Ivano-Frankivs'k Region

The harmonious fir-trees rise in the sky by green wall. The sweet-scented grass covers a mountain valley by colourful carpet. Wherever you glance over the forest greens everywhere, the Blue Mountains tower over, and between them the rapid rivers and streams discharge it pure waters to the Prut River and further to the wide reaches of the Dnister River.
But Ivano-Frankivs’k Region is not only a beauty. Here there are highly developed agriculture and forestry, electric power industry, fuel, chemical and petrochemical, machine-building and metal-working, woodworking, light and food branches of the industry.
With the purpose of attraction of partners to economic cooperation, the regional state administration provides advantage and comprehensive assistance to those, which will develop innovation projects on introduction of advanced technologies. Due to this approach the large productions of woodworking, chemical and petrochemical, light branches of the industry were reconstructed. Today the trade marks of following companies as Lukor, Interplyt, Tykaferlyuks and Vinisin became the well-known beyond Ukrainian boundaries and make great payment in the increase of investment attractiveness of the region.

The Joint Venture "Interplyt" became the leader of the Ukrainian woodworking industry and supplies the wide assortment of high-quality laminboards and wood-shaving boards, which meet the hygienical class Е1 to the national market and 19 countries of the world. The volume of its sold production has been increased from 5,8 million hryvna in 1998 to 134.4 million hryvna in 2002.
The LLC "Uniplyt" increases the production of wood fibre boards and their export. The Joint Venture "Promin-Galychyna", not limited by production of high-quality furniture of modern design, which successfully competes with foreign, in cooperation with foreign investor introduces the import line on output of woodworking wares. The furniture of high quality is produced by the Joint Venture "Komeks" as well as high-quality furniture for educational establishments by the Kolomiya Experimental Factory "Prut".

The enterprises on production of wood and wood wares in January-April, 2003 made the production by 30.7% bigger than for the same period of last year. The volumes of sawing and dub productions have been increased by 17.6% as well as output of saw-timbers by 34.7%, wood fibre and wood shaving boards by 24.5 and 28.5%, glued plywood by 8.1 times.
The Factory "Kuvert-Ukraine", jointly established with participation of the Concern "Mauer-Kuvert-Network", became the biggest producer of envelopes in Ukraine.
The output of production of enterprises of light industry by results of January-April, 2003 has been increased by 27.5%, including textile by 59.8%, production of ready-made clothes and fur by 17.3% and leather by 21.0%.

The production of goods of stock-raising in the region is concentrated in the individual companies, which breed from 90 to 99% of total number of livestock of different cattle. At the same time the good results were provided by investments in reconstruction on new technological base of large stock-raising complexes. One of them is the LLC "Rosan-Agro", which sold the stock-raising and food products to the amount of 5.1 million hryvna in 2002.
By participation of investors from 34 countries of the world more than 400 joint ventures have been established in the region. The volume of direct foreign investments in the regional economy has been increased by more than one and a half times in 2002 and made USD 75.8 million. The foreign companies invested the most capital in industrial enterprises (85.2%), including light industry – 33.1%, production of wood and wood wares – 18.8%, extractive – 13.9% and cellulose-paper – 9.2%.
Due to the increase of economic potential and competitiveness of the region in the first quarter of 2003 the volume of commodities export exceeded the volume by comparison with the same period of last year by 2.2 times and it is twice bigger than the import.

The unique recreation resources of the region provide great possibilities for development of tourism and sanatorium-resort making healthy. The following resorts as Yaremche, Tatariv, Sheshory, Vorokhta and Cherche are well-known in Ukraine for a long time. For providing of tourist industry with highly skilled specialists the Prykarpattia University named after Vasyl Stefanyk opened the Institute of Tourism. In mountains, pre-mountains and Dnister villages it is possible to acquaint itself with language, songs, way of life and traditions of Ukrainians from Opillia, Pokuttia, Gutsulshchyna and Boykivshchyna. The inheritors of legendary Opryshky, lived by leadership of Oleksa Dovbush, Marusyak, Boychuk, Bayurak, Shtola and Gryts Vartsaba, live and work on this land.

Welcome to Ivano-Frankivs’k Region! Here you will find friends and business partners, will be enriched with new unforgettable impressions, improve your health, take force and enthusiasm to life, labour and creation. The land, which brought up Stepan Bandera, Roman Ivanychuk and Stepan Pushyka, is always glad to meet guests and all, who comes with sincere intentions here.
According to Information-Publishing Center “Business Partner”