Where to hide from a heat?

Powerful winds bring freshness and deposits from Atlantic. Clouds, having met on a way hillsides, drop out plentiful rains (take care of raincoats and jackets). Here there are no problems with water: springs, lakes, the rivers. Truth sometimes there are problems to bridges (fortunately "the washed off" bridges quickly enough restore).
Besides Karpatsky routes generally pass on mountain ridges (instead of on valleys) where the height above sea level fluctuates from 1000 to 2000 metres. And each 100 metres of height, it is a minus of 0,7 degrees.
Just in case I will specify, I not the wizard and not diplomaed meteorologist and consequently I can not promise that for all campaign, to you become never hot. I only inform you result of own supervision over weather in Carpathians. And they quite unequivocally assert that Carpathians Mountains - an excellent place to hide from a heat.