in the march to the base camp of Annapurna are required: Experience trips (at least the minimum), the absence of medical contraindications. For travel abroad need a passport visa :) get in place (in Nepal).
List of needed items and equipment for trekking in Nepal
Food in Nepal Trekking - menus, prices, features
What is a loggia - a tourist shelter in Nepal
Medical contraindications to participation in the tracking.
Tour cost: $ 700