That to us a snow, that to us a rain... But we always remain
Written by Ольга Челнокова![](
To tell the truth, when I have decided to go to a hike to Crimea, I did not know what to expect from it(him) and as it will be. Probably, I represented years(summer) walk on mountains only with a backpack on shoulders more. And here is how it has left... Day the first.
There were all of us at station in Simferopol. Anybody each other did not know, but somehow very quickly all have got acquainted, and became cheerful from first minutes. All has begun with distribution of meal. Frankly speaking, thought, that me the porridge as my friend and what my surprise when in our menu I have seen pastes, sprats was warned me, tushenku wait only, some sausage, cheese, dried fruit and even chocolate. Very quickly all have stuffed on the backpacks, and have gone(send) on a stop where should sit down on a trolley bus which will take away us in far mountains.
We, certainly, all expected bad weather, but that that was in first our marching day, has surpassed all our expectations. Not the most pleasant sensation when on you almost stenoju pours a rain, and still this never-ending rise … Went long, stopping often, all wet through, squelching water in krossovkah. If all all over again pools also tried to bypass and in a dirt storonoju then it is fast on it have hammered and walked as soldiers, not paying attention to obstacles. And, at last, we have risen, all dripping wet and dreamed of heat and a cosiness.
As to us have then told, send(have left) we on a plateau of mountain "CHetyrdak" (chatyr-сбъ) where to us our conductor Taras (by the way, separate thanks, I think, all group will express it(him)) has suggested to stop for the night in a camp site, to be dried up and to not become wet at night in tents. All, certainly, have agreed, because any of us could be squeezed out, though have initially been adjusted(have initially been set up) and on tents under a rain))). There we also were warmed, have eaten, have drunk(cut) for a day a birth and even have removed(have taken off) a sauna))))
Day of the second.
Have woken up dry in heat, have looked out on street and have smiled., certainly, nobody waited for the sun, but to absence of a rain were glad everything, however the fog us pursued all. All company have gone(send) to cave "emine-нбїУ-Х«ЯбУ" (long remembered, and eventually it has made). There separate thanks the guide, to it(he) amused us with all the heart. In a cave I was for the first time and it(this) to not describe, there it is necessary to visit.
Were photographed on a snow, had a bite candies which were from above in backpacks, and had a little a rest. Long to be late there to us it was not necessary, as a strong wind and a rain which has overtaken us, quickly drove to a way.)))
Descent(Release) was already easier, though the fog pursued us everywhere. In such conditions you understand what to lag behind it is impossible, as in meters 5 any more do not see the person. But all each other waited, were very close(attentive), therefore have done without losses and without traumas. At last have gone down in a beechen glade, razozhgli a fire, have put tents and it there was our first night in tents under a rain))) very quickly all have made friends, began to play favourite as I understand marching game "Mafia", and to us already was all the same on a rain and wet things.
Day the third.
Have woken up under singing of birds, but in a fog … To sleep on the ground - not the best pleasure, bones everyone hurt, muscles for 2 days of active walking have an effect. These are houses it is possible to luxuriate in warm bed, here it wanted to rise and drink very quickly hot to tea.
Were and on glade MAN, the truth again because of the same fog, we could not make out all charm of this place, but weather))) is those. And even going to a fog, and such you will not meet in Moscow, I was pleased. If to think, we not in a fog, we went in clouds)) and when saw the eyes that looked only in films earlier, at me grasped breath. We named ourselves « hedgehogs in a fog ». On parking send(have come) again all wet, hungry and dirty knee-deep))) Hot tea, a porridge prepared on a fire and the good company - and all it became good. What can be better?!!!
Day the fourth.
And here it, at last the sun which we so long waited. For pleasure we with little girls have run is direct since morning to wash a head in a local spring. I do not know, how we on it were solved, but to us was all the same. Ice water which simply burns a head, was simply magnificent. And if in these conditions to you someone will tell: « that it is impossible so - it is possible to be ill » - you will simply laugh. In hikes do not fall ill!!!!!
And as it is usual, a supper prepared on a fire, hot tea, and today besides and noise of water - pleasantly accompanied our evening.
Day the fifth.
After an appetizing dinner we send(have come) in Suat where have decided to stop for the night, but there were only three hours, and under the plan we should reach up to a Karatau. The most proof, all children(guys) and I, have decided to subdue this mountain, other little girls have remained to guard our place. I represented small walk up to a number(line) of a settled down mountain. But as I was mistaken!!! Though and nalegke, but the way was not easy(light). And again rise!!!!
To sit there long it was not necessary, the strong wind has quickly driven us also we began to come back to ours girls. When we send(have come), at once have noticed, how the place for parking by the same groups of tourists, as well as we was filled. This time we had well very noisy neighbours who well very loudly sang songs.
Day of the sixth.
Have woken up as always all with good mood, in fact to us the sun again shone. But here Andrey who had a communication(connection) with high technologies, has reported, that there will be a rain in the evening and there will be not one day. Certainly, we did not wish to trust it(him), and hoped for the best!!!
The rain all went. On that place we were one, a number(line) was not any company. We razozhgli a fire under a rain, skipjatili water, and here have recollected the some people about the stocks, namely about hot mugs(circles) "Maggi" and "роллтон-mashed potatoes". Have eaten all and up to last spoon))) the Rain has ended also we had time to dry up the footwear and clothes, even sleeping bags which for all this time have already dampened enough. A fire, comprehension of that you are at height in 1000 meters and heat sits near is a fine sensation. Someone has quickly enough gone to sleep, and we four together (I, Anton, Andrey and Cyril) have remained, and began to communicate simply near a fire. Nearby 12 we have gone(send) to sleep. I knew, that most likely, it will be last night in mountains
Day of the seventh.
When I have woken up, to leave to me it would not be desirable at all, outside there was a rain. I heard that already do(make) a breakfast and knew that it is necessary to leave, differently I shall remain without tea)))))) Having had breakfast and having gathered(been going), Taras to us has told, that we shall go down on cheginitarskomu to gorge and if weather will not be adjusted that we we can go down up to "Fishing", and there already remove(already take off) habitation and to be near exhausting in heat. Nobody objected. 7 days in mountains, and for the some people for the first time, it already are a lot of and basically enough to understand all of charm of such rest.
Olga Chelnokova.