Poltergeist in da house

22 Kreshchatic St. - One of the wings of the present-day Central Post Office was once inhabited by a bourgeois lady known as Diakova. One day, the city’s newspapers carried sensational stories claiming that one fine day cushions, blankets and bed-sheets started to fly all over her bedroom, while the furniture creaked and moved around on its own. Now, most of these happenings may be explained by the imagination of a dotty old spinster but… these evil forces were apparently also witnessed by the police. Law enforcement officers were bewildered by what they saw, so they sealed the apartment and moved Diakova to new premises. Back in those days nobody used the term “poltergeist”, but Diakova’s case is still considered as being the first officially documented ‘anomaly’ in Europe.

16 Luteranskaya St. Currently you can see only ruins at this address. Yet they have rather mysterious story to tell.

At the end of the 19th century Kyiv merchant Sulima laid the foundations for a house, only to die before construction was completed. His potential heirs filed lawsuits against each other, and the house couldn't be finished for some time because of lengthy court disputes between its would-be owners. Eventually the house was completed, but not without incident: people claimed to be able to see a strange white figure at the windows of the top floor, while at night people could hear howls and crazed laughter from the attic. The house went on scaring people for decades until it was finally ruined in a fire.