To be or not to try ... or not?
Trip "the highest peaks of Ukraine 4-9 July 2010.
Ever wanted to spend your vacation special, not passively lying on the beach and sipping cocktails, and actively, with some taste of adrenalin. The main reason is just desire, namely the Carpathians, and not least, working in the office all day in front of a computer and a desire to simply active movement. Wanted - and did.

Because nothing about tours, hiking gear, etc. knew nothing, he started with the simplest - forums. Next, trips to sports shops and after sleepless nights before moving walks and short ... Ivano-Frankivsk train station ... .. ... acquaintance with a group of products distribution and the first attempt from behind backpacker imagine their future "adventure" trip to ... s.Kvasove and I finally got there.
Despite the effort expended (Carpathians like trained), the impression of the worth of what they saw: blue top, that seems to touch the sky, white clouds filled the valley, the everlasting peace of miracles around the green, pure spring water, crystal clear air, which did not even feel it when they breathe , delicious blueberries and a whole lot more.

The company was small but nice: twin brothers from Kyiv, tourist veteran Ivan from Moscow, and our leader, always calm and cheerful Alexander. From first glance it was clear that all physically fit and eager excitement, rapprochement with nature, active movement, overcome obstacles, physical strain ... just what I wanted.

Training is needed, as in the Carpathians were heavy rains, cold and general weather forecasts were disappointing. There I remembered advice on forums about flisovyy sviter, hat, membrane wear, etc., and I was glad not to ignore them. While not exactly ideal weather, we almost broke all dvutysyachnyky, the first of which was Petros. What can I say about it ... it was difficult to overcome, a difficult climb changed others, and just above all the will, not physical training, helped get the first victory. The victory we certainly "pomochyly ... Huzuls milk scare, and it has a history of familiarity with hutsuly and their life ...

Next was a bit easier, but less interesting. After a delicious dinner comprising as cheese, which of course we rozdobuly Huzuls at the foot of Petros, we were ready to continue our journey. Another beautiful Carpathian mountains Hoverla was that we met a strong wind and rain, rocky ups and slippery trail. But all this has provided even more value to achieve Hoverla.
By Hoverla were other equally beautiful peaks, most of whom want to mention G. spokes, which although not reaching 2000m, but the beauty surpasses all others. At least experience was from mountain lakes near where we stayed and gained strength,: oz. Nesamovyte and lake. Brebenskul.

Highlight something special from a raid on the high peaks of Carpathians difficult as all that surrounded it was special, not counterfeit and in good company and a grateful listener can tell the entire day on the impression received. So whether or not to touch the beauty of the Carpathians? Yes, it is worth. But Carpathians asked you apply for this effort and you decide whether or not to be or not to try. I tried and was satisfied.
Vasily Lizanets