It will not be boring
Written by Игорь Грицюк из КиеваSummer. It is time holidays. And here I too have decided to have a rest. But I such person who loves productive leisure, therefore would be necessary to look in the Internet than it to borrow(occupy). The choice has fallen on the pedestrian hike in Carpathians. Why there and now? First, I never was in the summer in native Carpathians, secondly, there in the summer and is cold, and especially zharko, thirdly, it is healthy and productive leisure, and fourthly, and this(thus) the most important as Cyril spoke: « Bad people do not go to a hike ». Having defined(determined) with date and round, I have started to collect equipment. Having read through some responses and clauses(articles) on the given rest, I have understood, that it is necessary to concern to this moment as possible more seriously. Knowing not by hearsay variability of weather in mountains, I some times have checked up all and have counted(reckoned) every possible which only come to to me mind, variants karpatskih "surprises". All having packed into a backpack, at me has not appeared only tents (or places in tent), but in this question to me have helped(assisted) organizers of a hike, for what to them separate thanks.
Day 1. A meeting and the first spending the night.
Have met everything, as well as was uslovleno, at station. Ogljanuv the group and a conductor one sight, I at once have understood - it will not be boring. All young, vigorous, with shine in opinion of - I love such. Quickly having stuffed in backpacks products, we have set to the bus and have left to a point of our start. Have arrived and, having fastened backpacks, at once have jerked upwards, thought to slip not noticed. Has not left. Has caught up and has taken from everyone after ten for pass on territory of reserve (it I about the ecologist, the forester or as there it(him) name). Have chosen a place, steel on parking, tents have started to put all. But as at me tents were not, I and one more guy have followed water for a supper. Send(have come), and I have learned(have found out), that I shall spend the night in tent with two nice girls. Here for this many thanks to a conductor to Glory - has done an ill turn :-))) have made a supper, have got acquainted and have laid down to sleep. Tomorrow there will be a difficult day, besides drizzled a little.
Day 2. The first top.
Having finished morning physical exercise, we have started to rise on first our top. Forces was much, it is even more desire, therefore went quickly and beautifully. But rise was long and near the top in a head predatelski ideas have started to creep - instead of whether I was mistaken with rest. This all at once has disappeared, when I have reached(achieved) the purpose. Here it(she) - mountain Bliznitsa, 1880 m. the First top and the first victory. As there it is beautiful. The boundless green-blue sea which opened before eyes, simply bewitched. All kind calmed soul, installed pleasure and energy, all nature felt freedom and rest. During such moments it seems, that you - a free bird. Having taken pleasure in kinds and a wind, we have started to go down downwards on parking. Have chosen a silent and cosy place near the river. The first joint preparation of a supper and the first long sit-round gathering near a fire took place.
Day 3. Mountains and lakes.
We go upwards. Around a cloth from a juniper. Have met the present(true) shepherd with a flock. It is good, that there is not enough sun, differently it would be even heavier(would be grow even heavy). Have risen on a ridge, around one clouds and a wind at what so strong, that in ears there is a madman howl. Having had a rest and having made photos, we go further. From both parties(sides) from a ridge fascinating pictures of Carpathians open simply. Eyes enjoy seen. We rise above and we do(make) a halt - day time perekus. The Ukrainian bacon with garlic (mnjam-мням) and bread - all ate with pleasure))) And below the mountain lake is visible. Has started to tighten(delay) the sky clouds, have decided to not risk and go down on parking. Have put tents, and the opposite drizzle at once has begun. Have run up right after a supper, at night weather has worsened.
Day 4. Bratkovskaja.
All the same, someone from us was lucky, morning was solar. Having made morning zarjadku (or it is yoga?) and having collected things, have gone(send) to submit(conquer) following top. With each passed(taken place) one hundred meters the nature varies: first a wood, then bushes (here trousers and a jacket very(very much) will be useful, differently hands and can be scratched legs(foots) up to blood) and at the top - a dense grass. The purpose is reached(achieved), under legs(foots) mountain Bratkovskaja and all of 1788 meters. At the top we did not talk almost, we looked afar and thought everyone of the . There were no forces to tear off an eye from that beauty. It would be desirable as it is possible to remember is better surrounding kind that in the future again and again it to recollect. Went on a ridge along old »«ЅэЯ¬«-Czechoslovak border Further. Have gone down hardly below and have stayed the night in a wood. This day all is strong enough ustali, transition last about 7 hours. That evening conversations almost were not, all enjoyed a warm fire.
Day 5. A bilberry.
Since the morning have decided to eat thoroughly bilberries. Having passed(having taken place) through a wood, send(have left) on a solar glade with a bilberry. Have removed(have taken off) backpacks and lodge it(her) is. Languages at all instantly steel, as at the chow-chow, - violet :-))) Having supported with berries, again potopali upwards. Our way passed(took place) along concrete columns all of the same old border. On road have met other group (more truly its(her) part) from Moscow, the decision to divide(undresse) with them ours bacon-garlick a dinner was accepted. We have been thanked by them for this noble gesture in the evening - have treated us with the present(true) sheep cheese (brynza). After rest on pass of Legions to rise did not become, have gone(send) downwards to search for a place for last joint evening. Have found wonderful(strange) poljanku near water. Have accepted "bath" in mountain small river and somehow having washed clothes and equipment, we have started to enjoy in the warm evening near fire. Had supper and to us on a visit send(have come) muscovites with a guitar. A sit-round gathering were tightened(delayed) till the morning.))
Day 6. Alas, all has the end
Oh, as it would not be desirable to say goodbye … Consciousness of that has lost something close and dear(expensive) - has come only in a train. I was again convinced, that the most important advantage of a hike is people. It is that dushevnost and sincerity which arises between participants during their joint residing and overcoming of difficulties. It would be desirable only one - to thank children and little girls for good rest. I hope, it was not last our joint hike …
P. S. Separate "Thanks" our conductor Glory. With it(him) was very interestingly and very cheerfully.
Igor Gritsjuk, Kiev 2009