Never go to mountains
Written by Ольга Прокопенко из ПермиNever! Never! Never go to mountains!!! Even if suddenly in your head tempting ideas on unusually romantic kind of holiday have crept in - now dismiss them! You also do not suspect, on what doom yourself … All begins long before the hike. In the evenings, instead of other pleasant employment(occupations), you rush on shops, on friends and friends - get marching equipment. All very fascinatingly and cheerfully. You become the happy owner of the most remarkable things - a huge backpack, nalobnogo a small lamp, a special marching mug (it(she) a mug) - litre approximately on an one and a half and so forth and so forth Yes, and it is good to buy(purchase) still a stick - not ski, but mountain, special, they are necessary that on rocks to look(appear) the present(true) and valiant tourist.
Then you pass(take place) a brief rate of the young fighter - study to pack a backpack, for the present in house conditions. In it(him) there should be only the most necessary, besides correct image laid and packed. Process fascinating, but somewhere hour through two you understand, that "most necessary" weighs approximately poltonny. Despite of the most most detailed and most useful recommendations you manage napihat in a backpack of things so many that it(he) already under an outset, and still it is necessary to bear(carry) in it(him) products for six days.
Here painful struggle for each "useful" thing begins. But not so simply to break spirit of the future tourist-climber. muchas uncertainty - that you waits for the validity in mountains? - you prefer to not risk and take all the most dear(expensive) to heart. Filled by the most dear(expensive) the backpack hardly allows you to come off a floor and so, yet not broken, you short dashes reach a train.
Having arrived on a place of a meeting, you meet about ten same strange persons(faces) of the diversified (mainly cheerful) exterior, half from which, as well as you - in a hike the first time. Unsuccessfully trying to erase the confused smile of the beginner from the person(face), you fondly joyful, umilenno look, how distribute(allocate) products, and on your share drops out kg any rub(three)-four strange packings, packages, banok, a word of products which you last time saw, and especially prepared, in my opinion, in the last life. The daily bread is always more dear(expensive), therefore with a sigh you spread salt for a bath and aromatic oil(butter), releasing(exempting) a place for this purpose awful banok and packages. Now all! Well - eyes your burning and full improbable hopes are reflected as in a mirror in ten pairs same, all of you in an anticipation, legs(foots) beat off an indistinct rhythm - forward, my friend! Time with fifth you it is possible to throw a backpack on a back how it(he) should hang there, tighten uncountable thongs, adjust(regulate) - itself do not understand, that … And here to you in a head such shy melancholy guess - everything creeps, back way is not present, this backpack on my back for six days - for painfully long six days.
Vigorously hobble to the beginning of a route. Everyone smile. What did you know about a hike when have agreed on this adventure? Picturesque kinds, cheerful laughter, songs at a fire? All it will be indispensable! Only with one amendment … you have gone to mountains, and it means - picturesque kinds will be only when you wipe sweat from eyes, the cheerful laughter will smoothly turn in not less cheerful hrap on halts. Well and songs at a fire - all over again it is necessary to persuade the bicepses, tritsepsy, kvadritsepsy and other muscles (especially - brain) to reach this fire, instead of to allow passing past marshrutke to tempt you with fast disposal of this nightmare.
I already am silent about any trifles - to collect fire wood when in radius of one and a half kilometers only a prickly bush, to wash a kettle when the rest of a supper namertvo has dried on a bottom, to wake up in an opposite corner of tent, having lost for the next battle to a harmless sleeping bag to take a nice(famous) invigorating shower from two-liter butyli, filled well or spring (read - ice) water. In the evening on a parking lot you find out what to make a supper and a breakfast, and also to wash utensils and even a part of, the drop behind a drop is necessary to all of you from a spring, sonorously dripping. Being arranged on the backpack on a halt, you with melancholy represent polished in thousand bodies a plank bed on a beach. uvertyvajas from prickles and repev, you collect on yourself a web tense, apparently, on all all to mountains and woods of Crimea. On steep rises and descents(releases) you cling to a grass, stones and even for air, and in a head for some reason clearly sounds: « Be prokljat that day when I have sat down for a steering-wheel of this vacuum cleaner! »
But strange things happen with you in a hike.
Together with then in mountains from you the old leather(skin) slips, and in new you greedy breathe everyone at times. And somewhere there, on these wood and mountain tracks, in these impassable prickles you slowly turn - are not present, not in gallant "pohodista" (as spoke Olka), and in salted and aired chastichku this wild nature.
Your backpack suddenly easy and exactly lays down on shoulders, srodnjajas with a back. Easy(light) movement of hands (and also legs(foots)) you nalamyvaesh average size a woodpile for an evening fire. On road you see now not only a backpack and walking under it(him) krossovki ahead of going, and have time to notice also a bird stood in one point above the next top and keeping a wind by the wing. Jog up to the sea of kilometer an one and a half-two and back on tops and descents(releases) moreover after marching day - exclusively for the sake of pleasure to be expiated in the sea! - now frightens only the instructor, but in any way you and same as you city children.
In the evening you do not go wearily to the tent, and patiently wait, while any especially romantic star will not fall down from the night sky in your fire, and listen, as crickets echo the maiden voice and a guitar. A vigorous voice of the instructor at 07.00 now for you not a morning nightmare, on the contrary, you get(start) an alarm clock on 05.00 and go to smile to the sun, is lazy creeping out because of mountains.
And when you get on a train in a way back, and behind there is first hundred kilometers, you follow kipjatochkom, make in this most marching mug (it(she) a cup) last two spoons of the dampened coffee and silently cry in a compartment above bitter coffee aroma, and in it(him) to you chuditsja a smell of a dry grass, nagretoj the sun, and rotten foliage in gorge, and the shadow from clouds on woody slopes sees, and the amicable causeless laughter, and proskalzyvaet an importunate solar beam is heard strekot field grasshoppers, and, and an easy(a light) fog the wind clouds your tops … and in a head the idea is suddenly carried by - in a following hike it is necessary to take an inflatable pillow, will sleep more conveniently.
I sincerely and with all my heart advise - do not go to mountains better, in fact this disease is not a subject to treatment.
Olga Prokopenko, Perm