Descents and Rises
Written by Никулина Анна из п.Железнодорожный
It was necessary to name this hike «Descents and Rises», - this phrase very correctly displays marching mood. If in the morning we go down, we rise or on the contrary and so every day So :) do not think in the evening, that will be easy... But it will be beautiful precisely!
At once after a train, station, a trolley bus Simferopol-Yalta, roads and all rest we dress backpacks, we pass(we take place) the first 15 meters of rise and we appear among bright greens of a wood. And somewhere away from a track, under the stones, the first source of water.

Passes(Takes place) even hour, and here the first rise have overcome!!!
Each step in mountains is to be photographed, and each step in mountains with a backpack is to be photographed even more to remove(take off) a backpack somewhat quicker :)

But now it is necessary downwards! And, as it has appeared if to not run from a hill downwards, and to go slowly and to look under legs(foots) it is possible to find out very tasty things which are then fried and added in macaroni and very tasty dish turns out!

- Have eaten? And now we go here here! - speaks Volodja, our conductor. Fear and horror in our eyes, but practice has shown, that this way really to make for a floor of day.
This day on rise I solved zadachku which JUlja to me has suggested to solve that was not dull to go :)
The son of the father of the professor has beaten the father of the son of the professor when professors were not the at home.
Who whom has beaten?
It appears, when you go to a hill and with a backpack, the head absolutely badly thinks :)
I long went and thought, guessed, repeated about myself how a mantra, and after a dinner, has climbed on a tree (what for??? :)) and from a tree has cried out the answer, but Nikita did not hear the answer and solves till now :)

We already in a way.
- How many time?
- 8 mornings
- And in Moscow people already on work sit...
Having climbed down a mountain have stopped for a dinner.
And on me the butterfly has sat down. Actually I not so love when on me somebody sits down, but it(she) was.. It(she) was weightless. I it(her) at all chuvtsvovala. I with it(her) went and sat and I had a sensation of boundless happiness and a fairy tale. Blue, beautiful, then it(she) still long flied around of me.
We examine vicinities

In a valley of reductions we have appeared at midday so frightened reductions by the stories. And who knows present(true) bajku about this valley? And we to you shall tell!
Result of our collective creativity:
Very long time ago at podnozhja mountains there was a village. And veins in this village the fine young man. It(he) also loved the girl named Anastas. They once have gone(send) to mountains to walk. And the nice(famous) young man has turned away on minutochku and when has turned beside there were no Anastass, and there was a stone. It(he) also has gone to search for the girl. Has searched all neighboring caves and has examined all gorges, but it(he) has not found the beloved, It(He) has returned to village and all village has gone to search to Anastas. But also to hour has not passed(has not taken place), as inhabitants of village on one have turned to stones. And the young man has understood, that its(his) Anastas too has turned to a stone, but it(he) could not understand which stone is its(his) beloved. And so it(he) till now goes and searches favourite. And if will find and will kiss a stone on the mouth, ozhivet its(his) favourite and all countrymen.

Often asked questions and answers in a hike:
To us long still to go, is Valera at Volodi often asked
- No, 1,5 hours, - almost always answered Volodja
- And a dinner it will be fast?
- Yes
- And for a dinner there will be again a paste? Is JUlka
- Yes
- Ur, - it is pleased JUlja.
It is possible to think that it(she) very much loves paste, the principal cause can certainly and yes, but: it(she) bears(carries) paste in a backpack and after each dinner the backpack becomes easier :)
The most awful was, that we have seen the sea for the third day, and to go to us it was necessary three days in other party(side) from the sea Therefore we sat and enjoyed a kind

And on a glade with wild strawberry to us there was a herd of horses! Wild, but simpatishnye.
Have approached(suited) to each person, distances of to stroke, then stuck to backpacks, chewed straps. ALL not grounded. We have solved that they feel in us salt, therefore and These :) horses lick were as from a fairy tale - they have appeared from a wood and send away(have left) in it(him), having left at us sensation of children's delight.

As we went a little with an advancing of the schedule we had a free time which we have spent for walk on a plateau with the national name "table-mountain" In one party(side) horizon merges with greens of a grass, in another with blueness of the sea, and absolutely a number(line) plays vargan and to face the wind blows.

- Something to eat it would be desirable, - sighs Ljuba.
- Go and collect fire wood. Without fire wood of meal will not be, - I inform it(her)
- And what such fire wood?
Well as well at it(her) it turns out to be the blonde!
Before the sea all were washed up in warm and pure(clean) lake

And from lake on the sea to leave it would not be desirable, and it is correct, because the sea has appeared dirty and cold, but such desired because it designated that it is possible to not carry backpacks more, to not go upwards-downwards on mountains, to not collect-assort scarfs every day, to not pine with heat well and much that else, but be better than mountains mountains can only.

This summer we again shall go to Crimea, and you?
Nikulina Anna.