Six bicyclists and one sun
Written by Алексей Коробко Day the first.Nizhnegorsky - the White rock - Belogorsk - Karasevka, 68 km. 45 km on asphalt roads, 23 km on the soil

Average speed of 22 km/h, a passing breeze. 10 minute breaks each 40 minutes of movement. Without reaching Cherry it is changeable to itinerary (a good first coat softly gaining height leaves, apparently, in the direction necessary to us - on Ak-Kaju) a little. We cross the river of Karasevka and before lifting we stop for a dinner. A heat and the scorching sun on a clear sky have made the amendment to a daily routine for all campaign: from 12:00 to 14:30-15:00 we have a rest, compensating this time the maximum use of morning and evening hours.

We go practically "on an azimuth", constant lifting. Ahead - only hills Scythian barrows with vygryzennymi "black archeologists" the middle. Behind barrows lifting comes to an end. With each metre of a way because of horizon start to come up tops jajl, and road - as if to pull forward the promise something unusual.

At passage of a similar route to the future: to rise on with. The white Rock is better on the road beginning at once for Cherry - it most favourably leaves to the White Rock, excepting superfluous wandering.
In Belogorske we buy products. We leave a city to turn on Privetnoe. On spending the night we stop beyond Karasevkoj. On the right coast of a glade are flooded, overcome mosquitoes. Therefore for spending the night (the bridge is moved to the left coast) and we leave to the left. Through 1,2 km (further the sanitary zone of a source of Karasu-Bashi) to the right leaves road. On it through 60-80 metres a little enough equal clearings convenient for installation of camp to 5-6 tents upwards are located.
Day of the second

Departure at 8:30. From Karasevki there is well nakatannaja a first coat. Distance - 9,5 km. Complexities causes strong izrezannost districts ravines: sharp ascents and abrupt descents. The idea to leave on Novoklenovo has been rejected at once after we have seen a condition of road and coming bessyslennyj ascent. Beyond Aleksandrovka we leave on a line and already on asphalt - towards Novoklenovo. In Novoklenovo - the most volume purchase of products for 1 supper, 2 breakfasts and 2 dinners (well is not present on Karabi of shops :)).
It is better to be reserved by water also in Novoklenovo: the well asfaltnoj roads on Karabi (1,3 km after turn from a line) is in the beginning in a distance (it is necessary to pass 400 metres with height loss, and after to return on road). Besides it is tightly closed by a concrete plate! The plate part was possible to break (5 sm of concrete on grape pegs have appeared more poorly a rage of one of participants of group) but where probability of that the aperture will not be concreted again.

Dinner at 12:00 under the tablet "Vacation spot" in 1, 5 km from the lifting termination (the established little tables and the benches equipped kostrishcha, and, the main thing, a dense shade). We wait a heat, we have dinner, we put in order bicycles, we glue the first puncture on a route. After a dinner there was an overcast.
At 15:00 we continue lifting and through 45 mines on a plateau. We reach till the end of asphalt and we pass to a dirt road in the Meteorological station direction. Before the Meteorological station we leave to the right in a direction of Karatau to a well of Choban-Chokrak. Over it at 18:40 in beechen wood we stop on spending the night.
Day the third (or nafig the schedule)
Karabi (a well of Choban-Chokrak) - Karabi (Southern breakages) - Privetnoe - Sea

Program part - visiting of caves Mum's and Big Buzluk is lowered: all participants of a campaign in them already were. Quality of road leaves much to be desired, but ascent practically is absent, there are no steep slopes, practically everywhere it is possible to go on transfer 1х2-1х1 :).
From the Big gate descent begins. A conclusion after 3 falling, 2 from which have caused first-aid set use: first third of road for bicycle movement is not suitable. Only on foot, a cycling nearby. It is possible to go further, but for protection against bushes it is necessary to dress helmets, vetrovki and trousers. Speed not above 8-10 km at o'clock, observance of a distance and is better without overtakings. On disks it is possible to boil tea, at me on vibrejkah the pair kolodok was erased.

Lifting on Sea is overcome with 3-mja short stops. One of them svjazanna with blocked in view of shootings of a film by road. In Sea - purchase. Settlement shops are located not along a line, and above, in parallel street.
We leave on suburb Sea, the camp is broken near to the sea in a forest belt (on small river). Under the bridge there is a pump station from which tank potable water follows. In the river - technical. Glades in a forest belt are places lezhki camels so be not surprised if in the morning before camp will see the wondering being, come to have a rest on a place of your tent.
Day the fourth
Sea - the Pike perch - the Solar valley - Shchebetovka

The pike perch is passed on roundabout (visiting of quay and the Genoa fortress of enthusiasm in group on 80 % consisting of feodosijtsev for some reason has not caused). On a ring we leave towards an autocamping of "Kapsel". Long lifting, descent and we in Kapseli. On a beach "Meganom" we stop for a dinner and bathing. Not strongly relaxing (the sea, the sun, a beach - and it would not be desirable to go any more) we leave on the Solar Valley. Lifting we go everyone in the rhythm.
Lifting from Meganoma to the Solar valley of special complexities has not caused (one short stop in Bogatovke with whom it is better to replace with a stop near a tasting room of Arhaderesse). Attention! To count on replenishment of water-supplies in Bogatovke it is not necessary! (Unless-that mineral water from shop)

We would stop what to pull together group (everyone overcame lifting in the rhythm). Descent in Shchebetovku is the streamer demanding special attention. Two turns of a streamer have an angle of rotation of more than 90 degrees, therefore speed on descent it is desirable not to increase more than 28-30 km/h. The camp is broken in wood over on Shchebetovsky lake. A fire, tea till one o'clock in the morning, campaign discussion, and in the morning... But it is already next day.
Day last
SHCHebetovka - Koktebel - Feodosiya

From an arch "the Country of cognacs" and to Feodosiya we move without stops (to do a stop in the end of descent at departure on the Simferopol highway better). At 13:00 we stop for a final photo, repair of a puncture and the announcement of successful end of a campaign.
On the future: it is necessary to include In a route dnevku in the Kutlaksky bay
Alexey Korobko. Feodosiya.