
You’re never too far away from a lit cigarette in Ukraine, and in some bars and clubs the term second-hand smoke just doesn’t seem strong enough. On the other hand, smokers will enjoy the ridiculously cheap selection of cigarettes hawked by every corner babushka and kiosk. Just recently Ukraine outlawed smoking in most public places and the workplace, except in specially designated areas. It is the responsibility of each company to provide a designated area for all smoking patrons or personnel. These special places can not exceed 50% of the total allotted area of the business. Since this law is relatively new in Ukraine, not every business has begun to enforce it. Toilets
Public restrooms are a sore, dirty and not very aromatic subject in Kyiv. The best ones can be found at the central train station and in underground shopping centres. The other end of the spectrum rears its ugly head at parks, beaches and some high-traffic McDonald’s locations. Many public toilets charge up to 50 kopecks or so.