Improbable adventure of our family
Written by Головко Оксана, Донецк

About a family campaign on "to Water and Stones" 6/6/2010
So, has passed(taken place) only two weeks as the improbable adventure of our family under the name «WATER and STONES» has ended. And we still do not stop till now to consider(examine) the photos brought of a campaign, and also a photo of our friends which they send by e-mail. And at night in the sleep still we go on mountains, we go down in caves, we sit near a fire.
And all has begun long before the beginning of summer …
Chapter 1. «Holiday not as at all and not as always».

In the end of winter, and this year it(she) was very snow and cold we have decided to spend holiday not as all and not as always. Has inspired us on this photo of my acquaintance which is simply enamoured of Crimea. I it(him) even for fun name "Krymofilom". And here we too have decided to descend(go) in a campaign all family. I, my husband and the 9-year-old son. I have called the friend and have told about our ideas. It(He) was glad, but, unfortunately, the company makes to us could not, as holidays at our family and it(him) did not coincide. But with big pleasure has prompted where to buy "regimentals", cards(maps) etc. we sat in the Evenings on the Internet read for tourist tents, backpacks, footwear, clothes as speak «who is informed, that is armed». Have started to go on tourist shops to look, ask the price, after all in our variant all needed to be multiplied by three.

But on former there was opened a question with whom to go to a campaign, and on what route. After all though we went to Crimea to have a rest already and not the first time, but one business to lie on a beach «a paunch up» and absolutely another to go on mountains, and also with the child.
And one fine day I have come across a site of the pedestrian campaigns across Crimea, have read about routes, responses of people, recommendations and … having shown to the husband, the decision unanimously to go to a campaign «WATER and STONES» which will be organised by Cyril Jasko was accepted.

And time flied so quickly, after all so much all needed to be bought. We went to a campaign for the first time in lives, therefore anything, was not absolute anything at us. We have made the list of necessary equipment and things which were necessary for us in a campaign, and bought everything as I already wrote, multiplying by three. In our family any euphoria reigned.
But I will tell at once, our relatives at first were not delighted with our idea. They can be understood, they worried, but when have learnt that we go not that we will have a conductor, have a little calmed down.
And here the beginning of June. All necessary equipment tickets to Simferopol (tickets have bought for 45 days since in the summer during a season it is a problem) are bought, bought also. Time of gathering, a surname and a conductor name … is already known
Chapter 2. "Trekking tour"
Day 1.

from Donetsk we have arrived To Simferopol early in the morning, have handed over backpacks in a left-luggage office and have gone for a walk on a city since before gathering of group we had even 3 hours. At 9-30 we in the appointed place. Through any time to us have approached(suited) the guy with the girl and have asked, on what route we go. It have appeared Elena and Justas. Children to you greetings! Having heard the route name, Jura has approached(suited) to us, and later Alexander also. Through any time there was one more guy-dmitry. Cyril with Svetlana in due time has come, and have presented us of our conductor-aleksandra, Sanja greetings! The last accepted Sergey.
So, us 10 persons together with a conductor. Products are distributed(allocated) between participants of a campaign and packed into backpacks (to us with Lena has carried, we had basically a man's group, therefore the basic weight our men, for what it(him) bore(carried) many thanks). A photo for memory in "big city" and in a way.

By a trolley bus we have reached to with. perevalnoe and there, as they say, we have said goodbye to a civilisation becoming on «ishachju a track». Lifting was not difficult(complex), but personally to me, as to the beginner who has arrived from a city of mines and factories, not having any physical preparation, a leading sedentary image of work as I the bookkeeper, was tjazhelovato. From surplus of pure air, smells of colours(flowers) and grasses the head was turned. But as they say jokes - a humourous catchphrase, with stops we have reached "Wind rose" top. When we sat at top, its(her) name - very much a penetrating wind became clear. And from different directions. But a kind which opened to us … very beautifully, and in the sky hawks soared!
Having gone down from top, we have gone to the equipped cave Emine-bair - Hosar. Having put on more warmly because in a cave of all +5áмы have gone(send) on excursion. We the first time were in a cave. Very beautifully and unusually. My son, having looked at remains of a mammoth, has told that represented a mammoth to itself a little another - as in an animated cartoon - big and shaggy.

By the way about my son, to it(him) of 9 years and it(he), as well as we, the first time has gone to a campaign. If, fairly, there were doubts to take it(him) with themselves or not. And can send it(him) in children's camp for the period of our campaign? But it would be not fair, to deprive of the child of impressions about a joint campaign with parents. I worried, whether bude to it(him) it is heavy, whether it(he) can pass all way on the same level with adults. Whether it(he) will freeze at night in tent. Whether he will eat meal prepared on a fire.
But all my doubts were vain!!! It(He) has appeared the good fellow. The Trekking tour(campaign) was gave to it(him) easily, he went in advance together with a conductor, was lost in admiration from an event, worried for lagging behind (about me and my colleague from Moscow - Juru) everywhere and in all tried to imitate our conductor, even on halts Danin the backpack lay near to a backpack Sledge. Ate everything that prepared and to sleep laid down without everyone ugovarivanija, be all in. And for the morning, indifferently «forward and from songs» to new tops, falls, valleys, canyons. Children even played a trick that it(he) in a backpack bears(carries) batteries from which it is charged. And if it is serious, in a backpack it(he) bore(carried) the sleeping bag, a rug, a raincoat, a small lamp, the things and our ware. In general, its(his) backpack weighed not much few(not enough;poorly) 7 kg.

… having looked at a cave having made many photos, having had a bite, we have gone to our first place of spending the night. We spent the night under the grotto arch. Weather frowned a little, became cold. We have put the tents, children have collected fire wood and have kindled a fire. Behind a tasty supper, under crackling of a fire we have got acquainted more close. We had international group of 3 children of Moscow, our family of Donetsk, Berdyansk, Partenit, Makeyevka, Saki of absolutely different age and different trades with different hobbies, but can declare with full responsibility ALL CHILDREN SIMPLY SUPER!!! Having sat a little, we have gone on "houses" so we named our tents for fun. There was a heavy rain, a lightning, a thunder-storm at night. Morning too was cloudy, the rain broke(was broken).
Day 2.

We with the husband have woken up early but as it has appeared not only we did not sleep any more. Lena and Jura already too have woken up, and the decision to descend(go) behind water in not equipped cave where Sanja drove children in the evening among which there was also Elena was accepted. Elena - our "Susanin" in search of water. We have found a cave not at once, a little bit "poblukali", but all the same Lena has resulted(brought) us correctly. This cave differed from that which we visited(attended) yesterday cardinally: light any to you, very darkly, skolzko, syro but AS it is interesting!!! We as cave explorers prolazili through narrow passes in search of water.
… having had breakfast, and having collected camp, we have crossed covered with karstic funnels and numerous caves the bottom plateau. After long lifting we should appear on one of the highest tops of Crimea - the Eklizi-breaker (1527м), but from - for very strong fog, weather spoilt and was unpredictable, we have risen on height on 100 metres less, and our conductor has made decision to begin descent on a southern slope.
The second our parking was in very beautiful place - beechen wood. I want to notice that all our parking were on - to the are beautiful.
Day 3.

… through beechen wood and the run wild high-mountainous gardens we have gone to a way. By a dinner we have risen on top of Southern Demerdzhi. This day we were found by(with) a rain (unique time) for all campaign we have got wet. Road razmokla, lifting was long to the Valley of ghosts we this day have not reached, and have set up camp in gorge. The mood has somehow fallen. We have got wet, were tired, the fire was not kindled (around was very much syro). But our men have not surrendered, somehow the fire is inflamed, moreover what!!! The supper is prepared, the footwear and clothes are dried also we were warmed … Sat long this evening, laughed, told jokes, played game, were photographed. And having looked round in the morning, have seen that spent the night in very picturesque place, sat too in the morning at a fire stirred(chattered), drank tea and left in a way hours per 12 days.
Day 4.

Our way upward passed(took place) through stone chaos (a congestion of huge boulders) and the well-known Valley of ghosts (the whole garden from freakish stone columns). Weather pleased, mood excellent. In the Valley of ghosts we even have fooled about (Lena and Justas have dressed the raincoats and represented ghosts). Danja whence has resulted(brought) a goat who was grazed in a valley and it was lost. Our group has fed with its(her) sweets, it(she) with us has made a photo for memory, and we have gone to a way. We have broken the camp in a birchwood (tourist's parking of Dzhurla). Men have taken freshening shower in a stone bath of falls of Dzhurla. This evening long did not sit and have dispersed(differed) on "houses" somehow early.
Day 5.

Morning. We have slowly breakfast, we collect camp. And in some hours of travel on a slope of Demerdzhi we leave to gorge Haphal. Here there are the deepest falls of Crimea - Dzhur-Dzhur. Very beautiful show. Usually travellers on it also stop. Our conductor conducts us further - for falls. There there are the most interesting cascades. Near one of them we also have stayed the night under sounds of falling water.
It is our last night in a campaign in this time we have already become friends, such impression that knew already the friend - the friend of years hundred. Much all saw, have together worried much. Sat and drove away from itself thought that tomorrow already it is necessary to leave. Sat and remembered that only recently met in Simferopol that only there was a beginning of a campaign and as one instant all comes to an end. Have exchanged electronic addresses, phones, and the decision to meet exactly in a year the same structure during the same time, but only on other route in a campaign in Crimea was unanimously accepted. Sat long, and it would not be desirable to sleep ….
Day 6.
Day of the sixth. proshchanja day. Having collected camp we have gone down to with. General, therefrom on a passing onboard UAZ we have approached(dropped in) to with. Solnechnogorska. The sea. Yes, we it(him) saw for 2 day after lifting on top - the Eklizi-breaker and now it before us. Having abandoned backpacks, all have rushed off to bathe. And in a head only one, we have made it!!! We have passed(taken place)!!!
Chapter 3. "Epilogue"

To a campaign I thought that I "not marching", but I was mistaken. I, my family, our friends have received unforgettable impressions. The organism can and received shock from constant descents and liftings, loadings. But I know precisely that there was any reboot of an organism, adrenaline injection.
I know precisely that our son will remember the first campaign all life. Also I know precisely that it not last our adventure.
I want, to tell many thanks to our conductor - to Alexander Arhipov that was a number, that showed unusual beauty of a place, for tasty meal on a fire. Sanja, big to you thanks!!!
Thanks all children in our group for support, for the company. Our group was really very amicable.
Golovko Oksana, Alexey and Danja Donetsk