How to restore forces and to revive skill to be happy.

The report of a hike " Above the sea " from June, 28th, 2009.
I want in a hike! Why? What for? For what? Where sources of this(thus) insuperable I "want"? At each of us the reasons something to wish in this life, I shall tell about what to me are known personally, about the .
Suddenly the son was lost. Has not passed(has not taken place) also month, as to mountain it was again knocked at my door to take away favourite. It has been intolerable painfully, the reason fought and shouted: " the World, what with you happens? Why you so with me? " When it became absolutely difficult to be in this world, has understood that it not those ideas which are necessary for happiness. An edge became a question: " It is necessary to something to make in another way. It is necessary to become strong! " New impressions... New impressions are necessary to Me. Here the answer to my question! Where they are? There where happened my Favourite where dreamed to go together. All! It is solved! Meal! Preparation for a hike distracted from sad ideas, but that that I ONE and nevertheless meal, frightened me.


The railway station in Simferopol where I have arrived, has appeared a huge ant hill. People with greater(big) and small kotomkami snovali at me before a nose, leaved and there came buses, trolley buses, trains. Vanity puts and more than anything...

Where a conductor? Where group? Further, as on Vysotsky: " And! Here have already answered... Well, hello, it I! " Have quickly distributed(allocated) among themselves products, the allocation was on 10 person, and us it has appeared 9. " we shall not starve! "-has flown in a head. And here the weight is taken! The backpack the first seconds seems absolutely easy(light), I go to something novel but therefore as I am arranged, it already is pleasant to me!


From Simferopol we reached Yalta by the brisk bus. Ahead of me it is cheerful "shchebetali" little girls as it has appeared, their company went to a hike with the same conductor. " They are familiar! It(him) it is easier! " I-has thought and began to examine the person from which now my not far future depends. It(he) dozes! Has rocked to sleep...

Suddenly sharp turn, a conductor does not fall nearly from sitting, again takes seat on the place and, indifferently, having corrected for glasses(spots) movement Znajki from a known children's fairy tale, speaks: " Look, to the right, you see mountain, its(her) structure reminds Ekaterina Vtoroj's features. I just wished to wake up on this place and to you it(him) to show. " That takes the cake. I have felt, as have relaxed from a pressure(voltage). It appears was and stirred(prevented) to me. With such kind, quiet and confident person it is ready to go anywhere. Though on the Moon!

Cheerful rise.

In the description of 1-st day of a hike there is a phrase: "... It is necessary CHEERFUL enough rise on Taraktashskoj to a track. " To me still houses were to be learned(be found out), that is covered behind this word. Has learned(has found out)! Long, almost vertical (do not argue with me you there were not and who was - to argue not begins) rise. The group was stretched(dragged out), heavy breath, a wet back, the same intense muscles...

Suddenly from below a shy question closing groups: " And what further? Soon halt? " After the answer of conductor Znaechki (so I for myself have christened it(him)): " Soon glade "-even at lagging behind there was a second breath and we with new optimism pyorlis and pyorlis uphill. UF! The Glade! A halt! Uraa! I without a backpack! Perception(recognition) of: " I a fuzz! "


It(She) happens different, as well as impressions of 2 people about the same. Kaptazh, it(he) the equipped source at height approximately 600 meters above Yalta, to our great happiness have been opened(open) also to us it was possible voditsy to get drunk from it(him). What it was water!!! For the first time in a life I drank TASTY water. Yes, yes! So it also was! It is difficult for forgetting...

Sijajushchaja Yalta

We nearly do not send away to sleep not having seen the main thing, what for rose. Having departed from camp hardly aside, silently having gasped, I am bewitched have stood: " As it is beautiful! " Words anything... It should be seen! And to hear! Having stretched(Having dragged out) on seacoast as the big animal, the city lived svoeju a life. The wind informed up to me obryvki loud phrases, an amicable laughter, modern rhythms. Contrast of my stay here above the sea and those who there at the sea is huge... I the nature! To me komilfo! Suddenly in the dark sky multi-coloured points began to appear, they grew and turned to magnificent bouquets. Salute! The sound was late. Only in 15 seconds I have heard the first claps(cottons). Ideas before a dream: " I love you, the Life, and I want, that you became better! "


It is necessary for the person for happiness a little. You start to understand it when you lose what habitual malosti. One day has stood out stuffy, the thunder-storm somewhere rattled, but us and is not has reached. We went along the river Barefooted. Feature of the rivers to dry up during the years(summer) period has been obviously expressed, water stood only in the deep holes covered by a мутно-white film. We rose on the river aside its(her) source, waters became more and it(she) was looked much more purely(cleanly). telepaticheski I tried to inspire Znaechke: " the Halt! Water in fact! WATER! " Did not work...

Then I have offered aloud: " Give we shall make a halt, we shall be freshened? " Znaechka, silently having looked at me, has gone further. I in confusion: " Why? It(He) that does not see: from us sweat flows in 3 streams? " During this moment the conductor sharply removes a backpack and with shout: " Aaaa! "-rushes downwards to water. Glory Supreme! Has ripened taki for bathing. Shout: " Aaaa! " - it was duplicated 8 more times. All has been advised districts: 9 sweaty People Reasonable in 7-th sky with happiness. Here such arithmetics...


The precise mode of a dream and wakefulness, reception of food, unique landscapes of surprising beauty, sea air 24 hours per day of 6 days on end, solar baths, bathing, dialogue and games with the cheerful company of adherents have made the positive business: I have had a rest! I have felt another: strong and nevertheless happy... The Person is dual on the nature because every instant both paradise, and a hell, are inside of us. And only to us to solve, that we shall be in ourselves and around of myself to grow up. It is the fact! Thanks all who was with me from June, 28th till July, 3rd! Separate thanks organizers of the project!

Anna Kasimova, Petersburg 2009