The Crimean mountain-sea euphoria
Written by Андрей Доля из Киева
Gathering(Going) in this hike, I considered(counted) myself as the skilled tourist and assumed, that I know that waits for me (before went with Cyril to a hike on Cave cities and in general happened in many places in Crimea to a bicycle) but, running forward I shall tell, that " Cave cities " in comparison with this hike simply walk in park. And that, how much(as far as) it(he) has appeared for me is heavy and difficult, to any comparison does not go with caused by it(him) delight and the mountain-sea euphoria, caused not only beauty and kinds, but also the amicable, cheerful and sincere gathered(going) command(team). But about all under the order.

Some time two groups went together, then dispatch(deliver;have missed). During a hike we two more times met Andrey's group. Presence of two commands(teams) introduced some competitive spirit in a hike. An arising question: who ahead? - generated desire to go more quickly.
On the first spending the night became early, at 17.00, on last suitable parking for this purpose. Was Further, according to Tarasa, 4 hour transition on abrupt, stony slopes of a canyon. Tents there to put there is no place. During a supper closer acquaintance which has shown that took place has gathered international is Russian - the Ukrainian command(team) called even more to strengthen friendship of two slavic people.
And there was a thunder-storm at night. Blinked, rattled and watered almost all the night long. In the morning, having woken up the first, I have found out, that have forgotten to hide krossovki in tent and they were naturally full some water. Further there were painful attempts to kindle a fire, crowned success after an hour pyrotechnic izyskov, caused loss of a roll of a toilet paper and a box of matches. pred the amazed looks of the woken up comrades predstala a picture of cheerfully crackling fire among general dampness and the footwear hanged out above it(him). For a breakfast as it has then appeared - traditionally - there was a dairy porridge from dry milk with raisin. Krossovki I so up to the end have not dried up, have gone in crude.

Site of a route up to Ф \with Uzundzha have overcome by the bus, on a way having subjected to attack and having devastated local prodmag. Some comrades who have ignored the prevention(warning) that before spending the night to go still far, precipitately beer (on 1л on the brother) has been got. To repent of it(this) they had an opportunity during all followed for it(this) not abrupt, but long and long rise. Speech of self-accusation, self-flagellation and determination so to not do(make) any more were audible on a regular basis.

Owing to a territorial arrangement are near dear(expensive), owing to employment by other tourists, and also on a number(line) of other reasons escaping from my memory Ф \with Ah-сїјїФУї® us has not liked also we became in a wood, it is a little away from it(her). For as have paid: only having got in embraces Morfeja, have been plunged to an attack of the spiteful forester who hardly has not suppressed our tents by the UAZ. Only having used all diplomatic talent supported by certain documents and n - nym quantity(amount) griven, Tarasu it was possible to get rid of the guard of the order.
However this intsendent could not spoil impression of a smart stewed potato with fresh pork (extracted(obtained) on the eve in shop) which have been prepared by skilful handles Nadi and Katyas, for what to them many thanks, and also the sincere conversations which have followed it(this) at a fire.

Our way ran through the dense beechen wood, casting think about trolls, gnomes and orks led by Sauronom. On a way have found an artefact - a dam constructed still(even) by Germans in Great Domestic and led disappearance of the river, on dried up which channel we went some time. Midday there were we on this bewitched wood practically not seeing the sky and suddenly oppa... We leave on a viewing platform with which the kind which little bit has been impaired a little by clouds tightening(delaying) the sky opens fantastic beauty. SHCHelkane cameras sharply abates - not weak rain begins. We pack themselves with backpacks in raincoats and we go down to a falls Silver and further to a line.

Prior to the beginning of B.Kanona have approached(have dropped in) by the bus, and there and weather was adjusted. Having failed in attempt to find roundabout a way and to pass(take place) on a sphere, have paid on 15грн and have begun promotion on a canyon. In that place where the track leaves upwards, have left Tarasa with backpacks, and, nalegke, have gone(send) to baths of a youth. Owing to the past on eve of rains the level of the river has risen, and in many places has completely flooded a track.
Around it is a lot of the people brought here by excursion buses from coast. It is interesting to observe change of expressions of persons(faces) of these people when they in shlepantsah, with beach bags and towels through a shoulder (they have arrived to walk on B.Kanonu as on quay and to be expiated in a bath of a youth) see where they will need to go. Observed the man in tenniske, the ironed trousers and the varnished shoes which not razuvajas went on a rough stream with the grown dull sight and expression of full indifference at the person(face).
Having returned to Tarasu have learned(have found out), that 20 mines back by it(him) there has passed(there has taken place) Andrey's group and, having ignored baths of a youth, has vigorously gone upwards a canyon. Full of determination to catch up and overtake we have directed behind them. Long enough the track was twisted upwards in a dense wood and at last we send(have left) on a specific platform from which the stunned kind on B.Kanon from above has opened. Minutes 30 could not come off this panorama, ignoring sounding all is more persevering appeals Tarasa to move further.

And the sky began to tighten(delay) densely violet rain clouds that has compelled(forced) us to cover backpacks and to get more close raincoats. But this time the God pardoned, and the sky has gradually cleared up. Vigorously walking, with rare halts, nearby 17.00, we have caught up Andrey's with group which became on spending the night on Ф \with Bash - Dere. We have gone(send) further since hoped to stay the night on Ah-»СФУїЎЯ¬«® jajle near a spring. But hopes could not come true - having estimated time and the remained distance, have come to conclusion, that to a spring we shall reach already in darkness.
Therefore have stopped on the nice parking met by us on r. A hen - Uzen. Evening has passed(has taken place) very cheerfully behind game in "Crocodile" (it is necessary silently, only a mimicry to explain the thought word) and was tightened(delayed) almost before one o'clock in the morning.
Having reached a spring have sat down(lodge) for a dinner and began to take counsel - what to do(make) further. Today there should be last spending the night within the limits of a hike and all would like to lead it(her) on a beach near the sea. Having applied group pressure, have convinced Tarasa to change a route - have gone down on a line, have caught marshrutku and have gone in Balaklavu.

Had nourishingly supper in cafe, were reserved by wine and have gone on the Officer beach (I spent the night there during the previous hike with Cyril). This place any more was not so wild and deserted as last time - there was a shop and a little palatok with tourists. Up to three one o'clock in the morning (not everything, only the most proof) were cut in cards(maps), having a drink vintso. As it has appeared, Nadja knows uncountable quantity(amount) of gamblings in which considerable number it(she) has trained us this evening.
Next morning, having fed last time a breakfast (fire wood it was necessary to go to search kilometer for two uphill), us has left(abandoned) Taras. Next day has been devoted to fire, bathing, pryganiju from stones in water and a card play. Along toward evening, having employed a motor boat, were forwarded in Balaklavskuju a bay and still had time to visit(attend) a museum of submarines. The museum has made ambiguous impression (expected to see there, at least, the present(true) submarine, polazit in it(her) and in general it it would be desirable to see more exhibits) upon the majority of our company.
Have appeared suddenly in yesterday's cafe where us have learned(have found out) and have met as habitues (not often they have such volume orders). The strong-willed decision to use the best efforts and gather(use the best efforts and be going) for next year the same structure in the next hike was at supper accepted. In advance having phoned to the mistress to spend the night, have gone to Sevastopol. Early in the morning we were left(abandoned) by Katya (got(started) some alarm clocks to not oversleep). Our thinned company used time which has remained up to a train for visiting Chersonese.
Further there was a warm farewell, station, a train and a way home. Personally to me was a little sad to leave, t. To. Not often you meet such pleasant, cheerful, erudite people.
Separately I wish to note persistence, will power and aspiration to a victory of our girls - a hike, as a whole, it has appeared heavy enough, but we have never heard from them neither a hint on moaning, nor the slightest complaint, the uniform request for a halt. Nadja and Katya to you respekt and uvazhuha.
Owing to our command(team) I have changed priorities in an estimation of a hike a little - if earlier for me was the main thing that the hardy group has stolen up and there was an opportunity as much as possible to pass(take place) for a day (on a limit of opportunities) now I have comprehended, that the sheer pleasure from a hike (which it is characterized by the title of this report - " the Crimean mountain-sea euphoria ") is received, when such company what was at us gathers.
Andrey Dolja, Kiev 2009