It was not sat at home

Why I have gone to mountains? Goodness knows))) it was not sat at home. Having seen at station the group and Sashu (our conductor) one thought - stremnoe this business and a backpack and a campaign and in general … was at the tip of the tongue only But all has appeared not so is sad as it was supposed ;)
Having reached by a trolley bus to Angarsk pass, we bodrjachkom have walked at once in mountains. Wood has unexpectedly surprised with greens and variety of colours. For some reason still it was expected to see grey trees and … grey trees - as only the beginning of May and so on, but is not present - the greens were around dismissed and pleased in the spring
Having made a small halt near beautiful and ooochen a hollow tree, we have solved that taki is time to gather in a way differently we and we remain zakusju mosquitoes and in the first put we will hand over a battlefield))) Marvellously, it is necessary to notice that these blood-sicking creations only in the first day feasted - all rest of the time at all without having reminded us of the existence.

After perekusa it was necessary to stamp back already familiar path on glade MAN and to go only forward and if that is more exact to a place of our parking)) to walk still was much, but also not to tell that it afflicted - more likely on the contrary ;) it was necessary to pass on an edge of breakages where opened oooochen interesting heaps of stones and results of work of winds.

In the last evening council and was solved by whom will be a victim and it is necessary to sit with backpacks while all other lucky beggars drive on top of Demerdzhi, and at the same time and in the Valley of ghosts, morning a situation in any way has not changed, therefore has been decided to make this stoical act in obnimku with the backpacks)))
To top we certainly left, but the clouds, a rain expected any minute and a fog to us have a little confused plans and in a valley of ghosts we could not see :( though … to look there was on as without a valley - outlines of breakages appearing through a fog, stone sculptures and the freakish form of trees created unexpectedly interesting atmosphere around)

By the night I taught by bitter experience beforehand have pulled out from a backpack all warm things available at me available and have got on on myself - yes, the hope though today to be warmed and sleep me did not leave) What to tell - three jackets and a jacket from above have conceived the effect and I slept practically till a dinner. Besides hurries up to us there was no place is there was our last day - trains at all were late at night, in the plan there were only falls of Dzhur-Dzhur, plus all night long went a rain, since morning too drizzled that agree did not promote an early sortie from tents)

Beautiful, powerful … good, say, falls … truth about Wuchang-sou will not be compared, though recently saw photos of the last - very seasonal piece - probably to me has carried to see it during the period polnovodja, and here Dzhur-Dzhur if to trust hearings, always same powerful as in the spring))

Here in general and all))). The trip as on me, has stood out successful what for went namely to distract from all house and to look-have a look at the Crimean nature after hibernation has been executed perfectly well. Separate thanks group and the Sachet conductor)) All udach! ;)
Natalia Kornienko, Zaporozhye